#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 from random import randint, uniform from math import sqrt from jinja2 import Template """ Generate expression for litteral calculous 3 types of expression (a, b, c != 0, 1) 1 -> ax + b and eval for x != -b / a 2 -> ax(bx + c) and eval for x != 0 and x != -c / b 3 -> ax^2 + b and eval for x != +-sqrt(b/a) (if a and b have same sign) """ def gene_type1(min_ = -10, max_ = 10): """@todo: Docstring for gene_type1 :param min_: @todo :param max_: @todo :returns: @todo """ a, b = 0, 0 while (b in [0]) or (a in [0, 1]): a = randint(min_, max_) b = randint(1, max_) return "{}x + {}".format(a,b), [-b/a] def gene_type2(min_, max_): """@todo: Docstring for gene_type2 :param min_: @todo :param max_: @todo :returns: @todo """ a, b, c = 0, 0, 0 while (a in [0, 1]) or (b in [0, 1]) or c in [0]: a = randint(min_, max_) b = randint(min_, max_) c = randint(1, max_) return "{}x({}x + {})".format(a,b,c), [0, -c/b] def gene_type3(min_ = -10, max_ = 10): """@todo: Docstring for gene_type3 :param min_: @todo :param max_: @todo :returns: @todo """ a, b = 0, 0 while (b in [0]) or (a in [0, 1]): a = randint(min_, max_) b = randint(1, max_) if a*(-b) > 0: VI = [-sqrt(-b/a), sqrt(-b/a)] else: VI = [] return "{}x^2 + {}".format(a,b), VI def get_goodX(VI, approx = 0, min_ = -10, max_ = 10): """@todo: Docstring for get_goodX :param VI: @todo :returns: @todo """ x = uniform(min_, max_) if approx == 0: x = int(x) else: x = round(x,approx) while x in VI: x = uniform(min_, max_) if approx == 0: x = int(x) else: x = round(x,approx) return x def fullExo(min_ = -10 , max_ = 10): """Generate the whole exo :param min_: @todo :param max_: @todo :returns: @todo """ template = Template(""" \\begin{equation*} A = {{type1}} \\qquad B = {{type2}} \\qquad C = {{type3}} \\end{equation*} Évaluer $A$, $B$ et $C$ pour $x = {{x1}}$ puis $x = {{x2}}$""") type1, VI1 = gene_type1(min_, max_) type2, VI2 = gene_type2(min_, max_) type3, VI3 = gene_type3(min_, max_) VI = VI1 + VI2 + VI3 x1, x2 = get_goodX(VI), get_goodX(VI, approx = 1) info = {"type1": type1, "type2": type2, "type3": type3, "x1":x1, "x2":x2} exo = template.render(**info) return exo if __name__ == '__main__': print(fullExo()) # ----------------------------- # Reglages pour 'vim' # vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # cursor: 16 del