CM pour les 601

This commit is contained in:
Bertrand Benjamin 2018-04-16 09:38:15 +03:00
parent a726a89b1e
commit 932111ea02
9 changed files with 392 additions and 0 deletions

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
\begin{frame}{Calcul mental}
\huge 30 secondes par calcul
\begin{frame}{Calcul 1}
\begin{tikzpicture}[cap=round, rotate=90, transform canvas={scale=0.45}]
\begin{frame}{Calcul 2}
87 : 4 =
\begin{frame}{Calcul 3}
Compléter la valeur manquante
Nombre de sacs & 3 & 6 \\
Prix & ... & 36 \\
\begin{frame}{Calcul 4}
Classer en ordre croissant (\SignalBar{e})
2,5 \hspace{2cm}
2,30 \hspace{2cm}
2,05 \hspace{2cm}
\huge On retourne son papier.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
\begin{frame}{Calcul mental}
\huge 30 secondes par calcul
\begin{frame}{Calcul 1}
\begin{tikzpicture}[cap=round, rotate=90, transform canvas={scale=0.45}]
\begin{frame}{Calcul 2}
124 : 8 =
\begin{frame}{Calcul 3}
Compléter la valeur manquante
Nombre de sacs & 3 & 6 \\
Prix & 12 & ... \\
\begin{frame}{Calcul 4}
Classer en ordre croissant (\SignalBar{e})
7,4 \hspace{2cm}
6,5 \hspace{2cm}
6,9 \hspace{2cm}
\huge On retourne son papier.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
\begin{frame}{Calcul mental}
\huge 30 secondes par calcul
\begin{frame}{Calcul 1}
\begin{tikzpicture}[cap=round, rotate=90, transform canvas={scale=0.45}]
\begin{frame}{Calcul 2}
160 : 8 =
\begin{frame}{Calcul 3}
Compléter la valeur manquante
Nombre de sacs & 5 & 6 \\
Prix & 45 & ... \\
\begin{frame}{Calcul 4}
Classer en ordre croissant (\SignalBar{e})
7,21 \hspace{2cm}
7,5 \hspace{2cm}
6,9 \hspace{2cm}
\huge On retourne son papier.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
\begin{frame}{Calcul mental}
\huge 30 secondes par calcul
\begin{frame}{Calcul 1}
\begin{tikzpicture}[cap=round, rotate=90, transform canvas={scale=0.45}]
\begin{frame}{Calcul 2}
140 : 8 =
\begin{frame}{Calcul 3}
Compléter la valeur manquante
Nombre de sacs & 5 & 10 \\
Prix & 25 & ... \\
\begin{frame}{Calcul 4}
Classer en ordre croissant (\SignalBar{e})
4,5 \hspace{2cm}
4,8 \hspace{2cm}
4,32 \hspace{2cm}
\huge On retourne son papier.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
% colors
\colorlet{minutes color}{blue!50!cyan!70!black}
\colorlet{bg hours 0}{yellow}
\colorlet{bg hours 1}{red!50}
\colorlet{hours color}{red!80!black}
% styles
minutes/.style={circle,inner sep=0,text width=5mm,align=center,font=\bfseries},
minutes 0/.style={fill=minutes color,text=white,minutes},
minutes 1/.style={text=minutes color,fill=white,minutes},
minutes font/.style={font=\normalsize},
hours/.style={font=\fontsize{60}{66}\selectfont\bfseries,text=hours color,align=center},
mini hours font/.style={font=\fontsize{40}{46}\selectfont\bfseries},
% radii
\pgfmathsetmacro\minihourradius{(\minihourmaxradius + \minihourminradius)*.5}
% big circle
\filldraw [fill=white,draw=minutes color] (0,0) circle (\bigradius);
% minutes marks
\foreach \angle[count=\c from 0,evaluate={\c as \hourmark using notequal(int(mod(\c,5)),0)}]
in {0,6,...,354}{ \path (-\angle:\minuteradius) node[minutes \hourmark]{\c}; }
% hours marks
\foreach \angle[count=\c from 1,evaluate={\c as \col using int(mod(\c,2))}] in {30,60,...,360}{
\path (-\angle:\hourradius) node[hours]{\c};
\path[fill=bg hours \col]
(-\angle:\minihourminradius) -- (-\angle:\minihourmaxradius)
arc(-\angle:-\angle-30:\minihourmaxradius) -- (-\angle-30:\minihourminradius)
arc(-\angle-30:-\angle:\minihourminradius) -- cycle;
\path (-\angle-15:\minihourradius pt) node[mini hours font]{\textcolor{white}{\contour{hours color}{\c}}};
% hands
\fill[rotate=\hourangle,fill=hours color] ++(0,\hourwidth) arc(90:270:\hourwidth) -- ++(50mm,0)
-- ++(\hourwidth,\hourwidth) -- ++(-\hourwidth,\hourwidth) -- ++(-50mm,0) -- cycle ;
\fill[rotate=\minuteangle,fill=minutes color] ++(0,\minutewidth) arc(90:270:\minutewidth) -- ++(70mm,0)
-- ++(\minutewidth,\minutewidth) -- ++(-\minutewidth,\minutewidth) -- ++(-70mm,0) -- cycle ;
\draw (0,0) circle (2cm);
\foreach \angle / \label in
{0/3, 30/2, 60/1, 90/12, 120/11, 150/10, 180/9,
210/8, 240/7, 270/6, 300/5, 330/4}
\draw (\angle:1.8cm) -- (\angle:2cm);
\draw (\angle:1.4cm) node{\textsf{\label}};
\foreach \angle[count=\c from 0] in {0,6,...,354}
\draw (\angle:1.9cm) -- (\angle:2cm);
\draw[rotate=90] (0,0) -- (-#1*30-#2*30/60:0.7cm); % hours
\draw[rotate=90] (0,0) -- (-#2*6:1.2cm); % minutes
\path [fill=black] (0,0) circle (3pt);
\path [fill=red] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
% colors
\colorlet{minutes color}{blue!50!cyan!70!black}
\colorlet{bg hours 0}{yellow}
\colorlet{bg hours 1}{red!50}
\colorlet{hours color}{red!80!black}
% styles
minutes/.style={circle,inner sep=0,text width=5mm,align=center,font=\bfseries},
minutes 0/.style={fill=minutes color,text=white,minutes},
minutes 1/.style={text=minutes color,fill=white,minutes},
minutes font/.style={font=\normalsize},
hours/.style={font=\fontsize{60}{66}\selectfont\bfseries,text=hours color,align=center},
mini hours font/.style={font=\fontsize{40}{46}\selectfont\bfseries},
% radii
\pgfmathsetmacro\minihourradius{(\minihourmaxradius + \minihourminradius)*.5}
% big circle
\filldraw [fill=white,draw=minutes color] (0,0) circle (\bigradius);
% minutes marks
\foreach \angle[count=\c from 0,evaluate={\c as \hourmark using notequal(int(mod(\c,5)),0)}]
in {0,6,...,354}{ \path (-\angle:\minuteradius) node[minutes \hourmark]{\c}; }
% hours marks
\foreach \angle[count=\c from 1,evaluate={\c as \col using int(mod(\c,2))}] in {30,60,...,360}{
\path (-\angle:\hourradius) node[hours]{\c};
\path[fill=bg hours \col]
(-\angle:\minihourminradius) -- (-\angle:\minihourmaxradius)
arc(-\angle:-\angle-30:\minihourmaxradius) -- (-\angle-30:\minihourminradius)
arc(-\angle-30:-\angle:\minihourminradius) -- cycle;
\path (-\angle-15:\minihourradius pt) node[mini hours font]{\textcolor{white}{\contour{hours color}{\c}}};
\path [fill=black] (0,0) circle (3mm);
\path [fill=red] (0,0) circle (1.5mm);
\draw (0,0) circle (2cm);
\foreach \angle / \label in
{0/3, 30/2, 60/1, 90/12, 120/11, 150/10, 180/9,
210/8, 240/7, 270/6, 300/5, 330/4}
\draw (\angle:1.8cm) -- (\angle:2cm);
\draw (\angle:1.4cm) node{\textsf{\label}};
\foreach \angle[count=\c from 0] in {0,6,...,354}
\draw (\angle:1.9cm) -- (\angle:2cm);
\path [fill=black] (0,0) circle (3pt);
\path [fill=red] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);