\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Raccourcis % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Ensembles \newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}} %\newcommand{\D}{\mathbb{D}} \newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}} % intervalles ouvert ouvert \newcommand{\intOO}[2]{\left]{#1}\,{;}\,{#2}\right[} % intervalles ouvert fermé \newcommand{\intOF}[2]{\left]{#1}\,{;}\,{#2}\right]} % intervalles fermé ouvert \newcommand{\intFO}[2]{\left[{#1}\,{;}\,{#2}\right[} % intervalles fermé fermé \newcommand{\intFF}[2]{\left[{#1}\,{;}\,{#2}\right]} %% Vecteurs % représentation d'un vecteur \renewcommand{\vec}[1]{\overrightarrow{#1}} % Norme d'un vecteur \newcommand{\norme}[1]{||\vec{#1}||} % Produit scalaire \newcommand{\scal}[2]{\vec{#1} \cdot \vec{#2}} \newcommand{\vectCoord}[2]{% {\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1}% \left(\begin{array}{c} #1 \\ #2 \end{array} \right)% }% } %% Proba \newcommand{\coefBino}[2]{\vectCoord{#1}{#2}} %% Logique \renewcommand{\equiv}{\Leftrightarrow} %% Calculatrice \usepackage{listings} \newcommand{\calc}[1]{\Ovalbox{\lstinline|#1|}} %\newcommand{\calc}[1]{\verb!#1!} %% Autres \newcommand{\TODO}[1]{\textcolor{red}{note(#1)}} %% Poser des opérations % \RequirePackage[letterspace=500]{microtype} % \newcommand{\poseOP}[3]{% % \textls{ % $\begin{array}{cr} % & #1 \\[-0.3cm] % #2 & #3 \\ % \hline % & % \end{array}$} % } % Icones \newcommand{\icon}[2][scale=0.4]{% \includegraphics[#1]{icons/#2.png}% } % Icones des compétences \newcommand{\iconScale}{0.3} \newcommand{\Cher}[1][scale=\iconScale]{% \icon[#1]{card-pick} } \newcommand{\Mod}[1][scale=\iconScale]{% \icon[#1]{processor} } \newcommand{\Rep}[1][scale=\iconScale]{% \icon[#1]{chart} } \newcommand{\Rai}[1][scale=\iconScale]{% \icon[#1]{brain} %\icon[#1]{gears} } \newcommand{\Cal}[1][scale=\iconScale]{% \icon[#1]{computing} } \newcommand{\Com}[1][scale=\iconScale]{% \icon[#1]{conversation} } \newcommand{\Con}[1][scale=\iconScale]{% \icon[#1]{book-cover} } % Pour l'évaluation par compétence \usepackage{tikzsymbols} \usetikzlibrary{babel} \RequirePackage{xstring} \newcommand{\RepLevel}[1]{% \IfEqCase{#1}{% {.}{\Xey[2]}% {0}{\Changey[2]{-1}}% {1}{\Changey[2][black!20]{0}}% {2}{\Changey[2][black!40]{1}}% {3}{\Cooley[2][black!60]}% }[\PackageError{Rep}{Undefinded type of answer: #1}{}]% } \newcommand{\RepT}{\Cooley[2][black!70]} \newcommand{\RepD}{\Changey[2][black!40]{1}} \newcommand{\RepU}{\Changey[2][black!10]{0}} \newcommand{\RepZ}{\Changey[2]{-1}} \newcommand{\NoRep}{\Xey[2]} \newcommand{\EmptySignalBar}{% \draw (0, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 1); \draw (1, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 2); \draw (2, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 3); \draw (3, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 4); } \newcommand{\filledSignalBar}[1]{% \IfEqCase{#1}{% {3}{% \filldraw[fill=OliveGreen] (0, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 1); \filldraw[fill=OliveGreen] (1, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 2); \filldraw[fill=OliveGreen] (2, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 3); \filldraw[fill=OliveGreen] (3, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 4); } {2}{% \filldraw[fill=Green] (0, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 1); \filldraw[fill=Green] (1, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 2); \filldraw[fill=Green] (2, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 3); } {1}{% \filldraw[fill=yellow] (0, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 1); \filldraw[fill=yellow] (1, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 2); } {0}{% \filldraw[fill=red] (0, 0) rectangle ++(0.8, 1); } }[\PackageError{Assesment}{Undefinded type of answer: #1}{}]% } \newcommand{\SignalBar}[1]{% \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.15] \EmptySignalBar \filledSignalBar{#1} \end{tikzpicture} } \newcommand{\Assesment}[1]{% \SignalBar{#1} \IfEqCase{#1}{% {3}{% Très bonne maîtrise% }% {2}{% Maîtrise satisfaisante }% {1}{% Maîtrise fragile% }% {0}{% Maîtrise insufisante% }% }[\PackageError{Assesment}{Undefinded type of answer: #1}{}]% } % ########################## % Tikz shortcuts % ########################## % Les dessins \RequirePackage{tikz} %% le cercle trigo \newcommand{\cercleTrigo}% {% \draw[->, very thick] (-1.2,0) -- (1.3, 0); \draw[->, very thick] (0,-1.2) -- (0,1.3); \draw[very thick] (0,0) circle (1); \draw (0,0) node[below left] {$O$}; \draw (1,0) node[below right] {$I$}; \draw (0,1) node[above left] {$J$}; } %% Le repère orthonormé avec la grille %%% \repere{xmin}{xmax}{ymin}{ymax} \newcommand{\repere}[4]% {% \draw[very thin, gray] (#1,#3) grid (#2,#4); \draw[->, very thick] (#1,0) -- (#2,0); \draw[->, very thick] (0,#3) -- (0,#4); \draw (0,0) node[below right, scale=0.7 ] {$O$}; \draw (0,1) node {-} node[left] {$J$}; \draw (1,0) node[rotate=90] {-} node[below] {$I$}; } \newcommand{\repereNoGrid}[4]% {% \draw[->, very thick] (#1,0) -- (#2,0); \draw[->, very thick] (0,#3) -- (0,#4); } %% Diagramme boite %%% \boxplot{Vertical Center}{min}{Q1}{Me}{Q3}{Max} \newcommand{\boxplot}[6]% {% \filldraw[color=highlightbg, draw=text] (#3, {#1 - 0.5}) rectangle (#5, {#1 + 0.5}); \draw (#2, {#1 - 0.5}) -- (#2, {#1 + 0.5}) node[above] {$Min$}; \draw (#3, {#1 - 0.5}) -- (#3, {#1 + 0.5}) node[above] {$Q_1$}; \draw (#4, {#1 - 0.5}) -- (#4, {#1 + 0.5}) node[above] {$Me$}; \draw (#5, {#1 - 0.5}) -- (#5, {#1 + 0.5}) node[above] {$Q_3$}; \draw (#6, {#1 - 0.5}) -- (#6, {#1 + 0.5}) node[above] {$Max$}; \draw (#2, #1) -- (#3, #1); \draw (#5, #1) -- (#6, #1); %\draw ({(#2 +#3)/2}, #1) node[above] {25\%}; %\draw ({(#3 +#4)/2}, #1) node[above] {25\%}; %\draw ({(#4 +#5)/2}, #1) node[above] {25\%}; %\draw ({(#5 +#6)/2}, #1) node[above] {25\%}; } \newcommand{\boxplotNoNames}[6]% {% \filldraw[color=highlightbg, draw=text] (#3, {#1 - 0.5}) rectangle (#5, {#1 + 0.5}); \draw (#2, {#1 - 0.5}) -- (#2, {#1 + 0.5}); \draw (#3, {#1 - 0.5}) -- (#3, {#1 + 0.5}); \draw (#4, {#1 - 0.5}) -- (#4, {#1 + 0.5}); \draw (#5, {#1 - 0.5}) -- (#5, {#1 + 0.5}); \draw (#6, {#1 - 0.5}) -- (#6, {#1 + 0.5}); \draw (#2, #1) -- (#3, #1); \draw (#5, #1) -- (#6, #1); }