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2020-12-17 10:00:49 +00:00
\author{Benjamin Bertrand}
\title{Prolongement géométrique vers exponentiel - Exercices}
\date{Décembre 2020}
\section{Taux d'évolution moyen}
\begin{definition}[Taux d'évolution moyen]
On note $t_m$ le taux d'évolution et $T$ le taux d'évolution global et $n$ le nombre de 'sous-évolutions'. Alors
1 + T = (1 + t_m)^n \qquad \qquad 1 + t_m = (1 + T)^{\frac{1}{n}}
roundnode/.style={circle, draw=highlightbg, fill=green!5, very thick, minimum size=3mm},
node distance=2cm and 2cm
\node[roundnode] (termA) {\makebox[0.5cm]{}};
\node[roundnode] (termB) [right=of termA] {\makebox[0.5cm]{}};
\node[roundnode] (termC) [right=of termB] {\makebox[0.5cm]{}};
\node[roundnode] (termD) [right=of termC] {\makebox[0.5cm]{}};
\path[->] (termA.north) edge [bend left] node [above] {$+t_m$} node [below] {$\times (1+t_m)$} (termB.north) ;
\path[->] (termB.north) edge [bend left] node [above] {$+t_m$} node [below] {$\times (1+t_m)$} (termC.north) ;
\path[->] (termC.north) edge [bend left] node [above] {$+t_m$} node [below] {$\times (1+t_m)$} (termD.north) ;
\path[->] (termA.south) edge [bend right] node [above] {$+t_m$} node [below] {$\times (1+T)$} (termD.south);
\section{Taux d'évolution moyen}
\begin{definition}[Taux d'évolution moyen]
On note $t_m$ le taux d'évolution et $T$ le taux d'évolution global et $n$ le nombre de 'sous-évolutions'. Alors
1 + T = (1 + t_m)^n \qquad \qquad 1 + t_m = (1 + T)^{\frac{1}{n}}
roundnode/.style={circle, draw=highlightbg, fill=green!5, very thick, minimum size=3mm},
node distance=2cm and 2cm
\node[roundnode] (termA) {\makebox[0.5cm]{}};
\node[roundnode] (termB) [right=of termA] {\makebox[0.5cm]{}};
\node[roundnode] (termC) [right=of termB] {\makebox[0.5cm]{}};
\node[roundnode] (termD) [right=of termC] {\makebox[0.5cm]{}};
\path[->] (termA.north) edge [bend left] node [above] {$+t_m$} node [below] {$\times (1+t_m)$} (termB.north) ;
\path[->] (termB.north) edge [bend left] node [above] {$+t_m$} node [below] {$\times (1+t_m)$} (termC.north) ;
\path[->] (termC.north) edge [bend left] node [above] {$+t_m$} node [below] {$\times (1+t_m)$} (termD.north) ;
\path[->] (termA.south) edge [bend right] node [above] {$+t_m$} node [below] {$\times (1+T)$} (termD.south);