Feat: complexification de 4E sur la lecture de graphiques

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Bertrand Benjamin 2021-09-16 10:10:59 +02:00
parent 5f5606733a
commit bb4fbd8558
2 changed files with 34 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -109,11 +109,11 @@
\begin{tikzpicture}[yscale=0.4, xscale=0.6]
\draw[very thick, color=red] plot [smooth,tension=0.2] coordinates{%
(-8,0.2) (-6,3) (-2,-4.5) (0,-2) (1,0) (3,1.5)
(-8,-0.2) (-6,-3) (-2,4.5) (0,2) (1,0) (3,-1.5)
\draw (3,1) node[above right] {$\mathcal{C}_f$};
@ -142,36 +142,52 @@
\begin{exercise}[subtitle={Lecture graphique}, step={4}, origin={???}, topics={ Fonctions et graphiques }, tags={ Fonctions, Graphiques }]
\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=0.7, yscale=0.6]
\draw (4,2) node[below left] {$\mathcal{C}_g$};
\tkzFct[domain = -6:6,color=red,very thick]%
Sur le graphique ci-dessous, on tracer les représentations graphiques des fonctions
f(x) = 0.05(x+5)(x+1)(x-4) \qquad g(x) = 0.1x^2 - 1
axis lines = center,
grid = both,
xlabel = {$x$},
xtick distance=1,
ylabel = {$y$},
ytick distance=1,
legend pos = north west,
legend entries={$f(x)$, $g(x)$}
\addplot[domain=-6:6,samples=20, color=red, very thick]{0.05*(x+5)*(x+1)*(x-4)};
\addplot[domain=-6:6,samples=20, color=blue, very thick]{0.1*x^2 - 1};
\item Résoudre graphiquement les équations suivantes
\item $g(x) = 1,5$
\item $g(x) = -2$
\item $g(x) = 3$
\item $g(x) = 0$
\item $f(x) = 2$
\item $0.1x^2 - 1 = -1$
\item $f(x) = g(x)$
\item Résoudre graphiquement les inéquations suivantes
\item $g(x) \geq 0$
\item $g(x) < -1,5$
\item $g(x) > 1 $
\item $f(x) \leq 2$
\item $g(x) > f(x)$
\item $0.05(x+5)(x+1)(x-4) > 1 $