--- - name: install required dependencies apt: name: "{{item}}" state: present update_cache: yes with_items: - git - libfuse-dev - fonts-liberation - python-pil - name: check if the epd-fuse service exists command: systemctl status epd-fuse.service check_mode: no failed_when: False changed_when: False register: epd_fuse_service - name: clone the embeddedartists gratis repository git: repo: https://github.com/embeddedartists/gratis.git dest: /home/pi/gratis - name: build the EPD driver and install the epd-fuse service shell: > COG_VERSION=V2 make rpi-epd_fuse && COG_VERSION=V2 make rpi-install args: chdir: /home/pi/gratis/PlatformWithOS when: epd_fuse_service.rc != 0 - name: ensure the epd-fuse service is enabled and started service: name: epd-fuse state: started enabled: yes