# A valid snippet should starts with:
#		snippet trigger_word [ "description" [ options ] ]
# and end with:
#		endsnippet
# Snippet options:
#		b - Beginning of line.
#		i - In-word expansion.
#		w - Word boundary.
#		r - Regular expression
#		e - Custom context snippet
#		A - Snippet will be triggered automatically, when condition matches.
# Basic example:
#		snippet emitter "emitter properties" b
#		private readonly ${1} = new Emitter<$2>()
#		public readonly ${1/^_(.*)/$1/}: Event<$2> = this.$1.event
#		endsnippet
# Online reference: https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips/blob/master/doc/UltiSnips.txt

snippet signe "tableau de signes avec tikz"
	\tkzTabInit[lgt=2,espcl=2]{$ ${1:variable} $/1,$ ${2:function} $/2}{${3:start}, ${4:zeros}, ${5:end} }
	\tkzTabLine{, ${6:signe and zeros} , }

snippet varia "tableau de variations avec tikz"
	\tkzTabInit[lgt=3,espcl=3]{$ ${1:variable} $/1, $ ${2:fonction} $/2}{${3: valeurs notables} }
	\tkzTabVar{ ${4:signe/element ou signe*2 /element G/ element D}}

snippet graph "Graphique avec tikz" b
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(a.north), xscale=1, yscale=1]
	\tkzFct[domain=-5:5,color=red,very thick]%
	{ ${1:fonction} };