Feat: clean repository

This commit is contained in:
Bertrand Benjamin 2022-04-08 19:34:22 +02:00
parent 5f0fc8bc42
commit ce98f46bca
8 changed files with 0 additions and 367 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
#from .bopytex import subject_metadatas, crazy_feed, pdfjoin
# -----------------------------
# Reglages pour 'vim'
# vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Custom filter for Bopytex
__all__ = ["do_calculus"]
def do_calculus(steps, name="A", sep="=", end="", joining=" \\\\ \n"):
"""Display properly the calculus
Generate this form string:
"name & sep & a_step end joining"
:param steps: list of steps
:returns: latex string ready to be endbeded
ans = joining.join([
name + " & "
+ sep + " & "
+ str(s) + end for s in steps
return ans
# -----------------------------
# Reglages pour 'vim'
# vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
# cursor: 16 del

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from random import randint
def pythagore_triplet(v_min = 1, v_max = 10):
"""Random pythagore triplet generator
:param v_min: minimum in randint
:param v_max: max in randint
:returns: (a,b,c) such that a^2 + b^2 = c^2
u = randint(v_min,v_max)
v = randint(v_min,v_max)
while v == u:
v = randint(v_min,v_max)
u, v = max(u,v), min(u,v)
return (u**2-v**2 , 2*u*v, u**2 + v**2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
for j in range(1,10):
for i in range(j,10):
print((i**2-j**2 , 2*i*j, i**2 + j**2))
# -----------------------------
# Reglages pour 'vim'
# vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
# cursor: 16 del

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
\Block{macro solveEquation(P)}
On commence par calculer le discriminant de $P(x) = \Var{P}$.
\Delta & = & b^2-4ac \\
\Block{if P.delta > 0}
comme $\Delta = \Var{P.delta} > 0$ donc $P$ a deux racines
x_1 & = & \frac{-b - \sqrt{\Delta}}{2a} = \frac{\Var{-P.b} - \sqrt{\Var{P.delta}}}{2 \times \Var{P.a}} = \Var{P.roots()[0] } \\
x_2 & = & \frac{-b + \sqrt{\Delta}}{2a} = \frac{\Var{-P.b} + \sqrt{\Var{P.delta}}}{2 \times \Var{P.a}} = \Var{P.roots()[1] }
Les solutions de l'équation $\Var{P} = 0$ sont donc $\mathcal{S} = \left\{ \Var{P.roots()[0]}; \Var{P.roots()[1]} \right\}$
\Block{elif P.delta == 0}
Comme $\Delta = 0$ donc $P$ a une racine
x_1 = \frac{-b}{2a} = \frac{-\Var{P.b}}{2\times \Var{P.a}} = \Var{P.roots()[0]} \\
La solution de $\Var{P} = 0$ est donc $\mathcal{S} = \left\{ \Var{P.roots()[0]}\right\}$
Alors $\Delta = \Var{P.delta} < 0$ donc $P$ n'a pas de racine donc l'équation $\Var{P} = 0$ n'a pas de solution.

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
% vim:ft=tex:
\section{Ajouts de fractions}
Adding two fractions
%- set e = Expression.random("{a} / {b} + {c} / {k*b}", ["b > 1", "k>1"])
A = \Var{e}
\Var{e.simplify().explain() | join('=')}

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
1 nom classe elo
2 Bob 1ST 1000
3 Pipo 1ST 1300
4 Popi 1ST 100
5 Boule 1ST 4000
6 Bill 1ST 1300

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@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
Benjamin Bertrand

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@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import pytest
import os
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copyfile
from bopytex.bopytex import produce_and_compile, subject_metadatas
SNIPPETS_PATH = Path("snippets/")
TEST_PATH = Path("test")
def prepare_test_template(tmp_path):
""" Create a tmp directory, copy snippets inside
return tmp directory name
tmp = tmp_path
snippets = TEST_TEMPLATE_PATH.glob("tpl_*.tex")
for s in snippets:
copyfile(s, tmp / s.name)
csvs = TEST_PATH.glob("*.csv")
for s in csvs:
copyfile(s, tmp / s.name)
prev_dir = Path.cwd()
yield tmp
def prepare_snippets(tmp_path):
""" Create a tmp directory, copy snippets inside
return tmp directory name
tmp = tmp_path
snippets = SNIPPETS_PATH.glob("tpl_*.tex")
for s in snippets:
copyfile(s, tmp / s.name)
prev_dir = Path.cwd()
yield tmp
def test_produce_and_compile_base(prepare_test_template):
test_tpl = list(Path(".").glob("tpl_*.tex"))
assert [tpl.name for tpl in test_tpl] == ["tpl_test.tex"]
for tpl in test_tpl:
"template": tpl,
"working_dir": None,
"only_corr": False,
"students_csv": None,
"number_subjects": 1,
"dirty": False,
"no_compile": False,
"no_join": False,
"corr": False,
"crazy": False,
def test_produce_and_compile_csv(prepare_test_template):
test_tpl = Path(".").glob("tpl_*.tex")
for tpl in test_tpl:
options = {
"template": tpl,
"working_dir": None,
"only_corr": False,
"students_csv": "students.csv",
"number_subjects": 1,
"dirty": False,
"no_compile": False,
"no_join": False,
"corr": False,
"crazy": False,
# produce_and_compile(options)
def test_metadatas(prepare_test_template):
test_tpl = Path(".").glob("tpl_*.tex")
for tpl in test_tpl:
options = {
"template": tpl,
"working_dir": None,
"only_corr": False,
"students_csv": "students.csv",
"number_subjects": 1,
"dirty": False,
"no_compile": False,
"no_join": False,
"corr": False,
"crazy": False,
metadatas = subject_metadatas(options)
meta = [
"num": "01",
"nom": "Bob",
"classe": "1ST",
"elo": "1000",
"texfile": "01_test.tex",
"template": "tpl_test.tex",
"directory": ".",
"num": "02",
"nom": "Pipo",
"classe": "1ST",
"elo": "1300",
"texfile": "02_test.tex",
"template": "tpl_test.tex",
"directory": ".",
"num": "03",
"nom": "Popi",
"classe": "1ST",
"elo": "100",
"texfile": "03_test.tex",
"template": "tpl_test.tex",
"directory": ".",
"num": "04",
"nom": "Boule",
"classe": "1ST",
"elo": "4000",
"texfile": "04_test.tex",
"template": "tpl_test.tex",
"directory": ".",
"num": "05",
"nom": "Bill",
"classe": "1ST",
"elo": "1300",
"texfile": "05_test.tex",
"template": "tpl_test.tex",
"directory": ".",
assert metadatas == meta
def test_pdfjoin_current_directory(prepare_test_template):
wdir = prepare_test_template
def test_pdfjoin_deep_directory():
def test_pdfjoin_dont_remove():
def test_subject_names():
def test_feed_texfiles():
def test_tex2pdf_current_directory():
def test_tex2pdf_deep_directory():
def test_activate_solution():
# def test_snippets(prepare_snippets):
# snippets = list(Path(".").glob("tpl_*.tex"))
# for tpl in snippets:
# produce_and_compile(
# {
# "template": tpl,
# "working_dir": None,
# "only_corr": False,
# "students_csv": None,
# "number_subjects": 1,
# "dirty": False,
# "no_compile": False,
# "no_join": False,
# "corr": False,
# "crazy": False,
# }
# )
# -----------------------------
# Reglages pour 'vim'
# vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
# cursor: 16 del