#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Producing then compiling templates """ import csv import os import logging from pathlib import Path import pytex from mapytex import Expression, Integer, Decimal import bopytex.filters as filters formatter = logging.Formatter("%(name)s :: %(levelname)s :: %(message)s") steam_handler = logging.StreamHandler() steam_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) steam_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(steam_handler) def setup(): Expression.set_render("tex") logger.debug(f"Render for Expression is {Expression.RENDER}") mapytex_tools = { "Expression": Expression, "Integer": Integer, "Decimal": Decimal, # "Polynom": mapytex.Polynom, # "Fraction": mapytex.Fraction, # "Equation": mapytex.Equation, # "random_str": mapytex.random_str, # "random_pythagore": mapytex.random_pythagore, # "Dataset": mapytex.Dataset, # "WeightedDataset": mapytex.WeightedDataset, } pytex.update_export_dict(mapytex_tools) pytex.add_filter("calculus", filters.do_calculus) def get_working_dir(options): """ Get the working directory """ if options["working_dir"]: working_dir = Path(options["working_dir"]) else: try: template = Path(options["template"]) except TypeError: raise ValueError( "Need to set the working directory \ or to give a template" ) else: working_dir = template.parent logger.debug(f"The output directory will be {working_dir}") return working_dir def activate_printanswers( texfile, noans=r"solution/print = false", ans=r"solution/print = true" ): """ Activate printanswers mod in texfile """ output_fname = "corr_" + texfile with open(texfile, "r") as input_f: with open(output_fname, "w") as output_f: for line in input_f.readlines(): output_f.write(line.replace(noans, ans)) return output_fname def deactivate_printanswers(corr_fname): """ Activate printanswers mod in texfile """ Path(corr_fname).remove() def pdfjoin(pdf_files, destname, working_dir=".", rm_pdfs=1): """TODO: Docstring for pdfjoin. :param pdf_files: list of pdf files to join :param destname: name for joined pdf :param working_dir: the working directory :param rm_pdfs: Remove pdf_files after joining them :returns: TODO """ joined_pdfs = Path(working_dir) / Path(destname) pdf_files_str = " ".join(pdf_files) pdfjam = f"pdfjam {pdf_files_str} -o {joined_pdfs}" logger.debug(f"Run {pdfjam}") logger.info("Joining pdf files") os.system(pdfjam) if rm_pdfs: logger.info(f"Remove {pdf_files_str}") os.system(f"rm {pdf_files_str}") def extract_student_csv(csv_filename): """ Extract student list from csv_filename Student identifier is got in the column "Élève". """ with open(csv_filename, "r") as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) return [r["Élève"] for r in reader] def produce_and_compile(options): """ Produce and compile subjects """ working_dir = get_working_dir(options) if options["only_corr"]: options["corr"] = True tex_files = working_dir.glop("[0-9]*_*.tex") else: template = Path(options["template"]).name logger.debug(f"Template will be {template}") if options["students_csv"]: list_infos = [ {"num": f"{i+1:02d}", "name": s} for (i, s) in enumerate(extract_student_csv(options["students_csv"])) ] else: list_infos = [ {"num": f"{i+1:02d}"} for i in range(options["number_subjects"]) ] tex_files = [] for infos in list_infos: dest = working_dir / Path(template.replace("tpl", infos["num"])) logger.debug(f"Feeding template toward {dest}") tex_files.append(dest) if options["crazy"]: while True: try: pytex.feed( working_dir / template, {"infos": infos}, output=dest, force=1, ) except: pass else: break else: pytex.feed( working_dir / template, {"infos": infos}, output=dest, force=1 ) logger.debug(f"{dest} fed") if not options["no_compile"]: pdf_files = [] for texfile in tex_files: logger.debug(f"Start compiling {texfile}") pytex.pdflatex(texfile) logger.debug(f"End compiling {texfile}") pdf_files.append(str(texfile).split('.')[0] + ".pdf") logger.debug(f"Compiled files : {pdf_files}") if not options["no_join"] and not options["no_compile"]: pdfjoin( pdf_files, template.replace("tpl", "all").replace(".tex", ".pdf"), working_dir, rm_pdfs=1, ) if options["corr"]: pdf_files = [] for texfile in tex_files: corr_fname = activate_printanswers(texfile) if not options["no_compile"]: logger.debug(f"Start compiling {texfile}") pytex.pdflatex(corr_fname) logger.debug(f"End compiling {texfile}") pdf_files.append(str(corr_fname).split(".")[0] + ".pdf") deactivate_printanswers(corr_fname) if not options["no_join"] and not options["no_compile"]: pdfjoin( pdf_files, template.replace("tpl", "corr").replace(".tex", ".pdf"), working_dir, rm_pdfs=1, ) if not options["dirty"]: pytex.clean(working_dir) # ----------------------------- # Reglages pour 'vim' # vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # cursor: 16 del