remove commented test

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Lafrite 2015-04-07 06:44:20 +02:00
parent 525c3bda56
commit 27b3ba5115
1 changed files with 1 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -124,29 +124,14 @@ class Expression(Explicable):
def simplify(self):
""" Compute entirely the expression and return the result with .steps attribute """
#print("\tSimplify self -> ", repr(self))
#print("\t End Compute Simplify self -> ", self)
self.simplified = self.child.simplify()
#print("\t self.simplified -> ", repr(self.simplified))
#print("\t self.child -> ", repr(self.child))
if self.simplified != self.child:
#print('\t\t in try')
#print("\t\t self.child-> ", self.child)
#print("\t\t|-> self.child.steps -> ", self.child.steps)
#print("\t\t self.simplified -> ", self.simplified)
#print("\t\t|-> self.simplified.steps -> ", self.simplified.steps)
self.simplified.steps = self.child.steps + self.simplified.steps
#print("\t\t|--> self.simplified.steps -> ", self.simplified.steps)
except AttributeError:
#print("\t self -> ", self)
#print("\t self.simplified.steps ->\n\t\t ", self.simplified.steps)
#print("\tEnd simplify self -> ", repr(self))
return self.simplified
def compute_exp(self):
@ -207,17 +192,11 @@ class Expression(Explicable):
del tokenList[0:2]
tmpTokenList += tokenList
#print("\t ----------------")
#print("\t self -> ", repr(self))
#print("\t tmpTokenList -> ", tmpTokenList)
self.child = Expression(tmpTokenList)
if self.child.postfix_tokens == ini_step.postfix_tokens:
self.child.steps = self.develop_steps(tmpTokenList)
self.child.steps = [ini_step] + self.develop_steps(tmpTokenList)
#print("\t\t self -> ", repr(self))
#print("\t self.child -> ", repr(self.child))
#print("\t self.child.steps -> ", repr(self.child.steps))
def develop_steps(self, tokenList):
""" From a list of tokens, it develops steps of each tokens """
@ -228,15 +207,12 @@ class Expression(Explicable):
tmp_steps.append([i for i in t.explain()])
#print("\t\t tokenList -> ", tokenList)
#print("\t\t 1.tmp_steps -> ", tmp_steps)
if max([len(i) if type(i) == list else 1 for i in tmp_steps]) == 1:
# Cas où rien n'a dû être expliqué.
return []
tmp_steps = expand_list(tmp_steps)[:-1]
#print("\t\t 2.tmp_steps -> ", tmp_steps)
steps = [Expression(s) for s in tmp_steps]
#print("\t\t steps -> ", steps)
return steps