Fix(API): API number can be generate randomly

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Bertrand Benjamin 2018-12-21 17:03:12 +01:00
parent ce10db7c32
commit fd49a6c987
1 changed files with 130 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -10,10 +10,12 @@
Tokens representing interger and decimal
from decimal import Decimal as _Decimal
from random import random, randint
from .token import Token
from ...core.arithmetic import gcd
from ...core.MO import MO, MOnumber
from ...core.MO.fraction import MOFraction
from decimal import Decimal as _Decimal
__all__ = ["Integer", "Decimal"]
@ -51,17 +53,49 @@ class Integer(Token):
return cls(mo, name, ancestor)
def random(cls):
raise NotImplemented
def random(cls,
name = "",
min_value = -10,
max_value = 10,
rejected = [0, 1],
""" Generate a random Integer
:param name: name of the Integer
:param min_value: minimum value
:param max_value: maximum value
:param rejected: rejected values
:param reject_callbacks: list of function for value rejection
conditions = [lambda x: x in rejected] + reject_callbacks
candidate = randint(min_value, max_value)
while any(c(candidate) for c in conditions):
candidate = randint(min_value, max_value)
return Integer(candidate, name)
class Decimal(Token):
""" Token representing a decimal """
""" Token representing a decimal
>>> Decimal("4.3")
<Decimal 4.3>
>>> Decimal(3.3)
<Decimal 3.29999999999999982236431605997495353221893310546875>
>>> Decimal(_Decimal("2.3"))
<Decimal 2.3>
def __init__(self, a, name="", ancestor=None):
if not isinstance(a, MO):
if isinstance(a, (str, float)):
mo = MOnumber(Decimal(a))
if isinstance(a, _Decimal):
mo = MOnumber(a)
elif isinstance(a, (str, float)):
mo = MOnumber(_Decimal(a))
raise TypeError
@ -80,12 +114,43 @@ class Decimal(Token):
return cls(mo, name, ancestor)
def random(cls):
raise NotImplemented
def random(cls,
name= "",
min_value = -10,
max_value = 10,
digits = 2,
rejected = [0, 1],
""" Generate a random Decimal
:param name: name of the Integer
:param min_value: minimum value
:param max_value: maximum value
:param digits: digits after comas
:param rejected: rejected values
:param reject_callbacks: list of function for value rejection
conditions = [lambda x: x in rejected] + reject_callbacks
float_cand = (max_value - min_value)*random() + min_value
candidate = _Decimal(f"{float_cand:.{digits}f}")
while any(c(candidate) for c in conditions):
float_cand = (max_value - min_value)*random() + min_value
candidate = _Decimal(f"{float_cand:.{digits}f}")
return Decimal(candidate, name)
class Fraction(Token):
""" Token representing a fraction """
""" Token representing a fraction
>>> Fraction("3/4")
<Fraction 3 / 4>
def __init__(self, a, name="", ancestor=None):
if not isinstance(a, MO):
@ -112,8 +177,62 @@ class Fraction(Token):
return cls(mo, name, ancestor)
def random(cls):
raise NotImplemented
def random(cls,
min_num=-10, max_num=10, rejected_num=[0],
min_denom=-10, max_denom=10, rejected_denom=[0, 1, -1],
""" Generate a random Fraction
:param name: Name of the fraction
:param fix_num: if set, the numerator will get this value
:param min_num: minimum value for the numerator
:param max_num: maximum value for the numerator
:param rejected_num: rejected values for the numerator
:param reject_num_callbacks: list of function for numerator rejection
:param fix_denom: if set, the denomerator will get this value
:param min_denom: minimum value for the denominator
:param max_denom: maximum value for the denominator
:param rejected_denom: rejected values for the denominator
:param reject_denom_callbacks: list of function for denomerator rejection
:param irreductible: is the generated fraction necessary irreductible
:param not_integer: can the generated fraction be egal to an interger
if fix_num == "":
conditions = [lambda x: x in rejected_denom] + reject_num_callbacks
num = randint(min_num, max_num)
while any(c(num) for c in conditions):
num = randint(min_num, max_num)
num = fix_num
if fix_denom == "":
conditions = [lambda x: x in rejected_denom] + reject_denom_callbacks
if irreductible:
def not_prime_with_num(denom):
return gcd(num, denom) != 1
if not_integer:
def divise_num(denom):
return num % denom == 0
denom = randint(min_denom, max_denom)
while any(c(denom) for c in conditions) :
denom = randint(min_denom, max_denom)
denom = fix_denom
frac = MOFraction(num, denom)
return cls(frac, name)
def numerator(self):