#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 from .polynom import Polynom from .expression import Expression from .operator import op from .random_expression import RdExpression from math import sqrt __all__ = ["Polynom_deg2"] class Polynom_deg2(Polynom): """ Degree 2 polynoms Child of Polynom with some extra tools """ @classmethod def random(self, coefs_form = ["{c}", "{b}", "{a}"], conditions = [], letter = "x"): """ Create a 2nd degree poly from coefs_form ans conditions :param coefs_form: list of forms (one by coef) (ascending degree sorted) :param conditions: condition on variables :param letter: the letter for the polynom """ if len(coefs_form) != 3: raise ValueError("Polynom_deg2 have to be degree 2 polynoms, they need 3 coefficients, {} are given".format(len(coefs_form))) form = str(coefs_form) # On créé les valeurs toutes concaténées dans un string coefs = RdExpression(form, conditions)() # On "parse" ce string pour créer les coefs coefs = [eval(i) if type(i)==str else i for i in eval(coefs)] # Création du polynom return Polynom_deg2(coefs = coefs, letter = letter) def __init__(self, coefs = [0, 0, 1], letter = "x", name = "P"): if len(coefs) < 3 or len(coefs) > 4: raise ValueError("Polynom_deg2 have to be degree 2 polynoms, they need 3 coefficients, {} are given".format(len(coefs))) if coefs[2] == 0: raise ValueError("Polynom_deg2 have to be degree 2 polynoms, coefficient of x^2 can't be 0") Polynom.__init__(self, coefs, letter, name = name) @property def a(self): return self._coef[2] @property def b(self): return self._coef[1] @property def c(self): return self._coef[0] @property def delta(self): """Compute the discriminant expression :returns: discriminant expression >>> P = Polynom_deg2([1,2,3]) >>> P.delta -8 >>> for i in P.delta.explain(): ... print(i) 2^{ 2 } - 4 \\times 3 \\times 1 4 - 4 \\times 3 4 - 12 -8 """ return Expression([self.b, 2, op.pw, 4, self.a, self.c, op.mul, op.mul, op.sub]).simplify() @property def alpha(self): """ Compute alpha the abcisse of the extremum >>> P = Polynom_deg2([1,2,3]) >>> P.alpha < Fraction -1 / 3> >>> for i in P.alpha.explain(): ... print(i) \\frac{ - 2 }{ 2 \\times 3 } \\frac{ -2 }{ 6 } \\frac{ ( -1 ) \\times 2 }{ 3 \\times 2 } \\frac{ -1 }{ 3 } """ return Expression([self.b, op.sub1, 2, self.a, op.mul, op.div]).simplify() @property def beta(self): """ Compute beta the extremum of self >>> P = Polynom_deg2([1,2,3]) >>> P.beta < Fraction 2 / 3> >>> for i in P.beta.explain(): # Ça serait bien que l'on puisse enlever des étapes maintenant... ... print(i) 3 \\times \\frac{ -1 }{ 3 }^{ 2 } + 2 \\times \\frac{ -1 }{ 3 } + 1 3 \\times \\frac{ 1 }{ 9 } + \\frac{ -2 }{ 3 } + 1 \\frac{ 1 }{ 3 } + \\frac{ -2 }{ 3 } + 1 \\frac{ -1 }{ 3 } + 1 \\frac{ 2 }{ 3 } """ return self(self.alpha).simplify() def roots(self, after_coma = 2): """ Compute roots of the polynom /!\ Can't manage exact solution because of pymath does not handle sqare root yet # TODO: Pymath has to know how to compute with sqare root |mar. févr. 24 18:40:04 CET 2015 >>> P = Polynom_deg2([1, 1, 1]) >>> P.roots() [] >>> P = Polynom_deg2([1, 2, 1]) >>> P.roots() [-1.0] >>> P = Polynom_deg2([-1, 0, 1]) >>> P.roots() [-1.0, 1.0] """ if self.delta > 0: self._roots = [round((-self.b - sqrt(self.delta))/(2*self.a),after_coma), round((-self.b + sqrt(self.delta))/(2*self.a),after_coma)] elif self.delta == 0: self._roots = [round(-self.b /(2*self.a), after_coma)] else: self._roots = [] return self._roots def tbl_sgn_header(self): """ Return header of the sign line for tkzTabLine""" if self.delta > 0: return "{$-\\infty$, " + str(min(self.roots())) + " , " + str( max(self.roots())) + " , $+\\infty$}" elif self.delta == 0: return "{$-\\infty$, " + str(self.roots()[0]) + " , $+\\infty$}" else: return "{$-\\infty$, $+\\infty$}" def tbl_sgn(self): """ Return the sign line for tkzTabLine >>> P = Polynom_deg2([2, 5, 2]) >>> print(P.tbl_sgn()) \\tkzTabLine{, +, z, -, z , +,} >>> P = Polynom_deg2([2, 1, -2]) >>> print(P.tbl_sgn()) \\tkzTabLine{, -, z, +, z , -,} >>> P = Polynom_deg2([1, 2, 1]) >>> print(P.tbl_sgn()) \\tkzTabLine{, +, z, +,} >>> P = Polynom_deg2([0, 0, -2]) >>> print(P.tbl_sgn()) \\tkzTabLine{, -, z, -,} >>> P = Polynom_deg2([1, 0, 1]) >>> print(P.tbl_sgn()) \\tkzTabLine{, +,} >>> P = Polynom_deg2([-1, 0, -1]) >>> print(P.tbl_sgn()) \\tkzTabLine{, -,} """ if self.delta > 0: if self.a > 0: return "\\tkzTabLine{, +, z, -, z , +,}" else: return "\\tkzTabLine{, -, z, +, z , -,}" elif self.delta == 0: if self.a > 0: return "\\tkzTabLine{, +, z, +,}" else: return "\\tkzTabLine{, -, z, -,}" else: if self.a > 0: return "\\tkzTabLine{, +,}" else: return "\\tkzTabLine{, -,}" def tbl_variation(self, limits = False): """Return the variation line for tkzTabVar :param limit: Display or not limits in tabular >>> P = Polynom_deg2([1,2,3]) >>> print(P.tbl_variation()) \\tkzTabVar{+/{}, -/{$\\frac{ 2 }{ 3 }$}, +/{}} >>> print(P.tbl_variation(limits = True)) \\tkzTabVar{+/{$+\\infty$}, -/{$\\frac{ 2 }{ 3 }$}, +/{$+\\infty$}} """ beta = self.beta if limits: if self.a > 0: return "\\tkzTabVar{+/{$+\\infty$}, -/{$" + str(beta) + "$}, +/{$+\\infty$}}" else: return "\\tkzTabVar{-/{$-\\infty$}, +/{$" + str(beta) + "$}, -/{$-\\infty$}}" else: if self.a > 0: return "\\tkzTabVar{+/{}, -/{$" + str(beta) + "$}, +/{}}" else: return "\\tkzTabVar{-/{}, +/{$" + str(beta) + "$}, -/{}}" if __name__ == '__main__': # from .render import txt # with Expression.tmp_render(txt): # P = Polynom_deg2([2, 3, 4]) # print(P) # print("Delta") # for i in P.delta.simplify(): # print(i) import doctest doctest.testmod() # ----------------------------- # Reglages pour 'vim' # vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # cursor: 16 del