#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 from .generic import Stack, flatten_list, expand_list, isNumber, isOperator, isNumerand from .str2tokens import str2tokens from .operator import op from .render import txt, tex from .explicable import Explicable from .random_expression import RdExpression __all__ = ['Expression', 'Renderable'] class Renderable(object): STR_RENDER = tex DEFAULT_RENDER = tex @classmethod def set_render(cls, render): cls.STR_RENDER = render @classmethod def get_render(cls): return cls.STR_RENDER @classmethod def set_default_render(cls): cls.set_render(cls.DEFAULT_RENDER) @classmethod def tmp_render(cls, render = lambda _,x:Expression(x)): """ Create a container in which Expression render is temporary modify The default temporary render is Expression in order to perform calculus inside numbers >>> exp = Expression("2*3/5") >>> print(exp) \\frac{ 2 \\times 3 }{ 5 } >>> for i in exp.simplify().explain(): ... print(i) \\frac{ 2 \\times 3 }{ 5 } \\frac{ 6 }{ 5 } >>> with Expression.tmp_render(): ... for i in exp.simplify().explain(): ... i < Expression [2, 3, '*', 5, '/']> < Expression [6, 5, '/']> < Fraction 6 / 5> >>> with Expression.tmp_render(txt): ... for i in exp.simplify().explain(): ... print(i) 2 * 3 / 5 6 / 5 >>> for i in exp.simplify().explain(): ... print(i) \\frac{ 2 \\times 3 }{ 5 } \\frac{ 6 }{ 5 } """ class TmpRenderEnv(object): def __enter__(self): self.old_render = Expression.get_render() Expression.set_render(render) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): Expression.set_render(self.old_render) return TmpRenderEnv() class Expression(Explicable, Renderable): """A calculus expression. Today it can andle only expression with numbers later it will be able to manipulate unknown""" @classmethod def random(self, form="", conditions=[], val_min = -10, val_max=10): """Create a random expression from form and with conditions :param form: the form of the expression (/!\ variables need to be in brackets {}) :param conditions: condition on variables (/!\ variables need to be in brackets {}) :param val_min: min value for generate variables :param val_max: max value for generate variables """ random_generator = RdExpression(form, conditions) return Expression(random_generator(val_min, val_max)) def __new__(cls, exp): """Create Expression objects :param exp: the expression. It can be a string or a list of postfix tokens. """ expression = object.__new__(cls) if type(exp) == str: expression.postfix_tokens = str2tokens(exp) elif type(exp) == list: expression.postfix_tokens = flatten_list([tok.postfix_tokens if Expression.isExpression(tok) else tok for tok in exp]) else: raise ValueError("Can't build Expression with {} object".format(type(exp))) if len(expression.postfix_tokens) == 1: token = expression.postfix_tokens[0] if hasattr(token, 'simplify') and hasattr(token, 'explain'): return expression.postfix_tokens[0] elif type(token) == int: # On crée un faux int en ajoutant la méthode simplify et simplified et la caractérisique isNumber simplify = lambda x:x is_number = True methods_attr = {'simplify':simplify, 'isNumber': is_number, 'postfix_tokens': [token]} fake_token = type('fake_int', (int,Explicable, Renderable), methods_attr)(token) return fake_token elif type(token) == str: # TODO: Pourquoi ne pas créer directement un polynom ici? |jeu. févr. 26 18:59:24 CET 2015 # On crée un faux str en ajoutant la méthode simplify et simplified et la caractérisique isNumber simplify = lambda x:[x] is_polynom = True methods_attr = {'simplify':simplify, '_isPolynom': is_polynom, 'postfix_tokens': [token]} fake_token = type('fake_str', (str,Explicable, Renderable), methods_attr)(token) return fake_token else: raise ValueError("Unknow type in Expression: {}".format(type(token))) else: expression._isExpression = 1 return expression def __str__(self): """ Overload str If you want to changer render use Expression.set_render(...) or use tmp_render context manager. """ return self.STR_RENDER(self.postfix_tokens) def __repr__(self): return " ".join(["<", self.__class__ , str(self.postfix_tokens), ">"]) #def __str__(self): # """ # Overload str # If you want to changer render use Expression.set_render(...) # """ # return self.STR_RENDER(self.postfix_tokens) #def __repr__(self): # return "< Expression " + str(self.postfix_tokens) + ">" #def render(self, render = lambda x:str(x)): # """ Same as __str__ but accept render as argument # :param render: function which render the list of token (postfix form) to string # """ # # TODO: I don't like the name of this method |ven. janv. 17 12:48:14 CET 2014 # return render(self.postfix_tokens) ## --------------------- ## Mechanism functions def simplify(self): """ Compute entirely the expression and return the result with .steps attribute """ self.compute_exp() self.simplified = self.child.simplify() try: self.simplified.steps = self.child.steps + self.simplified.steps except AttributeError: pass return self.simplified # TODO: À changer |jeu. févr. 26 17:18:49 CET 2015 # if not self.can_go_further(): # yield self.STR_RENDER(self.postfix_tokens) # else: # self.compute_exp() # old_s = '' # for s in self.steps: # new_s = self.STR_RENDER(s) # # Astuce pour éviter d'avoir deux fois la même étape (par exemple pour la transfo d'une division en fraction) # if new_s != old_s: # old_s = new_s # yield new_s # if Expression.isExpression(self.child): # for s in self.child.simplify(): # if old_s != s: # old_s = s # yield s # else: # for s in self.child.simplify(): # new_s = self.STR_RENDER([s]) # # Astuce pour éviter d'avoir deux fois la même étape (par exemple pour la transfo d'une division en fraction) # if new_s != old_s: # old_s = new_s # yield new_s # if old_s != self.STR_RENDER([self.child]): # yield self.STR_RENDER([self.child]) #def simplified(self): # """ Get the simplified version of the expression """ # self.compute_exp() # try: # return self.child.simplified() # except AttributeError: # return self.child # TODO: Normalement ne devrait plus être necessaire. Il faudra par contre s'assurer qu'il soit impossible de créer des Expressions avec une seul élément |jeu. févr. 26 17:26:28 CET 2015 # def can_go_further(self): # """Check whether it's a last step or not. If not create self.child the next expression. # :returns: 1 if it's not the last step, 0 otherwise # """ # if len(self.postfix_tokens) == 1: # return 0 # else: # return 1 def compute_exp(self): """ Create self.child with and stock steps in it """ child_steps = [self.postfix_tokens] tokenList = self.postfix_tokens.copy() tmpTokenList = [] while len(tokenList) > 2: # on va chercher les motifs du genre A B +, quand l'operateur est d'arité 2, pour les calculer if isNumerand(tokenList[0]) and isNumerand(tokenList[1]) \ and isOperator(tokenList[2]) and tokenList[2].arity == 2 : # S'il y a une opération à faire op1 = tokenList[0] op2 = tokenList[1] operator = tokenList[2] res = operator(op1, op2) tmpTokenList.append(res) # Comme on vient de faire le calcul, on peut détruire aussi les deux prochains termes del tokenList[0:3] # Et les motifs du gens A -, quand l'operateur est d'arité 1 elif isNumerand(tokenList[0]) \ and isOperator(tokenList[1]) and tokenList[1].arity == 1: # S'il y a une opération à faire op1 = tokenList[0] operator = tokenList[1] res = operator(op1) tmpTokenList.append(res) # Comme on vient de faire le calcul, on peut détruire aussi les deux prochains termes del tokenList[0:2] else: tmpTokenList.append(tokenList[0]) del tokenList[0] if len(tokenList) == 2 and isNumerand(tokenList[0]) \ and isOperator(tokenList[1]) and tokenList[1].arity == 1: # S'il reste deux éléments dont un operation d'arité 1 op1 = tokenList[0] operator = tokenList[1] res = operator(op1) tmpTokenList.append(res) # Comme on vient de faire le calcul, on peut détruire aussi les deux prochains termes del tokenList[0:2] tmpTokenList += tokenList steps = expand_list(tmpTokenList) if len(steps[:-1]) > 0: child_steps += [flatten_list(s) for s in steps[:-1]] self.child = Expression(steps[-1]) self.child.steps = child_steps @classmethod def isExpression(self, other): try: other._isExpression except AttributeError: return 0 return 1 # ----------- # Expression act as container from self.postfix_tokens def __getitem__(self, index): return self.postfix_tokens[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): self.postfix_tokens[index] = value # ----------- # Some math manipulations def operate(self, other, operator): if type(other) == Expression: return Expression(self.postfix_tokens + other.postfix_tokens + [operator]) elif type(other) == list: return Expression(self.postfix_tokens + other + [operator]) else: return Expression(self.postfix_tokens + [other] + [operator]) def roperate(self, other, operator): if type(other) == Expression: return Expression(other.postfix_tokens + self.postfix_tokens + [operator]) elif type(other) == list: return Expression(other + self.postfix_tokens + [operator]) else: return Expression([other] + self.postfix_tokens + [operator]) def __add__(self, other): return self.operate(other, op.add) def __radd__(self, other): return self.roperate(other, op.add) def __sub__(self, other): return self.operate(other, op.sub) def __rsub__(self, other): return self.roperate(other, op.sub) def __mul__(self, other): return self.operate(other, op.mul) def __rmul__(self, other): return self.roperate(other, op.mul) def __div__(self, other): return self.operate(other, op.div) def __rdiv__(self, other): return self.roperate(other, op.div) def __pow__(self, other): return self.operate(other, op.pow) def __neg__(self): return Expression(self.postfix_tokens + [op.sub1]) def test(exp): a = Expression(exp) b = a.simplify() for i in b.explain(): #print(type(i)) print(i) #print(type(a.simplified()), ":", a.simplified()) print("\n") if __name__ == '__main__': #render = lambda _,x : str(x) #Expression.set_render(render) #exp = Expression("1/2 - 4") #print(list(exp.simplify())) #Expression.set_render(txt) #exp = "2 ^ 3 * 5" #test(exp) #exp = "2x + 5" #test(exp) #Expression.set_render(tex) #test(exp1) #from pymath.operator import op #exp = [2, 3, op.pw, 5, op.mul] #test(exp) #test([Expression(exp1), Expression(exp), op.add]) #exp = "1 + 3 * 5" #e = Expression(exp) #f = -e #print(f) exp = "2 * 3 * 3 * 5" test(exp) exp = "2 * 3 + 3 * 5" test(exp) exp = "2 * ( 3 + 4 ) + 3 * 5" test(exp) exp = "2 * ( 3 + 4 ) + ( 3 - 4 ) * 5" test(exp) exp = "2 * ( 2 - ( 3 + 4 ) ) + ( 3 - 4 ) * 5" test(exp) exp = "2 * ( 2 - ( 3 + 4 ) ) + 5 * ( 3 - 4 )" test(exp) exp = "2 + 5 * ( 3 - 4 )" test(exp) exp = "( 2 + 5 ) * ( 3 - 4 )^4" test(exp) exp = "( 2 + 5 ) * ( 3 * 4 )" test(exp) #exp = "( 2 + 5 - 1 ) / ( 3 * 4 )" #test(exp) #exp = "( 2 + 5 ) / ( 3 * 4 ) + 1 / 12" #test(exp) #exp = "( 2+ 5 )/( 3 * 4 ) + 1 / 2" #test(exp) #exp="(-2+5)/(3*4)+1/12+5*5" #test(exp) #exp="-2*4(12 + 1)(3-12)" #test(exp) #exp="(-2+5)/(3*4)+1/12+5*5" #test(exp) # TODO: The next one doesn't work |ven. janv. 17 14:56:58 CET 2014 #exp="-2*(-a)(12 + 1)(3-12)" #e = Expression(exp) #print(e) ## Can't handle it yet!! #exp="-(-2)" #test(exp) #print("\n") #exp = Expression.random("({a} + 3)({b} - 1)", ["{a} > 4"]) #for i in exp.simplify(): # print(i) #import doctest #doctest.testmod() # ----------------------------- # Reglages pour 'vim' # vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # cursor: 16 del