#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim:fenc=utf-8 # # Copyright © 2017 lafrite # # Distributed under terms of the MIT license. """ Add MO with typing """ from multipledispatch import Dispatcher from ..tree import Tree from ..MO import MO, MOnumber, MOstr from ..MO.monomial import MOstrPower, MOMonomial from ..MO.polynomial import MOpolynomial from ..MO.fraction import MOFraction add_doc = """ Add MOs :param left: left MO :param right: right MO :returns: MO """ add = Dispatcher("add", doc=add_doc) @add.register((MOnumber, MOFraction), MOstr) def moscalar_mostr(left, right): """ add a scalar with a letter to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOnumber(2) >>> b = MOstr('x') >>> add(a, b) >>> a = MOFraction(1, 5) >>> add(a, b) """ return MOpolynomial(right, [left, 1]) @add.register(MOstr, (MOnumber, MOFraction)) def mostr_moscalar(left, right): """ add a scalar with a letter to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOstr('x') >>> b = MOnumber(2) >>> add(a, b) >>> b = MOFraction(1, 5) >>> add(a, b) """ return MOpolynomial(left, [right, 1]) @add.register((MOnumber, MOFraction), MOstrPower) def moscalar_mostrpower(left, right): """ add a scalar with a letter to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOnumber(2) >>> b = MOstrPower('x', 3) >>> add(a, b) >>> a = MOFraction(1, 5) >>> add(a, b) """ return MOpolynomial(right.variable, {0: left, right.power: 1}) @add.register(MOstrPower, (MOnumber, MOFraction)) def mostrpower_moscalar(left, right): """ add a scalar with a letter to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOstrPower('x', 3) >>> b = MOnumber(2) >>> add(a, b) >>> b = MOFraction(1, 5) >>> add(a, b) """ return MOpolynomial(left.variable, {0: right, left.power: 1}) @add.register((MOnumber, MOFraction), MOMonomial) def moscalar_momonomial(left, right): """ add a scalar with a MOMonomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOnumber(2) >>> b = MOMonomial(3, 'x', 4) >>> add(a, b) >>> a = MOFraction(1, 5) >>> add(a, b) """ return MOpolynomial(right.variable, {right.power: right.coefficient, 0: left} ) @add.register(MOMonomial, (MOnumber, MOFraction)) def momonial_moscalar(left, right): """ add a scalar with a letter to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOMonomial(3, 'x', 4) >>> b = MOnumber(2) >>> add(a, b) >>> b = MOFraction(1, 5) >>> add(a, b) """ return MOpolynomial(left.variable, {0: right, left.power: left.coefficient} ) @add.register((MOnumber, MOFraction), MOpolynomial) def moscalar_mopolynomial(left, right): """ add a scalar with a MOpolynomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOnumber(2) >>> b = MOpolynomial('x', [0, 2, 3]) >>> add(a, b) >>> a = MOFraction(1, 5) >>> add(a, b) """ if 0 in right.coefficients.keys(): raise NotImplementedError(f"Polynomial with constant ({right.coefficients[0]}), calculus to do") new_coefs = {**right.coefficients} #! Need to be add at the end to be printed at the beginning new_coefs[0] = left return MOpolynomial(right.variable, new_coefs) @add.register(MOpolynomial, (MOnumber, MOFraction)) def mopolynomial_moscalar(left, right): """ add a scalar with a MOpolynomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOpolynomial('x', [0, 2, 3]) >>> b = MOnumber(2) >>> add(a, b) >>> b = MOFraction(1, 5) >>> add(a, b) """ if 0 in left.coefficients.keys(): raise NotImplementedError("Polynomial with constant, calculus to do") #! Need to be add at the beginning to be printed at the end new_coefs = {0: right} new_coefs = {**new_coefs, **left.coefficients} return MOpolynomial(left.variable, new_coefs) @add.register(MOstr, MOstr) def mostr_mostr(left, right): """ add 2 mostr >>> a = MOstr('x') >>> b = MOstr('x') >>> add(a, b) """ if left != right: raise NotImplementedError("Can't add 2 Mostr without same letter") return MOMonomial(2, left) @add.register(MOstr, MOstrPower) def mostr_mostrpower(left, right): """ add a scalar with a letter to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOstr('x') >>> b = MOstrPower('x', 3) >>> add(a, b) >>> b = MOstrPower('x', 2) >>> add(a, b) """ if left != right.variable: raise return MOpolynomial(left , {1: 1, right.power: 1}) @add.register(MOstrPower, MOstr) def mostrpower_mostr(left, right): """ add a scalar with a letter to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOstrPower('x', 3) >>> b = MOstr('x') >>> add(a, b) >>> a = MOstrPower('x', 2) >>> add(a, b) """ if right != left.variable: raise return MOpolynomial(right , {1: 1, left.power: 1}) @add.register(MOstrPower, MOstrPower) def mostrpower_mostrpower(left, right): """ add 2 mostrpower >>> a = MOstrPower('x', 3) >>> b = MOstrPower('x', 3) >>> add(a, b) """ if left.variable != right.variable: raise NotImplementedError("Can't add 2 Mostrpower without same letter") if left.power != right.power: raise NotImplementedError("Can't add 2 Mostrpower with compute if not same degree") return MOMonomial(2, left.variable, left.power) @add.register(MOstr, MOpolynomial) def mostr_mopolynomial(left, right): """ add a str with a MOpolynomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOstr("x") >>> b = MOpolynomial('x', [1, 0, 3]) >>> add(a, b) """ if 1 in right.coefficients.keys(): raise NotImplementedError("Polynomial with no constant, calculus to do") new_coefs = {**right.coefficients} #! Need to be add at the end to be printed at the beginning new_coefs[1] = 1 return MOpolynomial(right.variable, new_coefs) @add.register(MOpolynomial, MOstr) def mopolynomial_mostr(left, right): """ add a str with a MOpolynomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOpolynomial('x', [1, 0, 3]) >>> b = MOstr("x") >>> add(a, b) """ if 1 in left.coefficients.keys(): raise NotImplementedError("Polynomial with no constant, calculus to do") new_coefs = {1: 1} new_coefs = {**new_coefs, **left.coefficients} return MOpolynomial(left.variable, new_coefs) @add.register(MOstrPower, MOpolynomial) def mostrpower_mopolynomial(left, right): """ add a strPower with a MOpolynomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOstrPower("x", 2) >>> b = MOpolynomial('x', [1, 2, 0, 4]) >>> add(a, b) """ if left.power in right.coefficients.keys(): raise NotImplementedError("Degree in common, need to compute") new_coefs = {**right.coefficients} #! Need to be add at the end to be printed at the beginning new_coefs[left.power] = 1 return MOpolynomial(right.variable, new_coefs) @add.register(MOpolynomial, MOstrPower) def mopolynomial_mostrpower(left, right): """ add a strPower with a MOpolynomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOpolynomial('x', [1, 2, 0, 4]) >>> b = MOstrPower("x", 2) >>> add(a, b) """ if right.power in left.coefficients.keys(): raise NotImplementedError("Degree in common, need to compute") new_coefs = {right.power: 1} new_coefs = {**new_coefs, **left.coefficients} return MOpolynomial(left.variable, new_coefs) @add.register(MOMonomial, MOpolynomial) def momonomial_mopolynomial(left, right): """ add a Monomial with a MOpolynomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOMonomial(3, "x", 2) >>> b = MOpolynomial('x', [1, 2, 0, 4]) >>> add(a, b) """ if left.power in right.coefficients.keys(): raise NotImplementedError("Degree in common, need to compute") new_coefs = {**right.coefficients} #! Need to be add at the end to be printed at the beginning new_coefs[left.power] = left.coefficient return MOpolynomial(right.variable, new_coefs) @add.register(MOpolynomial, MOMonomial) def mopolynomial_momonomial(left, right): """ add a Monomial with a MOpolynomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOpolynomial('x', [1, 2, 0, 4]) >>> b = MOMonomial(3, "x", 2) >>> add(a, b) """ if right.power in left.coefficients.keys(): raise NotImplementedError("Degree in common, need to compute") new_coefs = {right.power: right.coefficient} new_coefs = {**new_coefs, **left.coefficients} return MOpolynomial(left.variable, new_coefs) @add.register(MOpolynomial, MOpolynomial) def mopolynomial_mopolynomial(left, right): """ add a polynomial with a MOpolynomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOpolynomial('x', [1, 0, 3]) >>> b = MOpolynomial('x', [0, 2, 0, 4]) >>> add(a, b) >>> add(b, a) """ common_degree = set(left.monomials.keys()).intersection(right.monomials.keys()) if common_degree: raise NotImplementedError("Degree in common, need to compute") new_coefs = {**right.coefficients, **left.coefficients} return MOpolynomial(right.variable, new_coefs) @add.register(MOstr, MOMonomial) def mostr_monomial(left, right): """ add a mostr with a MOMonomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOstr('x') >>> b = MOMonomial(3, 'x', 4) >>> add(a, b) """ if right.power == 1: raise NotImplementedError("Monomial is deg 1, need to compute") return MOpolynomial(right.variable, {right.power: right.coefficient, 1: 1} ) @add.register(MOMonomial, MOstr) def monomial_mostr(left, right): """ add a mostr with a MOMonomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOMonomial(3, 'x', 4) >>> b = MOstr('x') >>> add(a, b) """ if left.power == 1: raise NotImplementedError("Monomial is deg 1, need to compute") return MOpolynomial(left.variable, {1: 1, left.power: left.coefficient} ) @add.register(MOstrPower, MOMonomial) def mostrpower_monomial(left, right): """ add a mostrPower with a MOMonomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOstrPower('x', 2) >>> b = MOMonomial(3, 'x', 4) >>> add(a, b) """ if left.power == right.power: raise NotImplementedError("MostrPower and MOMonomial are same degree, need to compute") return MOpolynomial(right.variable, {right.power: right.coefficient, left.power: 1} ) @add.register(MOMonomial, MOstrPower) def monomial_mostrpower(left, right): """ add a mostrPower with a MOMonomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOMonomial(3, 'x', 4) >>> b = MOstrPower('x', 3) >>> add(a, b) """ if left.power == right.power: raise NotImplementedError("MostrPower and MOMonomial are same degree, need to compute") return MOpolynomial(left.variable, {right.power: 1, left.power: left.coefficient} ) @add.register(MOMonomial, MOMonomial) def monomial_momonomial(left, right): """ add a moMonomial with a MOMonomial to create a MOpolynomial >>> a = MOMonomial(3, 'x', 4) >>> b = MOMonomial(2, 'x', 3) >>> add(a, b) """ if left.power == right.power: raise NotImplementedError("MOMonomials are same degree, need to compute") return MOpolynomial(left.variable, {right.power: right.coefficient, left.power: left.coefficient} ) # ----------------------------- # Reglages pour 'vim' # vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # cursor: 16 del