#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 __all__ = ['gcd'] def gcd(a, b): """Compute gcd(a,b) :param a: first number (need to support abs, comparison, * and %) :param b: second number (need to support abs, comparison, * and %) :returns: the gcd >>> gcd(3, 15) 3 >>> gcd(15, 3) 3 >>> gcd(-3, -15) -3 >>> gcd(5, 12) 1 >>> gcd(4, 14) 2 """ pos_a, _a = (a >= 0), abs(a) pos_b, _b = (b >= 0), abs(b) gcd_sgn = (-1 + 2 * (pos_a or pos_b)) if _a > _b: c = _a % _b else: c = _b % _a if c == 0: return gcd_sgn * min(_a, _b) elif _a == 1: return gcd_sgn * _b elif _b == 1: return gcd_sgn * _a else: return gcd_sgn * gcd(min(_a, _b), c) def lcm(a, b): """Compute lcm(a,b) :param a: first number (need to support abs, comparison, *, % and //) :param b: second number (need to support abs, comparison, *, % and //) :returns: the lcm >>> lcm(3, 15) 15 >>> lcm(15, 3) 15 >>> lcm(-3, -15) -15 >>> lcm(5, 12) 60 >>> lcm(4, 14) 28 """ return (a * b) // gcd(a, b) if __name__ == '__main__': print(gcd(3, 15)) print(gcd(3, 15)) print(gcd(-15, -3)) print(gcd(-3, -12)) # ----------------------------- # Reglages pour 'vim' # vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # cursor: 16 del