#/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:Utf-8 -*- from random import randint, uniform, gauss, choice def random_generator(length,\ distrib = gauss, rd_args = (0,1), \ nbr_format = lambda x:round(x,2), \ v_min = None, v_max = None, \ exact_mean = None): """ Generate a random list of value :param length: length of the dataset :param distrib: Distribution of the data set. It can be a function or string from ["randint", "uniform", "gauss", "choice"] :param rd_args: arguments to pass to distrib :param nbr_format: function which format value :param v_min: minimum accepted value :param v_max: maximum accepted value :param exact_mean: if set, the last generated number will be create in order that the computed mean is exacly equal to "exact_mean" : Exemple: >>> random_generator(10) >>> random_generator(10, distrib = uniform, rd_args = (5, 10)) >>> random_generator(10, distrib = "uniform", rd_args = (5, 10)) >>> random_generator(10, v_min = 0) >>> random_generator(10, exact_mean = 0) >>> random_generator(10, distrib = gauss, rd_args = (50,20), nbr_format = int) """ # if exact_mean is set, we create automaticaly only length-1 value if exact_mean != None: length = length - 1 # build function to test created values if v_min == None: v1 = lambda x: True else: v1 = lambda x: x >= v_min if v_max == None: v2 = lambda x: True else: v2 = lambda x: x <= v_max validate = lambda x : v1(x) and v2(x) # get distrib function distribs = {"gauss": gauss, "uniform": uniform, "randint":randint, "choice":choice} try: distrib(*rd_args) except TypeError: distrib = distribs[distrib] # building values data = [] for _ in range(length): valid = False while not valid: v = nbr_format(distrib(*rd_args)) valid = validate(v) data.append(v) # Build last value if exact_mean != None: last_v = nbr_format((length+1) * exact_mean - sum(data)) if not validate(last_v): raise ValueError("Can't build the last value. Conflict between v_min/v_max and exact_mean") data.append(last_v) return data # ----------------------------- # Reglages pour 'vim' # vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # cursor: 16 del