#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 from generic import Stack,flatten_list from fraction import Fraction from formal import FormalExp class Render(object): """A class which aims to create render functions from three dictionnaries: - op_infix: dict of caracters - op_postfix: dict of 2 arguments functions - other: dict of caracters Those three dictionnaries while define how a postfix expression will be transform into a string. """ PRIORITY = {"^": 4,"*" : 3, "/": 3, ":": 3, "+": 2, "-":2, "(": 1} def __init__(self, op_infix = {}, op_postfix = {}, other = {}, join = " ", type_render = {int: str, Fraction: str, str: str}): """Initiate the render @param op_infix: the dictionnary of infix operator with how they have to be render @param op_postfix: the dictionnary of postfix operator with how they have to be render @param other: other caracters like parenthesis. @param raw: the caracter for joining the list of tokens (if False then it returns the list of tokens) @param type_render: how to render number (str or tex for fractions for example) """ self.op_infix = op_infix self.op_postfix = op_postfix self.other = other # TODO: there may be issues with PRIORITY if a sign does not appear in PRIORITY self.join = join self.type_render = type_render self.operators = list(self.op_infix.keys()) + list(self.op_postfix.keys()) + list(self.other.keys()) def __call__(self, postfix_tokens): """Make the object acting like a function :param postfix_tokens: the list of postfix tokens to be render :returns: the render string """ operandeStack = Stack() for token in postfix_tokens: if self.isOperator(token): op2 = operandeStack.pop() if self.needPar(op2, token, "after"): op2 = [self.other["("] , op2 , self.other[")"]] op1 = operandeStack.pop() if self.needPar(op1, token, "before"): op1 = [self.other["("] , op1 , self.other[")"]] if token in self.op_infix: res = flist([op1 , self.op_infix[token] , op2]) elif token in self.op_postfix: res = flist([self.op_postfix[token](op1, op2)]) # Trick to remember the main op when the render will be done! res.mainOp = token operandeStack.push(res) else: operandeStack.push(token) # Manip pour gerer les cas de listes imbriquées dans d'autres listes infix_tokens = operandeStack.pop() if type(infix_tokens) == list or type(infix_tokens) == flist: infix_tokens = flatten_list(infix_tokens) elif self.isNumerande(infix_tokens): infix_tokens = [infix_tokens] if self.join: return self.join.join(flatten_list([self.render_from_type(t) for t in infix_tokens])) else: return infix_tokens def render_from_type(self, op): """ If the op is a numerande, it transforms it with type_render conditions :param op: the operator :returns: the op transformed if it's necessary """ if self.isNumerande(op): return self.type_render[type(op)](op) else: return op # --------------------- # Tools for placing parenthesis in infix notation def needPar(self, operande, operator, posi = "after"): """Says whether or not the operande needs parenthesis :param operande: the operande :param operator: the operator :param posi: "after"(default) if the operande will be after the operator, "before" othewise :returns: bollean """ # Si l'operande est negatif if self.isNumber(operande) \ and operande < 0: return 1 # Si c'est un expression formelle elif type(operande) == FormalExp: if operator in ["*", "/", "^"]: if len(operande) > 1 \ or operande.master_coef() < 0: return 1 else: return 0 elif not self.isNumber(operande): # Si c'est une grande expression ou un chiffre négatif stand_alone = self.get_main_op(operande) # Si la priorité de l'operande est plus faible que celle de l'opérateur minor_priority = self.PRIORITY[self.get_main_op(operande)] < self.PRIORITY[operator] # Si l'opérateur est - ou / pour after ou / ou ^ pour before special = (operator in "-/" and posi == "after") or (operator in "/^" and posi == "before") return stand_alone and (minor_priority or special) else: return 0 def get_main_op(self, tokens): """Getting the main operation of the list of tokens :param exp: the list of tokens :returns: the main operation (+, -, * or /) or 0 if the expression is only one element """ if hasattr(tokens, "mainOp"): return tokens.mainOp if len(tokens) == 1: # Si l'expression n'est qu'un élément return 0 parStack = Stack() main_op = [] for token in tokens: if token == "(": parStack.push(token) elif token == ")": parStack.pop() elif self.isOperator(token) and parStack.isEmpty(): main_op.append(token) return min(main_op, key = lambda s: self.PRIORITY[s]) ## --------------------- ## Recognize numbers and operators @staticmethod def isNumber( exp): """Check if the expression can be a number which means int or Fraction :param exp: an expression :returns: True if the expression can be a number and false otherwise """ return type(exp) == int \ or type(exp) == Fraction #return type(exp) == int or type(exp) == Fraction @staticmethod def isNumerande(exp): """Check if the expression can be a numerande (not an operator) :param exp: an expression :returns: True if the expression can be a number and false otherwise """ return type(exp) == int \ or type(exp) == Fraction \ or type(exp) == FormalExp def isOperator(self, exp): """Check if the expression is in self.operators :param exp: an expression :returns: boolean """ return (type(exp) == str and exp in self.operators) class flist(list): """Fake list- they are used to stock the main operation of an rendered expression""" pass # ----------------------------- # Reglages pour 'vim' # vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # cursor: 16 del