#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 from .fraction import Fraction from .generic import flatten_list, isNumber class Operator(str): """The operator class, is a string (representation of the operator) with its arity""" PRIORITY = {"^": [0, 5], "/": [0, 4], "*" : [0,3], ":": [0,3], "+": [0,1], "-":[2,1]} OPERATIONS = { \ "+": ["", ("__add__","__radd__")],\ "-": ["__neg__", ("__sub__", "__rsub__")], \ "*": ["", ("__mul__", "__rmul__")], \ "/": ["", ("__div__","__rdiv__")], \ "^": ["", ("__pow__", "")] \ } TXT = { \ "+": ["", "{op1} + {op2}"] ,\ "-": ["- {op1}", "{op1} - {op2}"] ,\ "*": ["", "{op1} * {op2}"] ,\ "/": ["", "{op1} / {op2}"] ,\ "^": ["", "{op1} ^ {op2}"] ,\ } TEX = { \ "+": ["", "{op1} + {op2}"] ,\ "-": ["- {op1}", "{op1} - {op2}"] ,\ "*": ["", "{op1} \\times {op2}"] ,\ "/": ["", "\\frac{{ {op1} }}{{ {op2} }}"] ,\ "^": ["", "{op1}^{{ {op2} }}"] ,\ } def __new__(cls, operator, arity = 2): op = str.__new__(cls, operator) op.arity = arity # TODO: Add op.visibility |sam. nov. 8 17:00:08 CET 2014 op.priority = cls.PRIORITY[operator][arity - 1] op.actions = cls.OPERATIONS[operator][arity-1] op._txt = cls.TXT[operator][arity-1] op._tex = cls.TEX[operator][arity-1] op.isOperator = 1 return op def __call__(self, *args): """ Calling this operator performs the rigth calculus """ if self.arity == 1: return getattr(args[0], self.actions)() elif self.arity == 2: # C'est moche mais je veux que ça marche... if str(self) == "/": ans = [Fraction(args[0], args[1])] ans += ans[0].simplify() return ans else: if type(args[1]) == int: return getattr(args[0], self.actions[0])(args[1]) else: return getattr(args[1], self.actions[1])(args[0]) def __txt__(self, *args): """Txt rendering for the operator :*args: Operands for this operation :returns: String with operator and his operands >>> mul = Operator("*", 2) >>> add = Operator("+", 2) >>> sub1 = Operator("-", 1) >>> div = Operator("/", 1) >>> mul.__txt__('1','2') '1 * 2' >>> add.__txt__('1','2') '1 + 2' >>> f = save_mainOp('2 + 3',add) >>> mul.__txt__(f, '4') '( 2 + 3 ) * 4' >>> f = save_mainOp('-3',sub1) >>> sub1.__txt__(f) '- ( -3 )' >>> sub1.__txt__('-3') '- ( -3 )' >>> f = save_mainOp('2 + 3',add) >>> sub1.__txt__(f) '- ( 2 + 3 )' """ replacement = {"op"+str(i+1): ' '.join(self.add_parenthesis(op)) for (i,op) in enumerate(args)} ans = self._txt.format(**replacement) ans = save_mainOp(ans, self) return ans def __tex__(self, *args): """Tex rendering for the operator :*args: Operands for this operation :returns: String with operator and his operands >>> mul = Operator("*", 2) >>> add = Operator("+", 2) >>> sub1 = Operator("-", 1) >>> div = Operator("/", 1) >>> mul.__tex__('1','2') '1 \\\\times 2' >>> add.__tex__('1','2') '1 + 2' >>> f = save_mainOp('2 + 3',add) >>> mul.__tex__(f, '4') '( 2 + 3 ) \\\\times 4' >>> f = save_mainOp('-3',sub1) >>> sub1.__tex__(f) '- ( -3 )' >>> sub1.__tex__('-3') '- ( -3 )' >>> f = save_mainOp('2 + 3',add) >>> sub1.__tex__(f) '- ( 2 + 3 )' """ replacement = {"op"+str(i+1): ' '.join(self.add_parenthesis(op)) for (i,op) in enumerate(args)} ans = self._tex.format(**replacement) ans = save_mainOp(ans, self) return ans def __p2i__(self, *args): """Fix list transformation for the operator :*args: Operands for this operation :returns: list with the operator surrounded by operands >>> mul = Operator("*", 2) >>> add = Operator("+", 2) >>> sub1 = Operator("-", 1) >>> mul.__p2i__(1,2) [1, '*', 2] >>> f = save_mainOp([2, add, 3],add) >>> mul.__p2i__(f, 4) ['(', 2, '+', 3, ')', '*', 4] >>> f = save_mainOp([sub1, 3],sub1) >>> sub1.__p2i__(f) ['-', '(', '-', 3, ')'] >>> sub1.__p2i__(-3) ['-', '(', -3, ')'] >>> f = save_mainOp([2, add, 3],add) >>> sub1.__p2i__(f) ['-', '(', 2, '+', 3, ')'] """ # TODO: Attention à gestion des fractions qui se comportent chelou avec les parenthèses |dim. nov. 9 09:21:52 CET 2014 if self.arity == 1: # TODO: Marche juste avec -, il faudra voir quand il y aura d'autres operateurs unitaires |dim. nov. 9 09:24:53 CET 2014 op1 = self.add_parenthesis(args[0]) ans = flatten_list([self, op1]) elif self.arity == 2: op1 = self.add_parenthesis(args[0]) op2 = self.add_parenthesis(args[1]) ans = flatten_list([op1, self, op2]) ans = save_mainOp(ans, self) return ans def add_parenthesis(self, op): """ Add parenthesis if necessary """ try: if op.mainOp.priority < self.priority: op = flatten_list(["("] + [op] + [")"]) except AttributeError: try: if int(op) < 0: op = ['(', op, ')'] except ValueError: pass return flatten_list([op]) def save_mainOp(obj, mainOp): """Create a temporary class build over built-in type to stock the main operation of a calculus :obj: the object to add the attribute :mainOp: the main operator :returns: the same object with the main operation attribute """ class Fake(type(obj)): """ The fake class """ def __new__(cls, obj): op = type(obj).__new__(cls, obj) op.mainOp = mainOp return op return Fake(obj) if __name__ == '__main__': op = Operator("+", 2) print(op.__txt__('1','2')) mul = Operator("*", 2) add = Operator("+", 2) sub1 = Operator("-", 1) div = Operator("/", 1) print(mul.__txt__('1','2')) print(add.__txt__('1','2')) f = save_mainOp('2 + 3',add) print(mul.__txt__(f, '4')) f = save_mainOp('-3',sub1) print(sub1.__txt__(f)) print(sub1.__txt__('-3')) f = save_mainOp('2 + 3',add) print(sub1.__txt__(f)) from .fraction import Fraction f = Fraction(1, 2) print(add.__txt__(f.__txt__(),'2')) print(add.__tex__(f.__tex__(),'2')) import doctest doctest.testmod() # ----------------------------- # Reglages pour 'vim' # vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # cursor: 16 del