#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 from .operator import Operator from .generic import Stack, isOperator, isNumber def str2tokens(exp): """ Parse the string into tokens then turn it into postfix form >>> str2tokens('2+3*4') [2, 3, 4, '*', '+'] >>> str2tokens('2*3+4') [2, 3, '*', 4, '+'] """ in_tokens = str2in_tokens(exp) post_tokens = in2post_fix(in_tokens) return post_tokens def str2in_tokens(exp): """ Parse the expression, ie tranform a string into a list of tokens /!\ float are not availiable yet! :param exp: The expression (a string) :returns: list of token >>> str2tokens('2+3*4') ['2', '+', '3', '*', '4'] >>> str2tokens('2*3+4') ['2', '*', '3', '+', '4'] """ tokens = [''] for character in exp: if character.isdigit(): # for "big" numbers (like 2345) if type(tokens[-1]) == int: if tokens[-1] > 0: tokens[-1] = tokens[-1]*10 + int(character) else: tokens[-1] = tokens[-1]*10 - int(character) # Special case for "-" at the begining of an expression or before "(" elif tokens[-1] == "-" and \ str(tokens[-2]) in " (+-*/:": tokens[-1] = - int(character) else: tokens.append(int(character)) elif character in "+-*/:^": tokens.append(Operator(character)) elif character == ")": tokens.append(character) elif character in "(": # If "3(", ")(" if isNumber(tokens[-1]) \ or tokens[-1] == ")" : #tokens.append(Operator("*")) tokens.append(Operator("*")) tokens.append(character) elif character == ".": raise ValueError("No float number please") elif character != " ": raise ValueError("{} is an unvalid character".format(character)) return tokens[1:] def in2post_fix(infix_tokens): """ From the infix_tokens list compute the corresponding postfix_tokens list @param infix_tokens: the infix list of tokens to transform into postfix form. @return: the corresponding postfix list of tokens. >>> a, s, m, d, p = Operator("+"), Operator("-"), Operator("*"), Operator("/"), Operator("^") >>> in2post_fix(['(', 2, '+', 5, '-', 1, ')', '/', '(', 3, '*', 4, ')']) [2, 5, '+', 1, '-', 3, 4, '*', '/'] >>> in2post_fix(['-', '(', '-', 2, ')']) [2, '-', '-'] >>> in2post_fix(['-', '(', '-', 2, '+', 3, '*', 4, ')']) [2, '-', 3, 4, '*', '+', '-'] """ # Stack where operator will be stocked opStack = Stack() # final postfix list of tokens postfix_tokens = [] # stack with the nbr of tokens still to compute in postfix_tokens arity_Stack = Stack() arity_Stack.push(0) for (pos_token,token) in enumerate(infix_tokens): ## Pour voir ce qu'il se passe dans cette procédure #print(str(postfix_tokens), " | ", str(opStack), " | ", str(infix_tokens[(pos_token+1):]), " | ", str(arity_Stack)) if token == "(": opStack.push(token) # Set next arity counter arity_Stack.push(0) elif token == ")": op = opStack.pop() while op != "(": postfix_tokens.append(op) op = opStack.pop() # Go back to old arity arity_Stack.pop() # Raise the arity arity = arity_Stack.pop() arity_Stack.push(arity + 1) elif isOperator(token): while (not opStack.isEmpty()) and (opStack.peek().priority >= token.priority): op = opStack.pop() postfix_tokens.append(op) arity = arity_Stack.pop() token.arity = arity + 1 opStack.push(token) # print("--", token, " -> ", str(arity + 1)) # Reset arity to 0 in case there is other operators (the real operation would be "-op.arity + 1") arity_Stack.push(0) else: postfix_tokens.append(token) arity = arity_Stack.pop() arity_Stack.push(arity + 1) while not opStack.isEmpty(): op = opStack.pop() postfix_tokens.append(op) # # Pour voir ce qu'il se passe dans cette procédure # print(str(postfix_tokens), " | ", str(opStack), " | ", str(infix_tokens[(pos_token+1):]), " | ", str(arity_Stack)) if arity_Stack.peek() != 1: raise ValueError("Unvalid expression. The arity Stack is ", str(arity_Stack)) return postfix_tokens if __name__ == '__main__': #a, s, m, d, p = Operator("+"), Operator("-"), Operator("*"), Operator("/"), Operator("^") #in_tokens = str2in_tokens("2+3*4") #print("\t in_tokens :" + str(in_tokens)) # #print(in2post_fix(in_tokens)) import doctest doctest.testmod() # ----------------------------- # Reglages pour 'vim' # vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # cursor: 16 del