* Expression importe mal 4x^2 In [9]: e = Expression("3x + 4x^2 - 1") In [10]: print(e) 3 x + ( 4 x ) ^ 2 - 1 -> faire un test unitaire dessus * Render ne met pas les parenthèses là où il faut. In [31]: r Out[31]: < Polynom [-4, -15, -14]> In [35]: print(r) -14 * x ^ 2 + -15 x + ( -4 ) In [36]: r.get_postfix() Out[36]: [-14, 'x', 2, '^', '*', -15, 'x', '*', '+', -4, '+'] In [37]: txt(r.get_postfix()) Out[37]: '-14 * x ^ 2 + -15 x + ( -4 )' -> faire un test unitaire dessus * Fraction ne simplifie pas correctement In [5]: for i in P.alpha.simplify(): print(i) ...: \frac{ - 2 }{ 2 \times 3 } \frac{ -2 }{ 6 } \frac{ ( -1 ) \times 2 }{ 3 \times 2 } \frac{ -1 }{ 3 } \frac{ -2 }{ 6 } * Opération entre une expression et une fraction ou un Polynom In [3]: P = Polynom([1,2,1]) In [4]: e = Expression("1+2*3") In [5]: e + P Out[5]: < [1, 2, 3, '*', '+', < Polynom [1, 2, 1]>, '+'] > In [6]: P + e --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 P + e /home/lafrite/scripts/pyMath/pymath/polynom.py in __add__(self, other) 430 [< [3, 'x', 2, '^', '*', 2, 'x', '*', '+', 1, '+', 5, 'x', '*', 4, '+', '+'] >, < Polynom [< [1, 4, '+'] >, < [2, 5, '+'] >, 3]>, < Polynom [< [1, 4, '+'] >, < [2, 5, '+'] >, 3]>] 431 """ --> 432 o_poly = self.conv2poly(other) 433 434 n_coef = spe_zip(self._coef, o_poly._coef) /home/lafrite/scripts/pyMath/pymath/polynom.py in conv2poly(self, other) 319 return other 320 else: --> 321 raise ValueError(type(other) + " can't be converted into a polynom") 322 323 def reduce(self): TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'type' and 'str'