#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 __report_indent = [0] def report(fn): """Decorator to print information about a function call for use while debugging. Prints function name, arguments, and call number when the function is called. Prints this information again along with the return value when the function returns. """ def wrap(*params,**kwargs): call = wrap.callcount = wrap.callcount + 1 indent = ' ' * __report_indent[0] fc = "%s(%s)" % (fn.__name__, ', '.join( [a.__repr__() for a in params] + ["%s = %s" % (a, repr(b)) for a,b in kwargs.items()] )) print( "Call %s%s called [#%s]" % (indent, fc, call)) __report_indent[0] += 1 ret = fn(*params,**kwargs) __report_indent[0] -= 1 try: print(' '*(__report_indent[0]+4), "ret.steps -> ", len(ret.steps)) except AttributeError: print(' '*(__report_indent[0]+4), ret, " has no steps") print( "End %s%s returned %s [#%s]" % (indent, fc, repr(ret), call)) return ret wrap.callcount = 0 return wrap # ----------------------------- # Reglages pour 'vim' # vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # cursor: 16 del