
410 lines
10 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from generic import Stack
from fraction import Fraction
def str2tokens(exp):
"""Convert an expression into a list of tokens
:param exp: The expression
:returns: the list of tokens
>>> str2tokens("1 + 2")
[1, '+', 2]
tokens = exp.split(" ")
for (i,t) in enumerate(tokens):
tokens[i] = int(t)
except ValueError:
return tokens
def infixToPostfix(infixTokens):
"""Transform an infix list of tokens into postfix tokens
:param infixTokens: an infix list of tokens
:returns: the corresponding postfix list of tokens
>>> infixToPostfix([1, "+", 2])
[1, 2, '+']
>>> infixToPostfix([1, "*", 2, "+", 3])
[1, 2, '*', 3, '+']
priority = {"*" : 3, "/": 3, "+": 2, "-":2, "(": 1}
opStack = Stack()
postfixList = []
#infixTokens = infixExp.split(" ")
for token in infixTokens:
if token == "(":
elif token == ")":
topToken = opStack.pop()
while topToken != "(":
topToken = opStack.pop()
elif isOperation(token):
# On doit ajouter la condition == str sinon python ne veut pas tester l'appartenance à la chaine de caractère.
while (not opStack.isEmpty()) and (priority[opStack.peek()] >= priority[token]):
while not opStack.isEmpty():
return postfixList
def computePostfix(postfixTokens):
"""Compute a postfix list of tokens
:param postfixTokens: a postfix list of tokens
:returns: the result of the calculus
# where to save numbers or
operandeStack = Stack()
#tokenList = postfixExp.split(" ")
for (i,token) in enumerate(postfixTokens):
if isOperation(token):
op2 = operandeStack.pop()
op1 = operandeStack.pop()
res = doMath(token, op1, op2)
#print("Operation: {op1} {op} {op2}".format(op1 = op1, op = token, op2 = op2))
newPostfix = " ".join(operandeStack + postfixTokens[i+1:])
return operandeStack.pop()
def computePostfixBis(postfixTokens):
"""Compute a postfix list of tokens like a good student
:param postfixTokens: a postfix list of tokens
:returns: the result of the expression
# where to save numbers or
operandeStack = Stack()
#tokenList = postfixExp.split(" ")
tokenList = postfixTokens.copy()
steps = []
steps = []
# On fait le calcul jusqu'à n'avoir plus qu'un élément
while len(tokenList) > 1:
tmpTokenList = []
# on va chercher les motifs du genre A B + pour les calculer
while len(tokenList) > 2:
if isNumber(tokenList[0]) and isNumber(tokenList[1]) and isOperation(tokenList[2]):
# S'il y a une opération à faire
op1 = tokenList[0]
op2 = tokenList[1]
token = tokenList[2]
res = doMath(token, op1, op2)
# Comme on vient de faire le calcul, on peut détruire aussi les deux prochains termes
del tokenList[0:3]
del tokenList[0]
tmpTokenList += tokenList
steps += expand_list(tmpTokenList)
tokenList = steps[-1].copy()
return steps
def isNumber(exp):
"""Check if the expression can be a number
:param exp: an expression
:returns: True if the expression can be a number and false otherwise
return type(exp) == int or type(exp) == Fraction
def isOperation(exp):
"""Check if the expression is an opération in "+-*/"
:param exp: an expression
:returns: boolean
return (type(exp) == str and exp in "+-*/")
def doMath(op, op1, op2):
"""Compute "op1 op op2"
:param op: operator
:param op1: first operande
:param op2: second operande
:returns: string representing the result
operations = {"+": "__add__", "-": "__sub__", "*": "__mul__"}
if op == "/":
ans = [Fraction(op1, op2)]
ans += ans[0].simplify()
return ans
return getattr(op1,operations[op])(op2)
def postfixToInfix(postfixTokens):
"""Transforms postfix list of tokens into infix string
:param postfixTokens: a postfix list of tokens
:returns: the corresponding infix string
operandeStack = Stack()
#tokenList = postfixExp.split(" ")
for (i,token) in enumerate(postfixTokens):
if isOperation(token):
op2 = operandeStack.pop()
if needPar(op2, token, "after"):
op2 = "( " + str(op2) + " )"
op1 = operandeStack.pop()
if needPar(op1, token, "before"):
op1 = "( " + str(op1) + " )"
res = "{op1} {op} {op2}".format(op1 = op1, op = token, op2 = op2)
return operandeStack.pop()
def needPar(operande, operator, posi = "after"):
"""Says whether or not the operande needs parenthesis
:param operande: the operande
:param operator: the operator
:param posi: "after"(default) if the operande will be after the operator, "before" othewise
:returns: bollean
priority = {"*" : 3, "/": 3, "+": 2, "-":2}
if isNumber(operande) and operande < 0:
return 1
elif not isNumber(operande):
# Si c'est une grande expression ou un chiffre négatif
stand_alone = get_main_op(operande)
# Si la priorité de l'operande est plus faible que celle de l'opérateur
#debug_var("operande", type(operande))
minor_priority = priority[get_main_op(operande)] < priority[operator]
# Si l'opérateur est -/ pour after ou juste / pour before
special = (operator in "-/" and posi == "after") or (operator in "/" and posi == "before")
return stand_alone and (minor_priority or special)
return 0
def get_main_op(tokens):
"""Getting the main operation of the list of tokens
:param exp: the list of tokens
:returns: the main operation (+, -, * or /) or 0 if the expression is only one element
priority = {"*" : 3, "/": 3, "+": 2, "-":2}
parStack = Stack()
#tokenList = exp.split(" ")
if len(tokens) == 1:
# Si l'expression n'est qu'un élément
return 0
main_op = []
for token in tokens:
if token == "(":
elif token == ")":
elif isOperation(token) and parStack.isEmpty():
return min(main_op, key = lambda s: priority[s])
def expand_list(list_list):
"""Expand list of list
:param list: the list to expande
:returns: list of expanded lists
>>> expand_list([1,2,[3,4],5,[6,7,8]])
[[1, 2, 3, 5, 6], [1, 2, 4, 5, 7], [1, 2, 4, 5, 8]]
>>> expand_list([1,2,4,5,6,7,8])
[[1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]
list_in_list = [i for i in list_list if type(i) == list].copy()
nbr_ans_list = max([len(i) for i in list_in_list])
ans = [list_list.copy() for i in range(nbr_ans_list)]
for (i,l) in enumerate(ans):
for (j,e) in enumerate(l):
if type(e) == list:
ans[i][j] = e[min(i,len(e)-1)]
# S'il n'y a pas eut d'étapes intermédiaires (2e exemple)
except ValueError:
ans = [list_list]
return ans
def print_steps(steps):
"""Juste print a list
:param steps: @todo
:returns: @todo
print("{first} \t = {sec}".format(first = str_from_postfix(steps[0]), sec = str_from_postfix(steps[1])))
for i in steps[2:]:
print("\t\t = {i}".format(i=str_from_postfix(i)))
def str_from_postfix(postfix):
"""Return the string representing the expression
:param postfix: a postfix ordered list of tokens
:returns: the corresponding string expression
infix = postfixToInfix(postfix)
return infix
def debug_var(name, var):
"""print the name of the variable and the value
:param name: the name of the variable
:param var: the variable we want information
print(name, ": ", var)
def test(exp):
"""Make various test on an expression
print("Expression ",exp)
tokens = str2tokens(exp)
postfix = infixToPostfix(tokens)
#print("Postfix " , postfix)
steps = [postfix]
steps += computePostfixBis(postfix)
if __name__ == '__main__':
exp = "1 + 3 * 5"
#exp = "2 * 3 * 3 * 5"
#exp = "2 * 3 + 3 * 5"
#exp = "2 * ( 3 + 4 ) + 3 * 5"
#exp = "2 * ( 3 + 4 ) + ( 3 - 4 ) * 5"
#exp = "2 * ( 2 - ( 3 + 4 ) ) + ( 3 - 4 ) * 5"
#exp = "2 * ( 2 - ( 3 + 4 ) ) + 5 * ( 3 - 4 )"
#exp = "2 + 5 * ( 3 - 4 )"
#exp = "( 2 + 5 ) * ( 3 - 4 )"
#exp = "( 2 + 5 ) * ( 3 * 4 )"
#exp = "( 2 + 5 - 1 ) / ( 3 * 4 )"
exp = "( 2 + 5 ) / ( 3 * 4 ) + 1 / 12"
exp = "( 2 + 5 ) / ( 3 * 4 ) + 1 / 2"
exp = "( 2 + 5 ) / ( 3 * 4 ) + 1 / 12 + 5 * 5"
#print(expand_list([1,2,['a','b','c'], 3, ['d','e']]))
## Ce denier pose un soucis. Pour le faire marcher il faudrai implémenter le calcul avec les fractions
#exp = "( 2 + 5 ) / 3 * 4"
import doctest
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