
57 lines
1.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from .fraction import Fraction
class Operator(str):
"""The operator class, is a string (representation of the operator) with its arity"""
PRIORITY = {"^": 5, "/": 4, "*" : 3, ":": 3, "+": 2, "-":2, "(": 1}
"+": ["", "", ("__add__","__radd__")],\
"-": ["", "__neg__", ("__sub__", "__rsub__")], \
"*": ["", "", ("__mul__", "__rmul__")], \
"/": ["", "", ("__div__","__rdiv__")], \
"^": ["", "", ("__pow__", "")] \
def __new__(cls, operator, arity = 2):
op = str.__new__(cls, operator)
op.arity = arity
# TODO: Add op.visibility |sam. nov. 8 17:00:08 CET 2014
op.priority = cls.PRIORITY[operator]
op.actions = cls.OPERATIONS[operator][arity]
return op
def __call__(self, *args):
""" Calling this operator performs the rigth calculus """
if self.arity == 1:
return getattr(args[0], self.actions)()
elif self.arity == 2:
# C'est moche mais je veux que ça marche...
if str(self) == "/":
ans = [Fraction(args[0], args[1])]
ans += ans[0].simplify()
return ans
if type(args[1]) == int:
return getattr(args[0], self.actions[0])(args[1])
return getattr(args[1], self.actions[1])(args[0])
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