
448 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# debuging
#from import report
from .generic import Stack, flatten_list, expand_list, isNumber, isOperator, isNumerand
from .str2tokens import str2tokens
from .operator import op
from .explicable import Explicable, Explicable_int, Explicable_Decimal
from decimal import Decimal
from .random_expression import RdExpression
__all__ = ['Expression']
def pstf_factory(pstf_tokens):
"""Factory which tranform postfix tokens list into an Expression or the simpliest object type ready to be rendered
:param pstf_tokens: a postfix tokens list
:returns: the object
>>> from .operator import op
>>> pstf_t = [2, 3, op.add]
>>> pstf_factory(pstf_t)
< <class 'pymath.calculus.expression.Expression'> [2, 3, +] >
>>> pstf_factory([2])
>>> type(pstf_factory([2]))
<class 'pymath.calculus.explicable.Explicable_int'>
>>> pstf_factory([2.45])
>>> type(pstf_factory([2.45]))
<class 'pymath.calculus.explicable.Explicable_Decimal'>
>>> from .fraction import Fraction
>>> f = Fraction(1,2)
>>> pstf_factory([f])
< Fraction 1 / 2>
l_pstf_token = len(pstf_tokens)
except TypeError:
if isinstance(pstf_tokens[0], int):
return Explicable_int(pstf_tokens[0])
elif isinstance(pstf_tokens[0], Decimal):
return Explicable_Decimal(pstf_tokens[0])
elif isinstance(pstf_tokens[0], float):
return Explicable_Decimal(Decimal(str(pstf_tokens[0])))
elif hasattr(pstf_tokens[0], 'STR_RENDER'):
return pstf_tokens[0]
return Expression(self)
if l_pstf_token == 1:
if isinstance(pstf_tokens[0], int):
return Explicable_int(pstf_tokens[0])
elif isinstance(pstf_tokens[0], Decimal):
return Explicable_Decimal(pstf_tokens[0])
elif isinstance(pstf_tokens[0], float):
return Explicable_Decimal(Decimal(str(pstf_tokens[0])))
elif hasattr(pstf_tokens[0], 'STR_RENDER'):
return pstf_tokens[0]
return Expression(self)
return Expression(pstf_tokens)
class Expression(Explicable):
"""A calculus expression. Today it can andle only expression with numbers later it will be able to manipulate unknown"""
def random(self, form="", conditions=[], val_min=-10, val_max=10):
"""Create a random expression from form and with conditions
:param form: the form of the expression (/!\ variables need to be in brackets {})
:param conditions: condition on variables (/!\ variables need to be in brackets {})
:param val_min: min value for generate variables
:param val_max: max value for generate variables
random_generator = RdExpression(form, conditions)
return Expression(random_generator(val_min, val_max))
def tmp_render(cls, render=lambda _, x: pstf_factory(x)):
# def tmp_render(cls, render=lambda _, x: Expression(x)):
""" Same ad tmp_render for Renderable but default render is Expression
>>> exp = Expression("2*3/5")
>>> print(exp)
2 \\times \\frac{ 3 }{ 5 }
>>> for i in exp.simplify().explain():
... print(i)
2 \\times \\frac{ 3 }{ 5 }
\\frac{ 3 }{ 5 } \\times 2
\\frac{ 3 \\times 2 }{ 5 }
\\frac{ 6 }{ 5 }
>>> with Expression.tmp_render():
... for i in exp.simplify().explain():
... i
< <class 'pymath.calculus.expression.Expression'> [2, 3, 5, /, *] >
< <class 'pymath.calculus.expression.Expression'> [2, < Fraction 3 / 5>, *] >
< <class 'pymath.calculus.expression.Expression'> [< Fraction 3 / 5>, 2, *] >
< <class 'pymath.calculus.expression.Expression'> [3, 2, *, 5, /] >
< <class 'pymath.calculus.expression.Expression'> [6, 5, /] >
>>> from .render import txt
>>> with Expression.tmp_render(txt):
... for i in exp.simplify().explain():
... print(i)
2 * 3 / 5
3 / 5 * 2
( 3 * 2 ) / 5
6 / 5
>>> for i in exp.simplify().explain():
... print(i)
2 \\times \\frac{ 3 }{ 5 }
\\frac{ 3 }{ 5 } \\times 2
\\frac{ 3 \\times 2 }{ 5 }
\\frac{ 6 }{ 5 }
return super(Expression, cls).tmp_render(render)
def __new__(cls, exp):
"""Create Expression objects
:param exp: the expression. It can be a string or a list of postfix tokens.
expression = object.__new__(cls)
if isinstance(exp, str):
expression.postfix_tokens = str2tokens(exp)
elif isinstance(exp, list):
# Ici on ne peut convertir les "+-*/..." en opérateur que s'ils sont
# d'arité 2.
exp_mod_op = [
op.get_op(i) if op.can_be_operator(i) else i for i in exp
expression.postfix_tokens = flatten_list(
[tok.postfix_tokens if Expression.isExpression(tok) else tok for tok in exp_mod_op]
elif isinstance(exp, Expression):
return exp
elif isNumerand(exp):
expression.postfix_tokens = [exp]
raise ValueError(
"Can't build Expression with {} object".format(
expression._isExpression = 1
return expression
def __str__(self):
Overload str
If you want to changer render use Expression.set_render(...) or use tmp_render context manager.
return self.STR_RENDER(self.postfix_tokens)
def __repr__(self):
return " ".join(["<", str(self.__class__),
str(self.postfix_tokens), ">"])
def simplify(self):
""" Compute entirely the expression and return the result with .steps attribute """
except ComputeError:
self.simplified = self.postfix_tokens[0].simplify()
except AttributeError:
if isinstance(self.postfix_tokens[0],int):
self.simplified = Explicable_int(self.postfix_tokens[0])
elif isinstance(self.postfix_tokens[0],Decimal):
self.simplified = Explicable_Decimal(self.postfix_tokens[0])
self.simplified = self
self.simplified = self.child.simplify()
self.simplified.steps = self.child.steps + self.simplified.steps
return self.simplified
def compute_exp(self):
""" Create self.child with and stock steps in it """
if len(self.postfix_tokens) == 1:
raise ComputeError("Nothing to compute in {}".format(self.postfix_tokens))
ini_step = Expression(self.postfix_tokens)
tokenList = self.postfix_tokens.copy()
tmpTokenList = []
while len(tokenList) > 2:
# on va chercher les motifs du genre A B +, quand l'operateur est
# d'arité 2, pour les calculer
if isNumerand(tokenList[0]) and isNumerand(tokenList[1]) \
and isOperator(tokenList[2]) and tokenList[2].arity == 2:
# S'il y a une opération à faire
op1 = tokenList[0]
op2 = tokenList[1]
operator = tokenList[2]
res = operator(op1, op2)
# Comme on vient de faire le calcul, on peut détruire aussi les
# deux prochains termes
del tokenList[0:3]
# Et les motifs du gens A -, quand l'operateur est d'arité 1
elif isNumerand(tokenList[0]) \
and isOperator(tokenList[1]) and tokenList[1].arity == 1:
# S'il y a une opération à faire
op1 = tokenList[0]
operator = tokenList[1]
res = operator(op1)
# Comme on vient de faire le calcul, on peut détruire aussi les
# deux prochains termes
del tokenList[0:2]
del tokenList[0]
if len(tokenList) == 2 and isNumerand(tokenList[0]) \
and isOperator(tokenList[1]) and tokenList[1].arity == 1:
# S'il reste deux éléments dont un operation d'arité 1
op1 = tokenList[0]
operator = tokenList[1]
res = operator(op1)
# Comme on vient de faire le calcul, on peut détruire aussi les
# deux prochains termes
del tokenList[0:2]
tmpTokenList += tokenList
self.child = Expression(tmpTokenList)
steps = self.develop_steps(tmpTokenList)
if self.child.postfix_tokens == ini_step.postfix_tokens:
self.child.steps = steps
self.child.this_append_before([ini_step] + steps)
def develop_steps(self, tokenList):
""" From a list of tokens, it develops steps of each tokens """
tmp_steps = []
for t in tokenList:
with Expression.tmp_render():
tmp_steps.append([i for i in t.explain()])
except AttributeError:
if max([len(i) for i in tmp_steps]) == 1:
# Cas où rien n'a dû être expliqué.
return []
tmp_steps = expand_list(tmp_steps)[:-1]
steps = [Expression(s) for s in tmp_steps]
return steps
def isExpression(self, other):
except AttributeError:
return 0
return 1
# -----------
# Expression act as container from self.postfix_tokens
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.postfix_tokens[index]
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
self.postfix_tokens[index] = value
# -----------
# Some math manipulations
def operate(self, other, operator):
if isinstance(other, Expression):
return Expression(
self.postfix_tokens +
other.postfix_tokens +
elif isinstance(other, list):
return Expression(self.postfix_tokens + other + [operator])
return Expression(self.postfix_tokens + [other] + [operator])
def roperate(self, other, operator):
if isinstance(other, Expression):
return Expression(
other.postfix_tokens +
self.postfix_tokens +
elif isinstance(other, list):
return Expression(other + self.postfix_tokens + [operator])
return Expression([other] + self.postfix_tokens + [operator])
def __add__(self, other):
""" Overload +
>>> a = Expression("1+2")
>>> print(a.postfix_tokens)
[1, 2, +]
>>> b = Expression("3+4")
>>> print(b.postfix_tokens)
[3, 4, +]
>>> c = a + b
>>> print(c.postfix_tokens)
[1, 2, +, 3, 4, +, +]
return self.operate(other, op.add)
def __radd__(self, other):
return self.roperate(other, op.add)
def __sub__(self, other):
""" Overload -
>>> a = Expression("1+2")
>>> print(a.postfix_tokens)
[1, 2, +]
>>> b = Expression("3+4")
>>> print(b.postfix_tokens)
[3, 4, +]
>>> c = a - b
>>> print(c.postfix_tokens)
[1, 2, +, 3, 4, +, -]
return self.operate(other, op.sub)
def __rsub__(self, other):
return self.roperate(other, op.sub)
def __mul__(self, other):
""" Overload *
>>> a = Expression("1+2")
>>> print(a.postfix_tokens)
[1, 2, +]
>>> b = Expression("3+4")
>>> print(b.postfix_tokens)
[3, 4, +]
>>> c = a * b
>>> print(c.postfix_tokens)
[1, 2, +, 3, 4, +, *]
return self.operate(other, op.mul)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self.roperate(other, op.mul)
def __truediv__(self, other):
""" Overload /
>>> a = Expression("1+2")
>>> print(a.postfix_tokens)
[1, 2, +]
>>> b = Expression("3+4")
>>> print(b.postfix_tokens)
[3, 4, +]
>>> c = a / b
>>> print(c.postfix_tokens)
[1, 2, +, 3, 4, +, /]
return self.operate(other, op.div)
def __rtruediv__(self, other):
return self.roperate(other, op.div)
def __pow__(self, other):
return self.operate(other,
def __xor__(self, other):
return self.operate(other,
def __neg__(self):
return Expression(self.postfix_tokens + [op.sub1])
class ExpressionError(Exception):
class ComputeError(Exception):
if __name__ == '__main__':
A = Expression("( -8 x + 8 ) ( -8 - ( -6 x ) )")
Ar = A.simplify()
for i in Ar.explain():
# print("------------")
# for i in Ar.explain():
# print(i)
# print(type(Ar))
# print('\n-----------')
#A = Expression("-6 / 3 + 10 / -5")
#Ar = A.simplify()
# for i in Ar.explain():
# print(i)
# print('\n-----------')
#A = Expression("1/3 + 4/6")
#Ar = A.simplify()
# for i in Ar.explain():
# print(i)
#import doctest
# doctest.testmod()
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