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#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fenc=utf-8
# Copyright © 2017 lafrite <lafrite@Poivre>
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
from mapytex.calculus.core.tree import Tree
from . import MO, MOstr
from .mo import Molecule
from .exceptions import MOError
from .monomial import MOMonomial, MOstrPower
__all__ = ["MOpolynomial"]
class MOpolynomial(Molecule):
""" MO polynomial"""
MAINOP = "+"
def __init__(self, variable, coefs):
""" Initiate a MOpolynomial
:param variable: variable of the monomial (a MOstr or later a MOSqrt)
:param coefs: dictionnary {deg: coef} or a list [coef0, coef1...]
>>> MOpolynomial('x', [1, 2, 3])
<MOpolynomial 3x^2 + 2x + 1>
>>> MOpolynomial('x', [1, 0, 3])
<MOpolynomial 3x^2 + 1>
>>> MOpolynomial('x', {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3})
<MOpolynomial 3x^2 + 2x + 1>
>>> MOpolynomial('x', {0: 1, 3: 4})
<MOpolynomial 4x^3 + 1>
>>> MOpolynomial('x', {0: 1, 3: 1})
<MOpolynomial x^3 + 1>
_variable = MO.factory(variable)
if not isinstance(_variable, MOstr):
raise MOError("The variable of a monomial should be convertible into MOstr")
self._variable = _variable
if isinstance(coefs, dict):
_coefs = {MO.factory(d): MO.factory(c) for (d, c) in coefs.items()
if c != 0 }
elif isinstance(coefs, list):
_coefs = {MO.factory(d): MO.factory(c) for (d, c) in enumerate(coefs)
if c != 0 }
raise TypeError("Coefs needs to be a dictionnary or a list")
self._coefs = _coefs
monomials = {}
for deg, coef in self._coefs.items():
if deg == 0:
monomials[deg] = coef
elif deg == 1 and coef == 1:
monomials[deg] = MOstr(self._variable)
elif coef == 1:
monomials[deg] = MOstrPower(self._variable, deg)
monomials[deg] = MOMonomial(coef, self._variable, deg)
self._monomials = monomials
tree = Tree.from_list("+", list(self._monomials.values())[::-1])
Molecule.__init__(self, tree)
def variable(self):
return self._variable
def degree(self):
Maximum degree of its coefficient
>>> p = MOpolynomial('x', [1, 2, 3])
>>> p = MOpolynomial('x', {0: 1, 3: 4})
return self.power.value
def power(self):
Maximum degree of its coefficient
>>> p = MOpolynomial('x', [1, 2, 3])
>>> p.power
<MOnumber 2>
>>> p = MOpolynomial('x', {0: 1, 3: 4})
>>> p.power
<MOnumber 3>
return max(self._coefs.keys())
def coefficients(self):
return self._coefs
def monomials(self):
""" Return dictionnary with degree in keys and monomial in value
>>> p = MOpolynomial('x', [1, 2, 3])
>>> p.monomials
{<MOnumber 0>: <MOnumber 1>, <MOnumber 1>: <MOMonomial 2x>, <MOnumber 2>: <MOMonomial 3x^2>}
>>> p.monomials.values()
dict_values([<MOnumber 1>, <MOMonomial 2x>, <MOMonomial 3x^2>])
return self._monomials
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