from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageColor, ImageFont, ImageStat import subprocess import time import musicpd import os import os.path from os import path import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from mediafile import MediaFile from io import BytesIO from numpy import mean import ST7789 from PIL import ImageFilter import yaml # set default config for pirate audio __version__ = "0.0.5" # get the path of the script script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( __file__ )) # set script path as current directory - os.chdir(script_path) MODE=0 OVERLAY=2 TIMEBAR=1 BLANK=0 confile = 'config.yml' # Read config.yml for user config if path.exists(confile): with open(confile) as config_file: data = yaml.load(config_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) displayConf = data['display'] OVERLAY = displayConf['overlay'] MODE = displayConf['mode'] TIMEBAR = displayConf['timebar'] BLANK = displayConf['blank'] # Standard SPI connections for ST7789 # Create ST7789 LCD display class. if MODE == 3: disp = ST7789.ST7789( port=0, cs=ST7789.BG_SPI_CS_FRONT, # GPIO 8, Physical pin 24 dc=9, rst=22, backlight=13, mode=3, rotation=0, spi_speed_hz=80 * 1000 * 1000 ) else: disp = ST7789.ST7789( port=0, cs=ST7789.BG_SPI_CS_FRONT, # GPIO 8, Physical pin 24 dc=9, backlight=13, spi_speed_hz=80 * 1000 * 1000 ) # Initialize display. disp.begin() WIDTH = 240 HEIGHT = 240 font_s = ImageFont.truetype(script_path + '/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf',20) font_m = ImageFont.truetype(script_path + '/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf',24) font_l = ImageFont.truetype(script_path + '/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf',30) img ='RGB', (240, 240), color=(0, 0, 0, 25)) play_icons = + '/images/controls-play.png').resize((240,240), resample=Image.LANCZOS).convert("RGBA") play_icons_dark = + '/images/controls-play-dark.png').resize((240,240), resample=Image.LANCZOS).convert("RGBA") pause_icons = + '/images/controls-pause.png').resize((240,240), resample=Image.LANCZOS).convert("RGBA") pause_icons_dark = + '/images/controls-pause-dark.png').resize((240,240), resample=Image.LANCZOS).convert("RGBA") vol_icons = + '/images/controls-vol.png').resize((240,240), resample=Image.LANCZOS).convert("RGBA") vol_icons_dark = + '/images/controls-vol-dark.png').resize((240,240), resample=Image.LANCZOS).convert("RGBA") bt_back = + '/images/bta.png').resize((240,240), resample=Image.LANCZOS).convert("RGBA") ap_back = + '/images/airplay.png').resize((240,240), resample=Image.LANCZOS).convert("RGBA") jp_back = + '/images/jack.png').resize((240,240), resample=Image.LANCZOS).convert("RGBA") sp_back = + '/images/spotify.png').resize((240,240), resample=Image.LANCZOS).convert("RGBA") sq_back = + '/images/squeeze.png').resize((240,240), resample=Image.LANCZOS).convert("RGBA") draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img, 'RGBA') def isServiceActive(service): waiting = True count = 0 active = False while (waiting == True): process =['systemctl','is-active',service], check=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout stat = output[:6] if stat == 'active': waiting = False active = True if count > 29: waiting = False count += 1 time.sleep(1) return active def getMoodeMetadata(filename): # Initalise dictionary metaDict = {} if path.exists(filename): # add each line fo a list removing newline nowplayingmeta = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(filename)] i = 0 while i < len(nowplayingmeta): # traverse list converting to a dictionary (key, value) = nowplayingmeta[i].split('=') metaDict[key] = value i += 1 metaDict['source'] = 'library' if 'file' in metaDict: if (metaDict['file'].find('http://', 0) > -1) or (metaDict['file'].find('https://', 0) > -1): # set radio stream to true metaDict['source'] = 'radio' # if radio station has arist and title in one line separated by a hyphen, split into correct keys if metaDict['title'].find(' - ', 0) > -1: (art,tit) = metaDict['title'].split(' - ', 1) metaDict['artist'] = art metaDict['title'] = tit elif metaDict['file'].find('Bluetooth Active', 0) > -1: metaDict['source'] = 'bluetooth' elif metaDict['file'].find('Airplay Active', 0) > -1: metaDict['source'] = 'airplay' elif metaDict['file'].find('Spotify Active', 0) > -1: metaDict['source'] = 'spotify' elif metaDict['file'].find('Squeezelite Active', 0) > -1: metaDict['source'] = 'squeeze' elif metaDict['file'].find('Input Active', 0) > -1: metaDict['source'] = 'input' # return metadata return metaDict def get_cover(metaDict): cover = None cover = + '/images/default-cover-v6.jpg') covers = ['Cover.jpg', 'cover.jpg', 'Cover.jpeg', 'cover.jpeg', 'Cover.png', 'cover.png', 'Cover.tif', 'cover.tif', 'Cover.tiff', 'cover.tiff', 'Folder.jpg', 'folder.jpg', 'Folder.jpeg', 'folder.jpeg', 'Folder.png', 'folder.png', 'Folder.tif', 'folder.tif', 'Folder.tiff', 'folder.tiff'] if metaDict['source'] == 'radio': if 'coverurl' in metaDict: rc = '/var/local/www/' + metaDict['coverurl'] if path.exists(rc): if rc != '/var/local/www/images/default-cover-v6.svg': cover = elif metaDict['source'] == 'airplay': cover = ap_back elif metaDict['source'] == 'bluetooth': cover = bt_back elif metaDict['source'] == 'input': cover = jp_back elif metaDict['source'] == 'spotify': cover = sp_back elif metaDict['source'] == 'squeeze': cover = sq_back else: if 'file' in metaDict: if len(metaDict['file']) > 0: fp = '/var/lib/mpd/music/' + metaDict['file'] mf = MediaFile(fp) if cover = return cover else: for it in covers: cp = os.path.dirname(fp) + '/' + it if path.exists(cp): cover = return cover return cover def main(): disp.set_backlight(True) filename = '/var/local/www/currentsong.txt' c = 0 p = 0 k=0 ol=0 ss = 0 x1 = 20 x2 = 20 x3 = 20 title_top = 105 volume_top = 184 time_top = 222 act_mpd = isServiceActive('mpd') if act_mpd == True: while True: client = musicpd.MPDClient() # create client object try: client.connect() # use MPD_HOST/MPD_PORT except: pass else: moode_meta = getMoodeMetadata(filename) mpd_current = client.currentsong() mpd_status = client.status() cover = get_cover(moode_meta) mn = 50 if OVERLAY == 3: img.paste(cover.resize((WIDTH,HEIGHT), Image.LANCZOS).convert('RGB')) else: img.paste(cover.resize((WIDTH,HEIGHT), Image.LANCZOS).filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur).convert('RGB')) if 'state' in mpd_status: if (mpd_status['state'] == 'stop') and (BLANK != 0): if ss < BLANK: ss = ss + 1 else: disp.set_backlight(False) else: ss = 0 disp.set_backlight(True) im_stat = ImageStat.Stat(cover) im_mean = im_stat.mean mn = mean(im_mean) #txt_col = (255-int(im_mean[0]), 255-int(im_mean[1]), 255-int(im_mean[2])) txt_col = (255,255,255) bar_col = (255, 255, 255, 255) dark = False if mn > 175: txt_col = (55,55,55) dark=True bar_col = (100,100,100,225) if mn < 80: txt_col = (200,200,200) if (moode_meta['source'] == 'library') or (moode_meta['source'] == 'radio'): if (OVERLAY > 0) and (OVERLAY < 3): if 'state' in mpd_status: if OVERLAY == 2: if mpd_status['state'] != 'play': if dark is False: img.paste(pause_icons, (0,0), pause_icons) else: img.paste(pause_icons_dark, (0,0), pause_icons_dark) else: if dark is False: img.paste(play_icons, (0,0), play_icons) else: img.paste(play_icons_dark, (0,0), play_icons_dark) elif OVERLAY == 1: if dark is False: img.paste(vol_icons, (0,0), vol_icons) else: img.paste(vol_icons_dark, (0,0), vol_icons_dark) else: img.paste(play_icons, (0,0), play_icons) if 'volume' in mpd_status: vol = int(mpd_status['volume']) vol_x = int((vol/100)*(WIDTH - 33)) draw.rectangle((5, volume_top, WIDTH-34, volume_top+8), (255,255,255,145)) draw.rectangle((5, volume_top, vol_x, volume_top+8), bar_col) if OVERLAY < 3: if TIMEBAR == 1: if 'elapsed' in mpd_status: el_time = int(float(mpd_status['elapsed'])) if 'duration' in mpd_status: du_time = int(float(mpd_status['duration'])) dur_x = int((el_time/du_time)*(WIDTH-10)) draw.rectangle((5, time_top, WIDTH-5, time_top + 12), (255,255,255,145)) draw.rectangle((5, time_top, dur_x, time_top + 12), bar_col) top = 7 if 'artist' in moode_meta: w1, y1 = draw.textsize(moode_meta['artist'], font_m) x1 = x1-20 if x1 < (WIDTH - w1 - 20): x1 = 0 if w1 <= WIDTH: x1 = (WIDTH - w1)//2 draw.text((x1, top), moode_meta['artist'], font=font_m, fill=txt_col) top = 35 if 'album' in moode_meta: w2, y2 = draw.textsize(moode_meta['album'], font_s) x2 = x2-20 if x2 < (WIDTH - w2 - 20): x2 = 0 if w2 <= WIDTH: x2 = (WIDTH - w2)//2 draw.text((x2, top), moode_meta['album'], font=font_s, fill=txt_col) if 'title' in moode_meta: w3, y3 = draw.textsize(moode_meta['title'], font_l) x3 = x3-20 if x3 < (WIDTH - w3 - 20): x3 = 0 if w3 <= WIDTH: x3 = (WIDTH - w3)//2 draw.text((x3, title_top), moode_meta['title'], font=font_l, fill=txt_col) else: if 'file' in moode_meta: txt = moode_meta['file'].replace(' ', '\n') w3, h3 = draw.multiline_textsize(txt, font_l, spacing=6) x3 = (WIDTH - w3)//2 y3 = (HEIGHT - h3)//2 draw.text((x3, y3), txt, font=font_l, fill=txt_col, spacing=6, align="center") disp.display(img) if c == 0: im7 ='/dump.jpg') c += 1 time.sleep(1) ol += 1 client.disconnect() else: draw.rectangle((0,0,240,240), fill=(0,0,0)) txt = 'MPD not Active!\nEnsure MPD is running\nThen restart script' mlw, mlh = draw.multiline_textsize(txt, font=font_m, spacing=4) draw.multiline_text(((WIDTH-mlw)//2, 20), txt, fill=(255,255,255), font=font_m, spacing=4, align="center") disp.display(img) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: disp.reset() disp.set_backlight(False) pass