FROM python:3.11.3-alpine3.18 as python-base # ENV POETRY_VERSION=1.5.1 ENV POETRY_HOME=/opt/poetry ENV POETRY_VENV=/opt/poetry-venv # Tell Poetry where to place its cache and virtual environment ENV POETRY_CACHE_DIR=/opt/.cache # Create stage for Poetry installation FROM python-base as poetry-base # Creating a virtual environment just for poetry and install it with pip RUN python3 -m venv $POETRY_VENV \ && $POETRY_VENV/bin/pip install -U pip setuptools \ && $POETRY_VENV/bin/pip install poetry==${POETRY_VERSION} # Create a new stage from the base python image FROM python-base as set_poetry # Copy Poetry to app image COPY --from=poetry-base ${POETRY_VENV} ${POETRY_VENV} # Add Poetry to PATH ENV PATH="${PATH}:${POETRY_VENV}/bin" WORKDIR /app # Copy Dependencies COPY poetry.lock pyproject.toml ./ # [OPTIONAL] Validate the project is properly configured RUN poetry check RUN poetry install FROM set_poetry as app_ready #EXPOSE 80 COPY src/ src CMD ["poetry", "run", "uvicorn", "src.api.main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "8000", "--reload"]