
45 lines
1010 B

// Function on a month
export function ca(month) {
// Extract the CA of the month
if (month.caReact) {
return month.caReact
} else {
return month.caRetro
export function notInvoiced (month) {
// Compute how much has not been invoiced
return month.caTheo - ca(month)
export function caPro (month) {
// Compute the part of the CA to go pro usage
return ca(month) * month.proPercentage / 100
export function caPerso (month) {
// Compute the part of the CA to go personnal usage
return ca(month) * (1 - month.proPercentage / 100)
export function caPersoUntouch (month) {
// Compute the part of the CA to go personnal usage
return caPerso(month) - month.remuneration
// Function on an array of month
export function sum (array) {
// sum the array
return array.reduce((acc, v)=> acc + v, 0)
export function mean(array) {
return Math.floor(array.reduce((acc, v)=> acc + v, 0) / array.length)