#! /usr/bin/zsh set -e PICTURES_DIR="$(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)" ZK_NOTEBOOK_DIR="/home/lafrite/Nextcloud/Documents/zettelkasten/" monitor="$(swaymsg -t get_outputs | jq '[.[].focused] | index(true)')" alias myrofi="rofi -dmenu -matching fuzzy -i -sort -sorting-method fzf -monitor $monitor" select_window() { declare -A windows swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '..|.nodes? + .floating_nodes?|arrays|select(length > 0)|.[]|select((.nodes + .floating_nodes | length) == 0)|select(.visible)|(.app_id + ": " + .name + "\n" + (.rect.x | tostring) + "," + (.rect.y | tostring) + " " + (.rect.width | tostring) + "x" + (.rect.height | tostring))' | while read window_name; read geometry; do windows[$window_name]="$geometry" done echo ${windows[$(print -l ${(@k)windows} | myrofi)]} } main() { actions="Copy region to clipboard\nSave region to $PICTURES_DIR\nCopy window to clipboard\nSave window to $PICTURES_DIR\nSave region to zk" if [[ "$(swaymsg -t get_outputs | jq length)" == "1" ]]; then actions+="\nCopy screen to clipboard\nSave screen to $PICTURES_DIR" else actions+="\nCopy current monitor to clipboard\nSave current monitor to $PICTURES_DIR\nCopy all monitors to clipboard\nSave all monitors to $PICTURES_DIR" fi selection="$(echo "$actions" | myrofi -p "Take a screenshot")" filename="$(date +'screenshot_%Y%m%d%H%M%s.png')" imagepath="${PICTURES_DIR}/$filename" zkpath="${ZK_NOTEBOOK_DIR}/fig/$filename" case "$selection" in "Copy region to clipboard") grim -g "$(slurp)" - | wl-copy notify-send "Region copied to clipboard" ;; "Save region to $PICTURES_DIR") grim -g "$(slurp)" "$imagepath" reply=$(notify-send -A 'open,Open' -i "$imagepath" "Screenshot saved") ;; "Save region to zk") grim -g "$(slurp)" "$zkpath" sh_path="../fig/${zkpath##*/}" wl-copy $sh_path reply=$(notify-send -A 'open,Open' -i "$imagepath" "Screenshot saved" "$sh_path is copied") ;; "Copy window to clipboard") grim -g "$(select_window)" - | wl-copy notify-send "Window copied to clipboard" ;; "Save window to $PICTURES_DIR") grim -g "$(select_window)" "$imagepath" reply=$(notify-send -A 'open,Open' -i "$imagepath" "Screenshot saved") ;; "Copy current monitor to clipboard") monitor="$(swaymsg -t get_outputs | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .name')" grim -o $monitor - | wl-copy notify-send "Monitor $monitor copied to clipboard" ;; "Save current monitor to $PICTURES_DIR") grim -o "$(swaymsg -t get_outputs | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .name')" "$imagepath" reply=$(notify-send -A 'open,Open' -i "$imagepath" "Screenshot saved") ;; "Copy screen to clipboard"|"Copy all monitors to clipboard") grim - | wl-copy notify-send "Screen copied to clipboard" ;; "Save screen to $PICTURES_DIR"|"Save all monitors to $PICTURES_DIR") grim "$imagepath" reply=$(notify-send -A 'open,Open' -i "$imagepath" "Screenshot saved") ;; *) exit 1 ;; esac if [[ "$reply" == "2" ]]; then nautilus -s $imagepath fi } main "$@"