# -*-muttrc-*- # Screenshot http://trovao.droplinegnome.org/stuff/mutt-zenburnt.png # # This is a zenburn-based neomutt color scheme that is not (even by far) # complete. There's no copyright involved. Do whatever you want with it. # Just be aware that I won't be held responsible if the current color-scheme # explodes your mail client. ;) # # Do notice that this color scheme requires a terminal emulator that supports # 256 color. Any modern X terminal emulator should have support for that and # you can enable it by calling neomutt as "TERM=xterm-256color neomutt" or, if you # use screen, by adding "term screen-256color" to your .screenrc. # # This file is in the public domain. # # general-doesn't-fit stuff color normal color188 color237 color error color115 color236 color markers color142 color238 color tilde color108 color237 color status color144 color234 # index stuff color indicator color108 color236 color tree color109 color237 color index color188 color237 ~A color index color188 color237 ~N color index color188 color237 ~O color index color174 color237 ~F color index color174 color237 ~D # Message Index ---------------------------------------------------------------- ## Weak color index color08 color00 "~R" # read messages color index color08 color00 "~d >45d" # older than 45 days color index color08 color00 "~v~(!~N)" # collapsed thread with no unread color index color08 color00 "~Q" # messages that have been replied to ## Strong color index color21 color00 "(~U|~N|~O)" # unread, new, old messages color index color21 color00 "~v~(~U|~N|~O)" # collapsed thread with unread ## Highlight ### Trusted color index color06 color00 "~g" # PGP signed messages color index color06 color00 "~G" # PGP encrypted messages ### Odd color index color01 color00 "~E" # past Expires: header date color index color01 color00 "~=" # duplicated color index color01 color00 "~S" # marked by Supersedes: header ### Flagged color index color05 color00 "~F" # flagged messages color index color02 color00 "~v~(~F)" # collapsed thread with flagged inside # Selection color index color02 color18 "~T" # tagged messages color index color01 color18 "~D" # deleted messages # # header stuff color hdrdefault color223 color237 color header color223 color237 "^Subject" # gpg stuff color body color188 color237 "^gpg: Good signature.*" color body color115 color236 "^gpg: BAD signature.*" color body color174 color237 "^gpg: Can't check signature.*" color body color174 color237 "^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----" color body color174 color237 "^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----" color body color174 color237 "^-----END PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----" color body color174 color237 "^-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----" color body color174 color237 "^Version: GnuPG.*" color body color174 color237 "^Comment: .*" # url, email and web stuff color body color174 color237 "(finger|ftp|http|https|news|telnet)://[^ >]*" color body color174 color237 "" color body color174 color237 "www\\.[-.a-z0-9]+\\.[a-z][a-z][a-z]?([-_./~a-z0-9]+)?" color body color174 color237 "mailto: *[^ ]+\(\\i?subject=[^ ]+\)?" color body color174 color237 "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+" # misc body stuff color attachment color174 color237 #Add-ons to the message color signature color223 color237 # quote levels color quoted color108 color237 color quoted1 color116 color237 color quoted2 color247 color237 color quoted3 color108 color237 color quoted4 color116 color237 color quoted5 color247 color237 color quoted6 color108 color237 color quoted7 color116 color237 color quoted8 color247 color237 color quoted9 color108 color237