from pathlib import Path from fpdf import FPDF from .cropping import cut_save class Photobook(FPDF): FIG = Path("./fig/") OUT = Path("./build/") def __init__( self, name, bg_color=(0, 0, 0), txt_color=(255, 255, 255), sep=3, pdf_size=(24.447, 20.955), page_size=(24.13, 20.32), security_margin_out=0.635, security_margin_binding=1.27, base_fig="./fig/", margin=-1, img_px=1, ): super().__init__("P", "mm", pdf_size) = name self.bg_color = bg_color self.txt_color = txt_color self.set_fill_color(*self.bg_color) self.set_text_color(*self.txt_color) self._sep = sep if margin >= 0: self.t_margin_ori = margin self.l_margin_ori = margin self.r_margin_ori = margin self.restore_margin() else: self.t_margin_ori = self.t_margin self.l_margin_ori = self.l_margin self.r_margin_ori = self.r_margin self._fig_folder = Path("") self._base_fig = Path(base_fig) self.img_px = img_px @property def fig_path(self): return self._base_fig / self._fig_folder def set_fig_folder(self, fig_folder): self._fig_folder = fig_folder def set_sep(self, sep): self._sep = sep def restore_margin(self): self.set_top_margin(self.t_margin_ori) self.set_right_margin(self.r_margin_ori) self.set_left_margin(self.l_margin_ori) @property def sep(self): return self._sep @property def dest(self): return self.OUT / (" ", "_") + ".pdf") @property def fig_src(self): return self._base_fig / self._fig_folder # return self.FIG @property def size(self): return (self.w, self.h) @property def epw(self): """Effective page width""" return self.w - self.r_margin - self.l_margin @property def eph(self): """Effective page height""" return self.h - 2 * self.t_margin def add_page(self, orientation="P"): super().add_page(orientation) self.rect(0, 0, self.w, self.h, style="F") def img_process(self, img, ratio=0): """Process the image. if no ratio is given, the image is not cropped """ img_src = self.fig_src / Path(img) img_dest = str(cut_save(img_src, self.OUT, ratio, self.img_px)) return img_dest def one_fullpage(self, img): """Display the picture fullpage with no margin around""" self.add_page() self.append_content(img, 0, 0, *self.size) # img_dest = self.img_process(img, self.size) # self.image(img_dest, 0, 0, *self.size) def one_centered( self, img, text="", img_ratio=5, text_ratio=1, ): """Display the picture centered with text below""" self.add_page() total_ratio = img_ratio + text_ratio text_size = ( self.epw, (self.eph - self.sep) * text_ratio / total_ratio - self.sep, ) img_size = (self.epw, self.eph - text_size[1]) img_dest = self.img_process(img, img_size) self.image(img_dest, self.l_margin, self.t_margin, *img_size) self.set_xy(self.l_margin, self.t_margin + img_size[1] + self.sep) if "\n" in text: self.multi_cell(text_size[0], self.font_size, text, align="J", border=1) else: self.cell(text_size[0], text_size[1] - self.sep, text, align="C", border=1) def one_side( self, img, txt="", img_ratio=5, text_ratio=1, ): """Display the image on the outside of the page along with text on the other side """ self.add_page() p_no = self.page_no() total_ratio = img_ratio + text_ratio win_dim = (self.size[0] * img_ratio / total_ratio, self.size[1]) img_dest = self.img_process(img, win_dim) if p_no % 2 == 1: self.set_xy(win_dim[0], self.size[1] / 2) self.multi_cell( self.size[0] * text_ratio / total_ratio, self.font_size, txt, align="C" ) self.image(img_dest, 0, 0, *win_dim) else: self.set_xy(0, self.size[1] / 2) self.multi_cell( self.size[0] * text_ratio / total_ratio, self.font_size, txt, align="C" ) self.image(img_dest, self.size[0] * text_ratio / total_ratio, 0, *win_dim) def one_side_nocut(self, img, txt=""): """Display the image on the outside of the page without resize it""" self.add_page() p_no = self.page_no() win_dim = (self.size[0], self.size[1]) img_dest = self.img_process(img, win_dim) if p_no % 2 == 1: self.set_xy(win_dim[0], self.size[1] / 2) self.image(img_dest, 0, 0, *win_dim) else: self.set_xy(0, self.size[1] / 2) self.image(img_dest, self.size[0] / 3, 0, *win_dim) def rows(self, imgs, with_margin=True, with_sep=True): """Pictures in rows""" self.add_page() if with_margin: pg_size = (self.epw, self.eph) top = self.t_margin left = self.l_margin else: pg_size = self.size top = 0 left = 0 if with_sep: sep = self.sep else: sep = 0 img_number = len(imgs) win_dim = (pg_size[0], (pg_size[1] - (img_number - 1) * sep) / img_number) for img in imgs: self.append_content(img, left, top, *win_dim) # img_dest = self.img_process(img, win_dim) # self.image(img_dest, left, top, *win_dim) top += win_dim[1] + sep def grid_row(self, content, layout=[], ratios=[], with_margin=True, with_sep=True): """Custom layout define by rows :param content: img or text to display in layout's cells :param layout: cell layout with weight (need same shape than content) :param ratios: row's ratio :param with_margin: Put margins around pictures :param with_sep: Put separation between pictures """ self.add_page() if with_margin: pg_size = (self.epw, self.eph) ori_top = self.t_margin ori_left = self.l_margin else: pg_size = self.size ori_top = 0 ori_left = 0 if with_sep: sep = self.sep else: sep = 0 if layout == []: layout = [[1 for c in row] for row in content] else: if len(content) != len(layout): raise ValueError("Content and Layout need to have same number of rows") for r, row in enumerate(content): if len(row) != len(layout[r]): raise ValueError( f"Content and Layout need to have same number of columns at row {r}" ) if ratios == []: ratios = [1 for row in content] else: if len(content) != len(ratios): raise ValueError("Content and ratios need to have same number of rows") total_ratio = sum(ratios) top = ori_top left = ori_left height_unit = (pg_size[1] - (len(layout) - 1) * sep) / total_ratio for r, row in enumerate(layout): width_unit = (pg_size[0] - (sum(row) - 1) * sep) / sum(row) row_height = height_unit * ratios[r] for c, weight in enumerate(row): dim = (width_unit * weight + sep * (weight - 1), row_height) self.append_content(content[r][c], left, top, *dim) left += dim[0] + sep top += row_height + sep left = ori_left def grid_column( self, content, layout=[], ratios=[], with_margin=True, with_sep=True ): """Custom layout define by column :param content: img or text to display in layout's cells :param layout: cell layout with weight (need same shape than content) :param ratios: column's ratio :param with_margin: Put margins around pictures :param with_sep: Put separation between pictures """ self.add_page() if with_margin: pg_size = (self.epw, self.eph) ori_top = self.t_margin ori_left = self.l_margin else: pg_size = self.size ori_top = 0 ori_left = 0 if with_sep: sep = self.sep else: sep = 0 if layout == []: layout = [[1 for r in column] for column in content] else: if len(content) != len(layout): raise ValueError( "Content and Layout need to have same number of columns" ) for r, column in enumerate(content): if len(column) != len(layout[r]): raise ValueError( f"Content and Layout need to have same number of columns at column {r}" ) if ratios == []: ratios = [1 for c in content] else: if len(content) != len(ratios): raise ValueError( "Content and ratios need to have same number of columns" ) total_ratio = sum(ratios) top = ori_top left = ori_left width_unit = (pg_size[0] - (len(layout) - 1) * sep) / total_ratio for c, column in enumerate(layout): height_unit = (pg_size[1] - (sum(column) - 1) * sep) / sum(column) column_width = width_unit * ratios[c] for r, weight in enumerate(column): dim = (column_width, height_unit * weight + sep * (weight - 1)) self.append_content(content[c][r], left, top, *dim) top += dim[1] + sep left += column_width + sep top = ori_top def append_content(self, content, left, top, width, height): try: img_dest = self.img_process(content, (width, height)) self.image(img_dest, left, top, width, height) except (FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError): self.set_xy(left, top) if "\n" in content: self.multi_cell(width, self.font_size, content, align="J", border=1) else: self.cell(width, height, content, align="C", border=1)