#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 import click from pathlib import Path import yaml import sys import papermill as pm CONFIGPATH = "recoconfig.yml" with open(CONFIGPATH, "r") as config: config = yaml.load(config, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) @click.group() def cli(): pass @cli.command() def print_config(): click.echo(f"Config file is {CONFIGPATH}") click.echo("It contains") click.echo(config) @cli.command() @click.argument("csv_file") def report(csv_file): csv = Path(csv_file) if not csv.exists(): click.echo(f"{csv_file} does not exists") sys.exit(1) if csv.suffix != ".csv": click.echo(f"{csv_file} has to be a csv file") sys.exit(1) csv_file = Path(csv_file) tribe_dir = csv_file.parent csv_filename = csv_file.name.split(".")[0] assessment = str(csv_filename).split("_")[-1].capitalize() tribe = str(tribe_dir).split("/")[-1] template = Path(config["templates"]) / "tpl_evaluation.ipynb" dest = Path(config["output"]) / tribe / csv_filename dest.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) click.echo(f"Building {assessment} report") pm.execute_notebook( str(template), str(dest / f"{assessment}.ipynb"), parameters=dict( tribe=tribe, assessment=assessment, csv_file=str(csv_file.absolute()) ), ) with open(csv_file.parent / "description.yml") as f: tribe_desc = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) template = Path(config["templates"]) / "tpl_student.ipynb" dest = Path(config["output"]) / tribe / csv_filename / "students" dest.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for st in tribe_desc["students"]: click.echo(f"Building {st} report on {assessment}") pm.execute_notebook( str(template), str(dest / f"{st}.ipynb"), parameters=dict(tribe=tribe, student=st, source=str(tribe_dir.absolute())), ) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()