remove old tpl_bilan

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Bertrand 2016-11-26 19:27:00 +03:00
parent 17fa7d1261
commit e9c1bdaa76
1 changed files with 0 additions and 96 deletions

View File

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
% Title Page
% \seconde \premiereS \PSTMG \TSTMG
Devoir sur \Var{eval_df["Bareme"].iloc[0]}
\Var{eval_df["Mark"].hist() | includegraphics(document_path=directory, scale=0.5)}
%- for e in students
\Large \Var{e["Total"]["Mark"]} / \Var{e["Total"]["Bareme"]}
%- for exo in e["Exercices"]
%- if exo["Nom"] in ["Bonus", "Malus", "Presentation"]
%- for _,q in exo["Questions"].iterrows()
%- if q["Mark"]
\Var{exo["Nom"]} (\Var{q["Question"]}) & \Var{q["Latex_rep"]} \\
%- endif
%- endfor
%- else
Exerice \Var{exo["Nom"]} & \Var{exo["Total"]["Mark"]} / \Var{exo["Total"]["Bareme"]} \\
%- for _,q in exo["Questions"].iterrows()
\Var{q["Question"]} \newline \Var{q["Commentaire"]} & \Var{q["Latex_rep"]} \\
%- endfor
%- endif
%- endfor
Pas de réponse \NoRep \hfill
Tout faux \RepZ \hfill
Beaucoup d'erreurs \RepU \hfill
Quelques erreurs \RepD \hfill
Juste \RepT \hfill
%- endfor
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "master"
%%% End: