#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 from notes_tools.tools import extract_flat_marks, get_class_ws, digest_flat_df, students_pov from .texenv import texenv import pandas as pd import numpy as np import xlrd from path import Path import logging logger = logging.getLogger("generate_bilan") notStudent = ["Trimestre", "Nom", "Date", "Exercice", "Question", "Competence", "Domaine", "Commentaire", "Bareme", "Niveau"] def extract_students(df, notStudent = notStudent): """ Extract the list of students from df """ students = df.columns.difference(notStudent) return students def build_students(df1, df2, notStudent = notStudent): """ Build students list """ students_from_notes = extract_students(df1, notStudent) students_from_conn = extract_students(df2, notStudent) if students_from_conn.equals(students_from_notes): return students_from_conn else: raise ValueError("Not same list of students between df1 = {} ans df2 = {}".format(df1, df2)) def flat_df_students(df, students): """ Flat the ws for students """ flat_df = pd.DataFrame() flat_data = [] dfT = df.T for n in dfT: pre_di = dfT[n][notStudent].to_dict() for e in students: data = pre_di.copy() data["Eleve"] = e data["Note"] = dfT[n].loc[e] flat_data.append(data) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(flat_data) def select_ds(ds_name, flat_df): """TODO: Docstring for select_ds. :param ds_name: TODO :param flat_df: TODO :returns: TODO """ ds = flat_df[flat_df["Nom"] == ds_name] if len(ds) == 0: raise ValueError("{} is not a registered evaluation".format(ds_name)) return ds def build_ds_info(classe, ds_df): """TODO: Docstring for build_ds_info. :param ds_df: TODO :returns: TODO # TODO: vérifier que toutes ces informations soient identiques sur les lignes |dim. nov. 6 16:06:58 EAT 2016 """ ds_info = {} ds_info["Classe"] = classe ds_info["Nom"] = ds_df["Nom"].unique()[0] ds_info["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(ds_df["Date"].unique()[0]).strftime("%d-%m-%Y") ds_info["Trimestre"] = ds_df["Trimestre"].unique()[0] return ds_info def build_target_name(classe, ds_name, path = Path("./")): """ Build the path where the .tex will be sored >>> build_target_name("312", "DS1") Path('./312/bilan_DS1.tex') >>> build_target_name("312", "DS1", Path("plop/")) Path('plop/312/bilan_DS1.tex') """ return Path(path + "/" + classe + "/bilan_" + ds_name + ".tex") def feed_bilan(target, datas, template = "tpl_bilan.tex"): """ Get the template and feed it to create bilans :param target: path where the bilan will be saved :param datas: dictonnary to feed the template :param template: the template """ bilan = texenv.get_template(template) path_to_target = target.dirname() if not path_to_target.exists(): path_to_target.mkdir() with open(target, "w") as f: f.write(bilan.render(**datas, directory=path_to_target)) logger.info("{} est construit! Ya plus qu'à compiler!".format(target)) def generate_bilan(classe, ds_name, path = Path('./'), template = "tpl_bilan.tex"): """ Generate the bilan of a evaluation for a class :param classe: the classe name :param ds_name: name of the evaluation :param path: path where xlsx are stored :param template: template for the bilan """ ws = get_class_ws(classe, path) logger.info("Worksheets of {} imported".format(classe)) flat_df = extract_flat_marks(ws) quest_df, exo_df, eval_df = digest_flat_df(flat_df) logger.info("Worksheets parsed") quest_df = select_ds(ds_name, quest_df) exo_df = select_ds(ds_name, exo_df) eval_df = select_ds(ds_name, eval_df) ds_info = build_ds_info(classe, eval_df) students_df = students_pov(quest_df, exo_df, eval_df) datas = {"ds_info": ds_info, "students":students_df, "quest_df":quest_df, "exo_df":exo_df, "eval_df":eval_df} target = build_target_name(classe, ds_name, path) feed_bilan(target, datas, template) # ----------------------------- # Reglages pour 'vim' # vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # cursor: 16 del