#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 import jinja2, os __all__ = ["texenv"] # Definition of jinja syntax for latex texenv = jinja2.Environment( block_start_string = '\Block{', # Gros WTF!! Si on le met en maj ça ne marche pas alors que c'est en maj dans le template... block_end_string = '}', variable_start_string = '\Var{', variable_end_string = '}', comment_start_string = '\#{', comment_end_string = '}', line_statement_prefix = '%-', line_comment_prefix = '%#', loader = jinja2.PackageLoader("notes_tools.generate_bilan", "templates"), extensions = ['jinja2.ext.do'] ) # Filters def do_calculus(steps, name = "A", sep = "=", end = "", joining = " \\\\ \n"): """Display properly the calculus Generate this form string: "name & sep & a_step end joining" :param steps: list of steps :returns: latex string ready to be endbeded """ ans = joining.join([name + " & " + sep + " & " + str(s) + end for s in steps]) return ans texenv.filters['calculus'] = do_calculus from random import shuffle texenv.filters['shuffle'] = shuffle if __name__ == '__main__': print(texenv.list_templates()) texenv.get_template("tpl_bilan.tex") # ----------------------------- # Reglages pour 'vim' # vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # cursor: 16 del