#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import sys sys.path.append(os.curdir) from globalconf import * AUTHOR = 'Benjamin Bertrand' SITENAME = 'OpyTex' SITETITLE = 'OpyTex' SITESUBTITLE = "2020-2021" SITEURL = '' CC_LICENSE_COMMERCIAL = True CC_LICENSE = True PATH = './content' TIMEZONE = 'Europe/Paris' DEFAULT_LANG = 'fr' # Uncomment following line if you want document-relative URLs when developing #RELATIVE_URLS = True # Files places IGNORE_FILES = ['venv', '.git', 'tools'] # Pages, articles and static #PAGE_PATHS = ['pages'] ARTICLE_PATHS = ['.'] STATIC_PATHS = ['.'] INDEX_SAVE_AS = 'blog_index.html' # USE_FOLDER_AS_CATEGORY = False # Plugins PLUGIN_PATHS = ["plugins"] PLUGINS = [ 'i18n_subsites', "always_modified", "tag_cloud", 'pdf-img', ] ALWAYS_MODIFIED = True # Mirror source structure PATH_METADATA = '(?P.*)\..*' ARTICLE_URL = ARTICLE_SAVE_AS = PAGE_URL = PAGE_SAVE_AS = '{path_no_ext}.html' # USE_FOLDER_AS_CATEGORY = True # DEFAULT_CATEGORY = "Autre" # Readers READERS = {"html": None} # Everythings in french JINJA_ENVIRONMENT = {'extensions': ['jinja2.ext.i18n']} # Default theme language. I18N_TEMPLATES_LANG = "en" # Your language. DEFAULT_LANG = "fr" OG_LOCALE = "fr" LOCALE = ("fr", "fr_FR.utf8") # Themes THEME = "./theme/" USE_GOOGLE_FONTS = False # Main menu on the top MAIN_MENU = True DISPLAY_CATEGORIES_ON_MENU = False # Sidebar DISPLAY_PAGES_ON_SIDE = False TOCTREE = True TAG_CLOUD = True #SITELOGO = "" LINKS = () DEFAULT_PAGINATION = 10 # Feed generation is usually not desired when developing FEED_ALL_ATOM = None CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = None TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_RSS = None