'use strict'; var util = require('util'); var Orchestrator = require('orchestrator'); var gutil = require('gulp-util'); var deprecated = require('deprecated'); var vfs = require('vinyl-fs'); function Gulp() { Orchestrator.call(this); } util.inherits(Gulp, Orchestrator); Gulp.prototype.task = Gulp.prototype.add; Gulp.prototype.run = function() { // `run()` is deprecated as of 3.5 and will be removed in 4.0 // Use task dependencies instead // Impose our opinion of "default" tasks onto orchestrator var tasks = arguments.length ? arguments : ['default']; this.start.apply(this, tasks); }; Gulp.prototype.src = vfs.src; Gulp.prototype.dest = vfs.dest; Gulp.prototype.watch = function(glob, opt, fn) { if (typeof opt === 'function' || Array.isArray(opt)) { fn = opt; opt = null; } // Array of tasks given if (Array.isArray(fn)) { return vfs.watch(glob, opt, function() { this.start.apply(this, fn); }.bind(this)); } return vfs.watch(glob, opt, fn); }; // Let people use this class from our instance Gulp.prototype.Gulp = Gulp; // Deprecations deprecated.field('gulp.env has been deprecated. ' + 'Use your own CLI parser instead. ' + 'We recommend using yargs or minimist.', console.warn, Gulp.prototype, 'env', gutil.env ); Gulp.prototype.run = deprecated.method('gulp.run() has been deprecated. ' + 'Use task dependencies or gulp.watch task triggering instead.', console.warn, Gulp.prototype.run ); var inst = new Gulp(); module.exports = inst;