CM pour les 6e

This commit is contained in:
Bertrand Benjamin 2018-02-05 08:57:21 +03:00
parent d440ff36d4
commit f7816fdb8a
6 changed files with 165 additions and 0 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
\begin{frame}{Calcul mental}
\huge 30 secondes par calcul
\begin{frame}{Calcul 1}
65,2 + 23 + 0,9 =
\begin{frame}{Calcul 2}
\[ 5 \times .... = 45 \]
\begin{frame}{Calcul 3}
\[ 26 : 5 = \]
\begin{frame}{Calcul 4}
Calculer l'aire de la figure
\filldraw[very thick, fill=blue!60] (-2,3) -- (-2,0) -- (3,0) -- (3,3) -- cycle;
\draw[step=1] (-5,-1) grid (5,5);
\huge On retourne son papier.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
\begin{frame}{Calcul mental}
\huge 30 secondes par calcul
\begin{frame}{Calcul 1}
58 + 0,07 + 6,05 =
\begin{frame}{Calcul 2}
\[ 4 \times .... = 32 \]
\begin{frame}{Calcul 3}
\[ 22 : 5 = \]
\begin{frame}{Calcul 4}
Calculer l'aire de la figure
\filldraw[very thick, fill=blue!60] (-3,3) -- (-3,0) -- (4,0) -- (4,3) -- cycle;
\draw[step=1] (-5,-1) grid (5,5);
\huge On retourne son papier.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
\begin{frame}{Calcul mental}
\huge 30 secondes par calcul
\begin{frame}{Calcul 1}
76 + 124 + 3 =
\begin{frame}{Calcul 2}
\[ 3 \times .... = 21 \]
\begin{frame}{Calcul 3}
\[ 13 : 5 = \]
\begin{frame}{Calcul 4}
Calculer l'aire de la figure
\filldraw[very thick, fill=blue!60] (-2,3) -- (-3,2) -- (-3,1) -- (-2,0) -- (4,0) -- (4,3) -- cycle;
\draw[step=1] (-5,-1) grid (5,5);
\huge On retourne son papier.