Feat: QF pour les 5e

This commit is contained in:
Bertrand Benjamin 2019-05-25 09:57:02 +02:00
parent d6b0eaed41
commit 162fde9cc4
6 changed files with 205 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
\begin{frame}{Questions flashs}
\huge 30 secondes par calcul
\begin{frame}{Calcul 1}
Position de $A$
\filldraw[very thick, ->] (-3.3,0) -- (3.3,0);
\filldraw[very thick, ->] (0,-3.3) -- (0,3.3);
\draw[step=1] (-3,-3) grid (3,3);
\draw (2, 1) node {x} node[above left] {$A$};
\foreach \x in {-3,...,3} {%
\draw (\x, 0) node[below] {\small \x};
\draw (0, \x) node[left ] {\small \x};
\begin{frame}{Calcul 2}
Si $x = 2$, alors
3x + 5 =
\begin{frame}{Calcul 3}
-5 + 3 =
\begin{frame}{Calcul 4}
Combien vaut les $\dfrac{3}{5}$ de 10?
\foreach \x in {1,...,5} {%
\draw (\x,0) circle (0.4cm) node {\icon{cursed-star}};
\draw (\x,1) circle (0.4cm) node {\icon{cursed-star}};
\huge On retourne son papier.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
\begin{frame}{Questions flashs}
\huge 30 secondes par calcul
\begin{frame}{Calcul 1}
Position de $A$
\filldraw[very thick, ->] (-3.3,0) -- (3.3,0);
\filldraw[very thick, ->] (0,-3.3) -- (0,3.3);
\draw[step=1] (-3,-3) grid (3,3);
\draw (-2, 1) node {x} node[above left] {$A$};
\foreach \x in {-3,...,3} {%
\draw (\x, 0) node[below] {\small \x};
\draw (0, \x) node[left ] {\small \x};
\begin{frame}{Calcul 2}
Si $x = 3$, alors
5 + 6x =
\begin{frame}{Calcul 3}
-4 + 5 =
\begin{frame}{Calcul 4}
Combien vaut les $\dfrac{1}{3}$ de 12?
\huge On retourne son papier.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
\begin{frame}{Questions flashs}
\huge 30 secondes par calcul
\begin{frame}{Calcul 1}
Position de $A$
\filldraw[very thick, ->] (-3.3,0) -- (3.3,0);
\filldraw[very thick, ->] (0,-3.3) -- (0,3.3);
\draw[step=1] (-3,-3) grid (3,3);
\draw (2, -1) node {x} node[above left] {$A$};
\foreach \x in {-3,...,3} {%
\draw (\x, 0) node[below] {\small \x};
\draw (0, \x) node[left ] {\small \x};
\begin{frame}{Calcul 2}
Si $x = 5$, alors
2 + 4x =
\begin{frame}{Calcul 3}
-3 + 5 =
\begin{frame}{Calcul 4}
Combien vaut les $\dfrac{3}{4}$ de 12?
\foreach \x in {1,...,6} {%
\draw (\x,0) circle (0.4cm) node {\icon{cursed-star}};
\draw (\x,1) circle (0.4cm) node {\icon{cursed-star}};
\huge On retourne son papier.