Feat: début de l'évolution pour les 4e
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details

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Bertrand Benjamin 2021-10-21 09:23:06 +02:00
parent 13e1908481
commit 09a1c5e43d
3 changed files with 98 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
\begin{exercise}[subtitle={Calculs \Cal}, step={1}, origin={Création}, topics={ Calculs }, tags={ 4e }]
Faire les calculs suivants
\item $4 + (-2) = $
\item $4 - (-2) = $
\item $4 \times (-2) = $
\item $-10 + (-21) = $
\item $-10 - (-21) = $
\item $-10 \times (-21) = $
\begin{exercise}[subtitle={Triangles \Rep \Cal}, step={1}, origin={Création}, topics={ Calculs }, tags={ 4e }]
\item Calculer la longueur du côté $AB$
\draw[very thick]
(-2,3) node [above] {$A$}-- node[midway, sloped, below]{33cm}
(-2,0) node [below] {$C$}-- node[midway, below]{56cm}
(3,0) node [below] {$B$}-- cycle;
\draw (-2, 0) rectangle ++ (0.3, 0.3);
\item Calculer la longueur du côté $IJ$
\draw[very thick]
(-2,3) node [above] {$K$}-- node[midway, sloped, below]{45}
(-2,0) node [below] {$I$}--
(3,0) node [below] {$J$}-- node[midway, sloped, above]{53}
\draw (-2, 0) rectangle ++ (0.3, 0.3);
\item $LMN$ est un triangle rectangle en $L$ tel que $LM = 10$ et $LN = 20$. Calculer la longueur $MN$.

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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\title{ Evaluation \hfill }
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