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Bopytex is a command line tool which embed python into latex. It uses jinja2 to do so with a modified environnement to match with latex syntax.


Install and update using pip

pip install -U bopytex

Simple example

% save this as tpl_simple.tex

\title{Bopytex example -- {{ number }}}


%- set a = 10
%- set n = 2
We have two variables
    \item a: \Var{a}
    \item n: \Var{n}

%# We can use blocks
%- for i in n
    \item \Var{a}
%- endfor


To create a version a this document type this

$ bopytex tpl_simple.tex

How I use it

I build this program to produce individual exams subjects for each of my student with the correction associated. I write a template, and bopytex build subject and correction.

To produce formulas and values, I use an another tool I an developing: mapytex < I am importing it through

from mapytex import Expression
from random import random

Every variables, objects or function inside this file will be available inside the template.

% tpl_example.tpl

\title{Bopytex with Mapytex example -- \Var{ number }}



%- set e = Expression.random("{a} + {b}")



Then I can produce multiple documents (3 here)

$ bopytex tpl_simple.tex -q 3 -c