Feat: RandomTree, rename generate function ...

This commit is contained in:
Bertrand Benjamin 2021-10-03 15:36:35 +02:00
parent 1672530179
commit 204c7dffd7
12 changed files with 363 additions and 320 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from .calculus import Expression, Integer, Decimal, random_list, render, Polynomial, Fraction
from .calculus import Expression, Integer, Decimal, render, Polynomial, Fraction#, random_list,
# Expression.set_render('tex')

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@ -12,13 +12,6 @@ Expression
from functools import partial
from ..core import AssocialTree, Tree, compute, typing, TypingError
#from ..core.random import (
# extract_rdleaf,
# extract_rv,
# random_generator,
# compute_leafs,
# replace_rdleaf,
from ..core.MO import moify
from .tokens import factory
from .renders import render
@ -79,55 +72,6 @@ class Expression(object):
return cls(t)
def random(
min_max=(-10, 10),
""" Initiate randomly the expression
:param template: the template of the expression
:param conditions: conditions on randomly generate variable
:param rejected: Values to reject for all random variables
:param min_max: Min and max value for all random variables
:param variables_scope: Dictionnary for each random varaibles to fic rejected and min_max
:param shuffle: allowing to shuffle the tree
:returns: TODO
>>> e = Expression.random("{a}/{a*k}")
>>> e # doctest: +SKIP
<Exp: -3 / -15>
>>> e = Expression.random("{a}/{a*k} - 3*{b}", variables_scope={'a':{'min_max':(10, 30)}})
>>> e # doctest: +SKIP
<Exp: 18 / 108 - 3 * 9>
>>> e = Expression.random("{a}*x + {b}*x + 3", ["a>b"], rejected=[0, 1])
>>> ee = e.simplify()
>>> print(e) # doctest: +SKIP
10x - 6x + 3
>>> print(ee) # doctest: +SKIP
4x + 3
rd_t = Tree.from_str(template, random=True)
leafs = extract_rdleaf(rd_t)
rd_varia = extract_rv(leafs)
generated = random_generator(
rd_varia, conditions, rejected, min_max, variables_scope
computed = compute_leafs(leafs, generated)
t = replace_rdleaf(rd_t, computed).map_on_leaf(moify)
if shuffle:
raise NotImplemented("Can't suffle expression yet")
return cls._post_processing(t)
def _post_processing(cls, t):
""" Post process the tree by typing it """

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@ -37,254 +37,28 @@ Tree with RdLeaf replaced by generated values
>>> from ...core.tree import Tree
>>> from .random_tree import RandomTree
>>> from .leaf import RdLeaf
>>> rd_t = Tree("/", RdLeaf("a"), RdLeaf("a*k"))
>>> from .generate import extract_letters, random_generator, eval_words
>>> rd_t = RandomTree("/", RdLeaf("a"), RdLeaf("a*k"))
>>> print(rd_t)
> {a}
> {a*k}
>>> leafs = extract_rdleaf(rd_t)
>>> leafs
['a', 'a*k']
>>> rd_varia = extract_rv(leafs)
>>> leafs = rd_t.random_leaf
>>> leafs = ['a', 'a*k']
>>> rd_varia = extract_letters(leafs)
>>> sorted(list(rd_varia))
['a', 'k']
>>> generated = random_generator(rd_varia, conditions=['a%2+1'])
>>> generated # doctest: +SKIP
{'a': 7, 'k': 4}
>>> computed = compute_leafs(leafs, generated)
>>> computed = eval_words(leafs, generated)
>>> computed # doctest: +SKIP
{'a': 7, 'a*k': 28}
>>> replaced = replace_rdleaf(rd_t, computed)
>>> replaced = rd_t.eval_random_leaves(computed)
>>> print(replaced) # doctest: +SKIP
> 7
> 28
List generator
This function ignores tree structure and works with lists
>>> values = list_generator(["a", "a*b", "b", "c"], conditions=["b%c==1"])
>>> values # doctest: +SKIP
{'a': -8, 'a*b': -40, 'b': 5, 'c': 4}
__all__ = ["list_generator"]
from random import choice
def extract_rdleaf(tree):
""" Extract rdLeaf in a Tree
>>> from ...core.tree import Tree
>>> from .leaf import RdLeaf
>>> rd_t = Tree("+", RdLeaf("a"), RdLeaf("a*k"))
>>> from .leaf import RdLeaf
>>> extract_rdleaf(rd_t)
['a', 'a*k']
>>> rd_t = Tree("+", RdLeaf("a"), 2)
>>> extract_rdleaf(rd_t)
rd_leafs = []
for leaf in tree.get_leafs():
except AttributeError:
return rd_leafs
def extract_rv(leafs):
""" Extract the set of random values from the leaf list
:param leafs: list of leafs
:return: set of random values
>>> leafs = ["a", "a*k"]
>>> extract_rv(leafs) == {'a', 'k'}
rd_values = set()
for leaf in leafs:
for c in leaf:
if c.isalpha():
return rd_values
def compute_leafs(leafs, generated_values):
""" Compute leafs from generated random values
:param generated_values: Dictionnary of name:generated value
:param leafs: list of leafs
:return: Dictionnary of evaluated leafs from generated values
>>> leafs = ["a", "a*k"]
>>> generated_values = {"a":2, "k":3}
>>> compute_leafs(leafs, generated_values)
{'a': 2, 'a*k': 6}
return {leaf: eval(leaf, generated_values) for leaf in leafs}
def replace_rdleaf(tree, computed_leafs):
""" Replace RdLeaf by the corresponding computed value
>>> from ...core.tree import Tree
>>> from .leaf import RdLeaf
>>> rd_t = Tree("+", RdLeaf("a"), RdLeaf("a*k"))
>>> computed_leafs = {'a': 2, 'a*k': 6}
>>> print(replace_rdleaf(rd_t, computed_leafs))
> 2
> 6
def replace(leaf):
return leaf.replace(computed_leafs)
except AttributeError:
return leaf
return tree.map_on_leaf(replace)
def random_generator(
rd_variables, conditions=[], rejected=[0], min_max=(-10, 10), variables_scope={}
""" Generate random variables
:param rd_variables: list of random variables to generate
:param conditions: condition over variables
:param rejected: Rejected values for the generator (default [0])
:param min_max: (min, max) limits in between variables will be generated
:param variables_scope: rejected and min_max define for individual variables
:return: dictionnary of generated variables
>>> gene = random_generator(["a", "b"],
... ["a > 0"],
... [0], (-10, 10),
... {"a": {"rejected": [0, 1]},
... "b": {"min_max": (-5, 0)}})
>>> gene["a"] > 0
>>> gene["a"] != 0
>>> gene["b"] < 0
>>> gene = random_generator(["a", "b"],
... ["a % b == 0"],
... [0, 1], (-10, 10))
>>> gene["a"] not in [0, 1]
>>> gene["b"] in list(range(-10, 11))
>>> gene["a"] % gene["b"]
complete_scope = build_variable_scope(
rd_variables, rejected, min_max, variables_scope
choices_list = {
v: list(
complete_scope[v]["min_max"][0], complete_scope[v]["min_max"][1] + 1
for v in rd_variables
# quantity_choices = reduce(lambda x,y : x*y,
# [len(choices_list[v]) for v in choices_list])
# TODO: améliorer la méthode de rejet avec un cache |dim. mai 12 17:04:11 CEST 2019
generate_variable = {v: choice(choices_list[v]) for v in rd_variables}
while not all([eval(c, __builtins__, generate_variable) for c in conditions]):
generate_variable = {v: choice(choices_list[v]) for v in rd_variables}
return generate_variable
def build_variable_scope(rd_variables, rejected, min_max, variables_scope):
""" Build variables scope from incomplete one
:param rd_variables: list of random variables to generate
:param rejected: Rejected values for the generator
:param min_max: (min, max) limits in between variables will be generated
:param variables_scope: rejected and min_max define for individual variables
:return: complete variable scope
>>> completed = build_variable_scope(["a", "b", "c", "d"], [0], (-10, 10),
... {"a": {"rejected": [0, 1]},
... "b": {"min_max": (-5, 0)},
... "c": {"rejected": [2], "min_max": (0, 5)}})
>>> complete = {'a': {'rejected': [0, 1], 'min_max': (-10, 10)},
... 'b': {'rejected': [0], 'min_max': (-5, 0)},
... 'c': {'rejected': [2], 'min_max': (0, 5)},
... 'd': {'rejected': [0], 'min_max': (-10, 10)}}
>>> completed == complete
complete_scope = variables_scope.copy()
for v in rd_variables:
except KeyError:
complete_scope[v] = {"rejected": rejected, "min_max": min_max}
except KeyError:
complete_scope[v]["rejected"] = rejected
except KeyError:
complete_scope[v]["min_max"] = min_max
return complete_scope
def list_generator(var_list, conditions=[], rejected=[0], min_max=(-10, 10), variables_scope={}, dictionnary=False):
""" Generate random computed values from the list
:param rd_variables: list of random variables to generate (can be computed value - "a*b")
:param conditions: condition over variables
:param rejected: Rejected values for the generator (default [0])
:param min_max: (min, max) limits in between variables will be generated
:param variables_scope: rejected and min_max define for individual variables
:param dictionnary: the return value will be a dictionnary with var_list as keys (default False)
:return: dictionnary of generated variables
>>> a, ab, b, c = list_generator(["a", "a*b", "b", "c"])
>>> a, ab, b, c # doctest: +SKIP
(5, -20, -4, -3)
>>> a * b == ab
>>> ab # doctest: +SKIP
>>> a, b # doctest: +SKIP
5, -4
>>> list_generator(["a", "a*b", "b", "c"], dictionnary=True) # doctest: +SKIP
{'a': -3, 'a*b': 18, 'b': -6, 'c': -4}
rv = extract_rv(var_list)
rv_gen = random_generator(rv, conditions, rejected, min_max, variables_scope)
generated = compute_leafs(var_list, rv_gen)
if dictionnary:
return generated
return [generated[v] for v in var_list]

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@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fenc=utf-8
# Copyright © 2017 lafrite <lafrite@Poivre>
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
from random import choice
def extract_letters(words:list[str])->set[str]:
""" Extracts unique letters from a list of words
:param words: list of leafs
:return: set of letters
>>> leafs = ["a", "a*k"]
>>> extract_letters(leafs) == {'a', 'k'}
letters = set()
for word in words:
for c in word:
if c.isalpha():
return letters
def eval_words(words:list[str], values:dict[str,int]) -> dict[str, int]:
""" Evaluate words replacing letters with values
:param words: list of words
:param values: Dictionary of letters:value
:return: Dictionary of evaluated words from generated values
>>> leafs = ["a", "a*k"]
>>> generated_values = {"a":2, "k":3}
>>> eval_words(leafs, generated_values)
{'a': 2, 'a*k': 6}
return {word: eval(word, values) for word in words}
def build_variable_scope(rd_variables, rejected, min_max, variables_scope):
""" Build variables scope from incomplete one
:param rd_variables: list of random variables to generate
:param rejected: Rejected values for the generator
:param min_max: (min, max) limits in between variables will be generated
:param variables_scope: rejected and min_max define for individual variables
:return: complete variable scope
>>> completed = build_variable_scope(["a", "b", "c", "d"], [0], (-10, 10),
... {"a": {"rejected": [0, 1]},
... "b": {"min_max": (-5, 0)},
... "c": {"rejected": [2], "min_max": (0, 5)}})
>>> complete = {'a': {'rejected': [0, 1], 'min_max': (-10, 10)},
... 'b': {'rejected': [0], 'min_max': (-5, 0)},
... 'c': {'rejected': [2], 'min_max': (0, 5)},
... 'd': {'rejected': [0], 'min_max': (-10, 10)}}
>>> completed == complete
complete_scope = variables_scope.copy()
for v in rd_variables:
except KeyError:
complete_scope[v] = {"rejected": rejected, "min_max": min_max}
except KeyError:
complete_scope[v]["rejected"] = rejected
except KeyError:
complete_scope[v]["min_max"] = min_max
return complete_scope
def random_generator(
rd_variables, conditions=[], rejected=[0], min_max=(-10, 10), variables_scope={}
""" Generate random variables
:param rd_variables: list of random variables to generate
:param conditions: condition over variables
:param rejected: Rejected values for the generator (default [0])
:param min_max: (min, max) limits in between variables will be generated
:param variables_scope: rejected and min_max define for individual variables
:return: dictionnary of generated variables
>>> gene = random_generator(["a", "b"],
... ["a > 0"],
... [0], (-10, 10),
... {"a": {"rejected": [0, 1]},
... "b": {"min_max": (-5, 0)}})
>>> gene["a"] > 0
>>> gene["a"] != 0
>>> gene["b"] < 0
>>> gene = random_generator(["a", "b"],
... ["a % b == 0"],
... [0, 1], (-10, 10))
>>> gene["a"] not in [0, 1]
>>> gene["b"] in list(range(-10, 11))
>>> gene["a"] % gene["b"]
complete_scope = build_variable_scope(
rd_variables, rejected, min_max, variables_scope
choices_list = {
v: list(
complete_scope[v]["min_max"][0], complete_scope[v]["min_max"][1] + 1
for v in rd_variables
# quantity_choices = reduce(lambda x,y : x*y,
# [len(choices_list[v]) for v in choices_list])
# TODO: améliorer la méthode de rejet avec un cache |dim. mai 12 17:04:11 CEST 2019
generate_variable = {v: choice(choices_list[v]) for v in rd_variables}
while not all([eval(c, __builtins__, generate_variable) for c in conditions]):
generate_variable = {v: choice(choices_list[v]) for v in rd_variables}
return generate_variable

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
from ...core.tree import MutableTree, Tree
from .generate import extract_letters, random_generator
from .str2 import rdstr2
class RandomTree(MutableTree):
""" MutableTree that accept {a} syntax for random generation
>>> t = RandomTree()
>>> type(t)
<class 'mapytex.calculus.random.core.random_tree.RandomTree'>
def from_str(cls, expression):
""" Initiate a random tree from a string that need to be parsed
>>> t = RandomTree.from_str("{b}*x+{c}")
>>> print(t)
> *
| > {b}
| > x
> {c}
>>> t = RandomTree.from_str("{a}*({b}*x+{c})")
>>> print(t)
> {a}
> +
| > *
| | > {b}
| | > x
| > {c}
str_2_mut_tree = rdstr2(cls.sink)
return str_2_mut_tree(expression)
def generate(self, conditions:list[str]=[], rejected:list[int]=[0, 1], min_max:tuple[int]=(-10, 10),scopes:dict={}) -> Tree:
""" Generate a random version of self """
def random_leaf(self) -> list[str]:
""" Get list of random leaves
>>> from .leaf import RdLeaf
>>> random_tree = RandomTree("+", RdLeaf("a"), RdLeaf("a*k"))
>>> random_tree.random_leaf
['a', 'a*k']
>>> random_tree = RandomTree("+", RdLeaf("a"), 2)
>>> random_tree.random_leaf
rd_leafs = []
for leaf in self.get_leafs():
except AttributeError:
return rd_leafs
def random_value(self) -> set[str]:
""" Get set of random values to generate
>>> from .leaf import RdLeaf
>>> random_tree = RandomTree("+", RdLeaf("a"), RdLeaf("a*k"))
>>> random_tree.random_value == {'a', 'k'}
>>> random_tree = RandomTree("+", RdLeaf("a"), 2)
>>> random_tree.random_value
return extract_letters(self.random_leaf)
def eval_random_leaves(self, leaves_value:dict[str, int]):
""" Given random leaves value get the tree
>>> from .leaf import RdLeaf
>>> rd_t = RandomTree("+", RdLeaf("a"), RdLeaf("a*k"))
>>> leaves_values = {'a': 2, 'a*k': 6}
>>> t = rd_t.eval_random_leaves(leaves_values)
>>> type(t)
<class 'mapytex.calculus.core.tree.Tree'>
>>> print(t)
> 2
> 6
def replace(leaf):
return leaf.replace(leaves_value)
except AttributeError:
return leaf
return self.map_on_leaf(replace)

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ from functools import partial
from ...core.str2 import concurent_broadcast, lookforNumbers, pparser, missing_times, lookfor
from ...core.coroutine import STOOOP
from ...core.MO import moify_cor
from ...core.tree import MutableTree
from .leaf import look_for_rdleaf
def rdstr2(sink):
@ -35,31 +34,3 @@ def rdstr2(sink):
return pipeline
class RandomTree(MutableTree):
""" MutableTree that accept {a} syntax for random generation """
def from_str(cls, expression):
""" Initiate a random tree from a string that need to be parsed
>>> t = RandomTree.from_str("{b}*x+{c}")
>>> print(t)
> *
| > {b}
| > x
> {c}
>>> t = RandomTree.from_str("{a}*({b}*x+{c})")
>>> print(t)
> {a}
> +
| > *
| | > {b}
| | > x
| > {c}
str_2_mut_tree = rdstr2(cls.sink)
return str_2_mut_tree(expression)

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
from ..API.expression import Expression
from ..core.tree import Tree
def expression():
""" Generate a random expression """
def random(
min_max=(-10, 10),
""" Initiate randomly the expression
:param template: the template of the expression
:param conditions: conditions on randomly generate variable
:param rejected: Values to reject for all random variables
:param min_max: Min and max value for all random variables
:param variables_scope: Dictionnary for each random varaibles to fic rejected and min_max
:param shuffle: allowing to shuffle the tree
:returns: TODO
>>> e = Expression.random("{a}/{a*k}")
>>> e # doctest: +SKIP
<Exp: -3 / -15>
>>> e = Expression.random("{a}/{a*k} - 3*{b}", variables_scope={'a':{'min_max':(10, 30)}})
>>> e # doctest: +SKIP
<Exp: 18 / 108 - 3 * 9>
>>> e = Expression.random("{a}*x + {b}*x + 3", ["a>b"], rejected=[0, 1])
>>> ee = e.simplify()
>>> print(e) # doctest: +SKIP
10x - 6x + 3
>>> print(ee) # doctest: +SKIP
4x + 3
rd_t = Tree.from_str(template)
leafs = extract_rdleaf(rd_t)
rd_varia = extract_rv(leafs)
generated = random_generator(
rd_varia, conditions, rejected, min_max, variables_scope
computed = compute_leafs(leafs, generated)
t = replace_rdleaf(rd_t, computed).map_on_leaf(moify)
if shuffle:
raise NotImplemented("Can't suffle expression yet")
return cls._post_processing(t)

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
List generator
This function ignores tree structure and works with lists
>>> values = list_generator(["a", "a*b", "b", "c"], conditions=["b%c==1"])
>>> values # doctest: +SKIP
{'a': -8, 'a*b': -40, 'b': 5, 'c': 4}
from .core.generate import extract_letters, random_generator, eval_words
def list_generator(var_list, conditions=[], rejected=[0], min_max=(-10, 10), variables_scope={}, dictionnary=False):
""" Generate random computed values from the list
:param rd_variables: list of random variables to generate (can be computed value - "a*b")
:param conditions: condition over variables
:param rejected Rejected values for the generator (default [0])
:param min_max: (min, max) limits in between variables will be generated
:param variables_scope: rejected and min_max define for individual variables
:param dictionnary: the return value will be a dictionnary with var_list as keys (default False)
:return: dictionnary of generated variables
>>> a, ab, b, c = list_generator(["a", "a*b", "b", "c"])
>>> a, ab, b, c # doctest: +SKIP
(5, -20, -4, -3)
>>> a * b == ab
>>> ab # doctest: +SKIP
>>> a, b # doctest: +SKIP
5, -4
>>> list_generator(["a", "a*b", "b", "c"], dictionnary=True) # doctest: +SKIP
{'a': -3, 'a*b': 18, 'b': -6, 'c': -4}
rv = extract_letters(var_list)
rv_gen = random_generator(rv, conditions, rejected, min_max, variables_scope)
generated = eval_words(var_list, rv_gen)
if dictionnary:
return generated
return [generated[v] for v in var_list]

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import pytest
import mapytex
def test_random_function():
assert 1 == 1