Feat: init refact with test

This commit is contained in:
Bertrand Benjamin 2022-01-05 11:25:33 +01:00
parent ce2f3b872e
commit 448d5096d0
260 changed files with 1606 additions and 13294 deletions

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- vars/common.yml
- vars/users.yml
- vars/server.yml
- vars/BV_boutique.yml
- include: tasks/ansible.yml
- include: tasks/deb_CLI_packages.yml
- include: tasks/prompt.yml
- include: tasks/users.yml
- include: tasks/sudo.yml
- include: tasks/ssh.yml
- include: tasks/dotfiles.yml
- include: tasks/deb_docker.yml
- name: restart sshd
name: sshd
state: restarted

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- vars/common.yml
- vars/users.yml
#- vars/home.yml
- vars/Choux.yml
# - include: tasks/test.yml
- include: tasks/ansible.yml
- include: tasks/arch_aur.yml
- include: tasks/pacman_cache_server.yml
- include: tasks/arch_CLI_packages.yml
- include: tasks/prompt.yml
- include: tasks/sudo.yml
- include: tasks/users.yml
- include: tasks/ssh.yml
- include: tasks/arch_programming.yml
- include: tasks/arch_teacher.yml
- include: tasks/arch_gnome.yml
- include: tasks/arch_graphicals.yml
- include: tasks/dotfiles.yml
- include: tasks/dotfiles_desktop.yml
- include: tasks/nfs_share.yml
- include: tasks/wine.yml
- include: tasks/gaming.yml
- include: tasks/choux_borg_backup.yml
- include: tasks/arch_virtualbox.yml
- include: tasks/arch_docker.yml
- name: restart sshd
name: sshd
state: restarted
- name: restart nfs-server
name: nfs-server
state: restarted
- name: restart nfs-client
name: nfs-client
state: restarted
- name: restart autofs
name: autofs
state: restarted

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- vars/common.yml
- vars/users.yml
# - vars/home.yml
- vars/Combava.yml
- include: tasks/ansible.yml
- include: tasks/arch_aur.yml
- include: tasks/arch_CLI_packages.yml
- include: tasks/dd_backup.yml
- include: tasks/prompt.yml
# - include: tasks/users.yml
- include: tasks/sudo.yml
# - include: tasks/ssh.yml
- include: tasks/arch_programming.yml
- include: tasks/arch_teacher.yml
- include: tasks/arch_gnome.yml
- include: tasks/arch_graphicals.yml
- include: tasks/dotfiles.yml
- include: tasks/dotfiles_desktop.yml
- include: tasks/home_autofs.yml
- include: tasks/laptop.yml
- include: tasks/gaming.yml
- include: tasks/arch_docker.yml
# - include: tasks/nfs_share.yml
#- include: tasks/wine.yml
# - include: tasks/arch_virtualbox.yml
- name: restart sshd
name: sshd
state: restarted
- name: restart nfs
name: nfs-server
state: restarted

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- vars/common.yml
- vars/users.yml
- vars/server.yml
- vars/Panais.yml
- include: tasks/ansible.yml
- include: tasks/deb_CLI_packages.yml
- include: tasks/prompt.yml
- include: tasks/users.yml
- include: tasks/sudo.yml
- include: tasks/ssh.yml
- include: tasks/dotfiles.yml
- include: tasks/deb_docker.yml
- name: restart sshd
name: sshd
state: restarted

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- vars/common.yml
- vars/home.yml
- vars/users.yml
- vars/Combava.yml
- include: tasks/ansible.yml
- include: tasks/arch_CLI_packages.yml
- include: tasks/sudo.yml
- include: tasks/arch_aur.yml
#- include: tasks/dd_backup.yml
- include: tasks/prompt.yml
- include: tasks/users.yml
- include: tasks/ssh.yml
- include: tasks/arch_programming.yml
- include: tasks/arch_teacher.yml
- include: tasks/arch_gnome.yml
- include: tasks/arch_graphicals.yml
- include: tasks/dotfiles.yml
- include: tasks/dotfiles_desktop.yml
- include: tasks/home_autofs.yml
- include: tasks/laptop.yml
- include: tasks/arch_docker.yml
# - include: tasks/nfs_share.yml
# - include: tasks/wine.yml
# - include: tasks/arch_virtualbox.yml
- name: restart sshd
name: sshd
state: restarted
- name: restart nfs
name: nfs-server
state: restarted

View File

@ -1,40 +1,3 @@
# Ansible workstation # Ansible Molecule Vagrant - test
Ansible script to deploy my workstation with a ansible-pull.
## Automatic install
Before call ansible-pull, git and ansible are required
apt-get install git ansible
pacman install git ansible
Installing Choux
# Need aur module for some tasks
git clone https://github.com/kewlfft/ansible-aur.git ~/.ansible/plugins/modules/aur
ansible-pull -U https://git.opytex.org/lafrite/Ansible_workstation.git Choux.yml
Depuis peu, il y a un bug entre pacman et ansible:
LC_ALL=C ansible-pull -U https://git.opytex.org/lafrite/Ansible_workstation.git --vault-id @prompt Choux.yml
Il y a un soucis avec le rôle users. Si on le joue plusieurs fois, ils n'apparaissent plus dans GDM. Donc au premier lancement, il faut ajouter
--extra-vars "create_user=True"
### On Debian
After running the script, there is a bug with $TERM which makes BACKSPACE and TAB to have strange behavior. To solve it, from an other computer run:
infocmp -x | ssh -t root@remote-host 'cat > "$TERM.info" && tic -x "$TERM.info"'
## By hand for Choux
- Install vim plugin
- Copy PrivateKeys
- Copy PGP keys
- Clone password-store repository to .password-store
## 2021-12-22:

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- vars/common.yml
- vars/users.yml
- vars/server.yml
- vars/abertrand.yml
- include: tasks/ansible.yml
- include: tasks/deb_CLI_packages.yml
- include: tasks/prompt.yml
- include: tasks/users.yml
- include: tasks/sudo.yml
- include: tasks/ssh.yml
- include: tasks/dotfiles.yml
- include: tasks/deb_docker.yml
- name: restart sshd
name: sshd
state: restarted

View File

@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
# config file for ansible -- https://ansible.com/
# ===============================================
# nearly all parameters can be overridden in ansible-playbook
# or with command line flags. ansible will read ANSIBLE_CONFIG,
# ansible.cfg in the current working directory, .ansible.cfg in
# the home directory or /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg, whichever it
# finds first
# some basic default values...
#inventory = /etc/ansible/hosts
#library = /usr/share/my_modules/
#module_utils = /usr/share/my_module_utils/
#remote_tmp = ~/.ansible/tmp
#local_tmp = ~/.ansible/tmp
#plugin_filters_cfg = /etc/ansible/plugin_filters.yml
#forks = 5
#poll_interval = 15
#sudo_user = root
#ask_sudo_pass = True
#ask_pass = True
#transport = smart
#remote_port = 22
#module_lang = C
#module_set_locale = False
# plays will gather facts by default, which contain information about
# the remote system.
# smart - gather by default, but don't regather if already gathered
# implicit - gather by default, turn off with gather_facts: False
# explicit - do not gather by default, must say gather_facts: True
#gathering = implicit
# This only affects the gathering done by a play's gather_facts directive,
# by default gathering retrieves all facts subsets
# all - gather all subsets
# network - gather min and network facts
# hardware - gather hardware facts (longest facts to retrieve)
# virtual - gather min and virtual facts
# facter - import facts from facter
# ohai - import facts from ohai
# You can combine them using comma (ex: network,virtual)
# You can negate them using ! (ex: !hardware,!facter,!ohai)
# A minimal set of facts is always gathered.
#gather_subset = all
# some hardware related facts are collected
# with a maximum timeout of 10 seconds. This
# option lets you increase or decrease that
# timeout to something more suitable for the
# environment.
# gather_timeout = 10
# Ansible facts are available inside the ansible_facts.* dictionary
# namespace. This setting maintains the behaviour which was the default prior
# to 2.5, duplicating these variables into the main namespace, each with a
# prefix of 'ansible_'.
# This variable is set to True by default for backwards compatibility. It
# will be changed to a default of 'False' in a future release.
# ansible_facts.
# inject_facts_as_vars = True
# additional paths to search for roles in, colon separated
#roles_path = /etc/ansible/roles
# uncomment this to disable SSH key host checking
#host_key_checking = False
# change the default callback, you can only have one 'stdout' type enabled at a time.
stdout_callback = skippy
## Ansible ships with some plugins that require whitelisting,
## this is done to avoid running all of a type by default.
## These setting lists those that you want enabled for your system.
## Custom plugins should not need this unless plugin author specifies it.
# enable callback plugins, they can output to stdout but cannot be 'stdout' type.
#callback_whitelist = timer, mail
# Determine whether includes in tasks and handlers are "static" by
# default. As of 2.0, includes are dynamic by default. Setting these
# values to True will make includes behave more like they did in the
# 1.x versions.
#task_includes_static = False
#handler_includes_static = False
# Controls if a missing handler for a notification event is an error or a warning
#error_on_missing_handler = True
# change this for alternative sudo implementations
#sudo_exe = sudo
# What flags to pass to sudo
# WARNING: leaving out the defaults might create unexpected behaviours
#sudo_flags = -H -S -n
# SSH timeout
#timeout = 10
# default user to use for playbooks if user is not specified
# (/usr/bin/ansible will use current user as default)
#remote_user = root
# logging is off by default unless this path is defined
# if so defined, consider logrotate
#log_path = /var/log/ansible.log
# default module name for /usr/bin/ansible
#module_name = command
# use this shell for commands executed under sudo
# you may need to change this to bin/bash in rare instances
# if sudo is constrained
#executable = /bin/sh
# if inventory variables overlap, does the higher precedence one win
# or are hash values merged together? The default is 'replace' but
# this can also be set to 'merge'.
#hash_behaviour = replace
# by default, variables from roles will be visible in the global variable
# scope. To prevent this, the following option can be enabled, and only
# tasks and handlers within the role will see the variables there
#private_role_vars = yes
# list any Jinja2 extensions to enable here:
#jinja2_extensions = jinja2.ext.do,jinja2.ext.i18n
# if set, always use this private key file for authentication, same as
# if passing --private-key to ansible or ansible-playbook
#private_key_file = /path/to/file
# If set, configures the path to the Vault password file as an alternative to
# specifying --vault-password-file on the command line.
#vault_password_file = /path/to/vault_password_file
# format of string {{ ansible_managed }} available within Jinja2
# templates indicates to users editing templates files will be replaced.
# replacing {file}, {host} and {uid} and strftime codes with proper values.
#ansible_managed = Ansible managed: {file} modified on %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S by {uid} on {host}
# {file}, {host}, {uid}, and the timestamp can all interfere with idempotence
# in some situations so the default is a static string:
#ansible_managed = Ansible managed
# by default, ansible-playbook will display "Skipping [host]" if it determines a task
# should not be run on a host. Set this to "False" if you don't want to see these "Skipping"
# messages. NOTE: the task header will still be shown regardless of whether or not the
# task is skipped.
#display_skipped_hosts = True
# by default, if a task in a playbook does not include a name: field then
# ansible-playbook will construct a header that includes the task's action but
# not the task's args. This is a security feature because ansible cannot know
# if the *module* considers an argument to be no_log at the time that the
# header is printed. If your environment doesn't have a problem securing
# stdout from ansible-playbook (or you have manually specified no_log in your
# playbook on all of the tasks where you have secret information) then you can
# safely set this to True to get more informative messages.
#display_args_to_stdout = False
# by default (as of 1.3), Ansible will raise errors when attempting to dereference
# Jinja2 variables that are not set in templates or action lines. Uncomment this line
# to revert the behavior to pre-1.3.
#error_on_undefined_vars = False
# by default (as of 1.6), Ansible may display warnings based on the configuration of the
# system running ansible itself. This may include warnings about 3rd party packages or
# other conditions that should be resolved if possible.
# to disable these warnings, set the following value to False:
#system_warnings = True
# by default (as of 1.4), Ansible may display deprecation warnings for language
# features that should no longer be used and will be removed in future versions.
# to disable these warnings, set the following value to False:
#deprecation_warnings = True
# (as of 1.8), Ansible can optionally warn when usage of the shell and
# command module appear to be simplified by using a default Ansible module
# instead. These warnings can be silenced by adjusting the following
# setting or adding warn=yes or warn=no to the end of the command line
# parameter string. This will for example suggest using the git module
# instead of shelling out to the git command.
# command_warnings = False
# set plugin path directories here, separate with colons
#action_plugins = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/action
#cache_plugins = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/cache
#callback_plugins = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/callback
#connection_plugins = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/connection
#lookup_plugins = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/lookup
#inventory_plugins = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/inventory
#vars_plugins = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/vars
#filter_plugins = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/filter
#test_plugins = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/test
#terminal_plugins = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/terminal
#strategy_plugins = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/strategy
# by default, ansible will use the 'linear' strategy but you may want to try
# another one
#strategy = free
# by default callbacks are not loaded for /bin/ansible, enable this if you
# want, for example, a notification or logging callback to also apply to
# /bin/ansible runs
#bin_ansible_callbacks = False
# don't like cows? that's unfortunate.
# set to 1 if you don't want cowsay support or export ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1
#nocows = 1
# set which cowsay stencil you'd like to use by default. When set to 'random',
# a random stencil will be selected for each task. The selection will be filtered
# against the `cow_whitelist` option below.
#cow_selection = default
#cow_selection = random
# when using the 'random' option for cowsay, stencils will be restricted to this list.
# it should be formatted as a comma-separated list with no spaces between names.
# NOTE: line continuations here are for formatting purposes only, as the INI parser
# in python does not support them.
# hellokitty,kitty,luke-koala,meow,milk,moofasa,moose,ren,sheep,small,stegosaurus,\
# stimpy,supermilker,three-eyes,turkey,turtle,tux,udder,vader-koala,vader,www
# don't like colors either?
# set to 1 if you don't want colors, or export ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR=1
#nocolor = 1
force_color = 1
# if set to a persistent type (not 'memory', for example 'redis') fact values
# from previous runs in Ansible will be stored. This may be useful when
# wanting to use, for example, IP information from one group of servers
# without having to talk to them in the same playbook run to get their
# current IP information.
#fact_caching = memory
#This option tells Ansible where to cache facts. The value is plugin dependent.
#For the jsonfile plugin, it should be a path to a local directory.
#For the redis plugin, the value is a host:port:database triplet: fact_caching_connection = localhost:6379:0
# retry files
# When a playbook fails by default a .retry file will be created in ~/
# You can disable this feature by setting retry_files_enabled to False
# and you can change the location of the files by setting retry_files_save_path
#retry_files_enabled = False
#retry_files_save_path = ~/.ansible-retry
# squash actions
# Ansible can optimise actions that call modules with list parameters
# when looping. Instead of calling the module once per with_ item, the
# module is called once with all items at once. Currently this only works
# under limited circumstances, and only with parameters named 'name'.
#squash_actions = apk,apt,dnf,homebrew,pacman,pkgng,yum,zypper
# prevents logging of task data, off by default
#no_log = False
# prevents logging of tasks, but only on the targets, data is still logged on the master/controller
#no_target_syslog = False
# controls whether Ansible will raise an error or warning if a task has no
# choice but to create world readable temporary files to execute a module on
# the remote machine. This option is False by default for security. Users may
# turn this on to have behaviour more like Ansible prior to 2.1.x. See
# https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/become.html#becoming-an-unprivileged-user
# for more secure ways to fix this than enabling this option.
#allow_world_readable_tmpfiles = False
# controls the compression level of variables sent to
# worker processes. At the default of 0, no compression
# is used. This value must be an integer from 0 to 9.
#var_compression_level = 9
# controls what compression method is used for new-style ansible modules when
# they are sent to the remote system. The compression types depend on having
# support compiled into both the controller's python and the client's python.
# The names should match with the python Zipfile compression types:
# * ZIP_STORED (no compression. available everywhere)
# * ZIP_DEFLATED (uses zlib, the default)
# These values may be set per host via the ansible_module_compression inventory
# variable
#module_compression = 'ZIP_DEFLATED'
# This controls the cutoff point (in bytes) on --diff for files
# set to 0 for unlimited (RAM may suffer!).
#max_diff_size = 1048576
# This controls how ansible handles multiple --tags and --skip-tags arguments
# on the CLI. If this is True then multiple arguments are merged together. If
# it is False, then the last specified argument is used and the others are ignored.
# This option will be removed in 2.8.
#merge_multiple_cli_flags = True
# Controls showing custom stats at the end, off by default
#show_custom_stats = True
# Controls which files to ignore when using a directory as inventory with
# possibly multiple sources (both static and dynamic)
#inventory_ignore_extensions = ~, .orig, .bak, .ini, .cfg, .retry, .pyc, .pyo
# This family of modules use an alternative execution path optimized for network appliances
# only update this setting if you know how this works, otherwise it can break module execution
#network_group_modules=eos, nxos, ios, iosxr, junos, vyos
# When enabled, this option allows lookups (via variables like {{lookup('foo')}} or when used as
# a loop with `with_foo`) to return data that is not marked "unsafe". This means the data may contain
# jinja2 templating language which will be run through the templating engine.
#allow_unsafe_lookups = False
# set default errors for all plays
#any_errors_fatal = False
# enable inventory plugins, default: 'host_list', 'script', 'yaml', 'ini', 'auto'
#enable_plugins = host_list, virtualbox, yaml, constructed
# ignore these extensions when parsing a directory as inventory source
#ignore_extensions = .pyc, .pyo, .swp, .bak, ~, .rpm, .md, .txt, ~, .orig, .ini, .cfg, .retry
# ignore files matching these patterns when parsing a directory as inventory source
# If 'true' unparsed inventory sources become fatal errors, they are warnings otherwise.
# uncomment this line to cause the paramiko connection plugin to not record new host
# keys encountered. Increases performance on new host additions. Setting works independently of the
# host key checking setting above.
# by default, Ansible requests a pseudo-terminal for commands executed under sudo. Uncomment this
# line to disable this behaviour.
# paramiko will default to looking for SSH keys initially when trying to
# authenticate to remote devices. This is a problem for some network devices
# that close the connection after a key failure. Uncomment this line to
# disable the Paramiko look for keys function
#look_for_keys = False
# When using persistent connections with Paramiko, the connection runs in a
# background process. If the host doesn't already have a valid SSH key, by
# default Ansible will prompt to add the host key. This will cause connections
# running in background processes to fail. Uncomment this line to have
# Paramiko automatically add host keys.
#host_key_auto_add = True
# ssh arguments to use
# Leaving off ControlPersist will result in poor performance, so use
# paramiko on older platforms rather than removing it, -C controls compression use
#ssh_args = -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s
# The base directory for the ControlPath sockets.
# This is the "%(directory)s" in the control_path option
# Example:
# control_path_dir = /tmp/.ansible/cp
#control_path_dir = ~/.ansible/cp
# The path to use for the ControlPath sockets. This defaults to a hashed string of the hostname,
# port and username (empty string in the config). The hash mitigates a common problem users
# found with long hostames and the conventional %(directory)s/ansible-ssh-%%h-%%p-%%r format.
# In those cases, a "too long for Unix domain socket" ssh error would occur.
# Example:
# control_path = %(directory)s/%%h-%%r
#control_path =
# Enabling pipelining reduces the number of SSH operations required to
# execute a module on the remote server. This can result in a significant
# performance improvement when enabled, however when using "sudo:" you must
# first disable 'requiretty' in /etc/sudoers
# By default, this option is disabled to preserve compatibility with
# sudoers configurations that have requiretty (the default on many distros).
#pipelining = False
# Control the mechanism for transferring files (old)
# * smart = try sftp and then try scp [default]
# * True = use scp only
# * False = use sftp only
#scp_if_ssh = smart
# Control the mechanism for transferring files (new)
# If set, this will override the scp_if_ssh option
# * sftp = use sftp to transfer files
# * scp = use scp to transfer files
# * piped = use 'dd' over SSH to transfer files
# * smart = try sftp, scp, and piped, in that order [default]
#transfer_method = smart
# if False, sftp will not use batch mode to transfer files. This may cause some
# types of file transfer failures impossible to catch however, and should
# only be disabled if your sftp version has problems with batch mode
#sftp_batch_mode = False
# The -tt argument is passed to ssh when pipelining is not enabled because sudo
# requires a tty by default.
#use_tty = True
# Number of times to retry an SSH connection to a host, in case of UNREACHABLE.
# For each retry attempt, there is an exponential backoff,
# so after the first attempt there is 1s wait, then 2s, 4s etc. up to 30s (max).
#retries = 3
# Configures the persistent connection timeout value in seconds. This value is
# how long the persistent connection will remain idle before it is destroyed.
# If the connection doesn't receive a request before the timeout value
# expires, the connection is shutdown. The default value is 30 seconds.
#connect_timeout = 30
# Configures the persistent connection retry timeout. This value configures the
# the retry timeout that ansible-connection will wait to connect
# to the local domain socket. This value must be larger than the
# ssh timeout (timeout) and less than persistent connection idle timeout (connect_timeout).
# The default value is 15 seconds.
#connect_retry_timeout = 15
# The command timeout value defines the amount of time to wait for a command
# or RPC call before timing out. The value for the command timeout must
# be less than the value of the persistent connection idle timeout (connect_timeout)
# The default value is 10 second.
#command_timeout = 10
#accelerate_port = 5099
#accelerate_timeout = 30
#accelerate_connect_timeout = 5.0
# The daemon timeout is measured in minutes. This time is measured
# from the last activity to the accelerate daemon.
#accelerate_daemon_timeout = 30
# If set to yes, accelerate_multi_key will allow multiple
# private keys to be uploaded to it, though each user must
# have access to the system via SSH to add a new key. The default
# is "no".
#accelerate_multi_key = yes
# file systems that require special treatment when dealing with security context
# the default behaviour that copies the existing context or uses the user default
# needs to be changed to use the file system dependent context.
# Set this to yes to allow libvirt_lxc connections to work without SELinux.
#libvirt_lxc_noseclabel = yes
highlight = white
verbose = blue
warn = bright purple
error = red
debug = dark gray
deprecate = purple
skip = cyan
unreachable = red
ok = green
changed = yellow
diff_add = green
diff_remove = red
diff_lines = cyan
# Always print diff when running ( same as always running with -D/--diff )
# always = no
# Set how many context lines to show in diff
# context = 3

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
doc_choux -rw,default,nls=utf8,uid=100,users Choux:/export/documents

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
Nas_commun -rw,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 nas:/mnt/DocNas/Commun
Nas_perso -rw,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 nas:/mnt/DocNas/Benjamin
#Nas_config -rw,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 nas:/export/Config

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
Description=Borg Backup
ExecStartPre=notify-send "Backup starts"
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/borg break-lock {{ borg_backup_repo }}
ExecStart={{ borg_script_path }}/{{ borg_script_filename }}
ExecStopPost=-bash -c '[[ $EXIT_STATUS == 0 ]] && notify-send "Backup finished"'
ExecStopPost=-bash -c '[[ $EXIT_STATUS != 0 ]] && notify-send "Backup failed." -u critical'

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
# Script de sauvegarde.
# Envoie les sauvegardes sur un serveur distant, via le programme borg.
# Les sauvegardes sont chiffrées
# http://borgbackup.readthedocs.or/g
# Est lancé quotidiennement.
set -e
echo `date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%S'` $1 >> ${LOG_PATH}
# Trap on non-zero exit
# trap '[ "$?" -eq 0 ] || cleanup' EXIT
BACKUP_DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
# Fichier dans lequel est stocké la passphrase du dépôt borg
# (attention aux permissions)
export BORG_PASSPHRASE="`cat /root/.borg/passphrase`"
BORG_REPOSITORY={{ borg_backup_repo }}
# BORG_REPOSITORY=/media/backup/Choux
BACKUPED_DIR="/media/local_documents /home/"
ts_log "Starting new backup ${BACKUP_DATE}..."
ts_log "Pushing archive ${BORG_ARCHIVE}"
$BORG create \
-v --stats --compression none \
--exclude 'lost+found' \
--exclude '/home/*/.cache' \
--exclude '/home/*/.ccache'
>> ${LOG_PATH} 2>&1
ts_log "Rotating old backups."
--keep-daily=7 \
--keep-weekly=4 \
--keep-monthly=6 \
>> ${LOG_PATH} 2>&1
ts_log "Backup done"

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
Description=Borg Backup Timer

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="bdi", DEVPATH=="/devices/virtual/bdi/*",
TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}="automatic-backup.service"

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
ExecStartPre=notify-send "Backup starts"
ExecStopPost=-bash -c '[[ $EXIT_STATUS == 0 ]] && notify-send "Backup finished: Drive can be removed."'
ExecStopPost=-bash -c '[[ $EXIT_STATUS != 0 ]] && notify-send "Backup failed." -u critical'

View File

@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
#!/bin/bash -ue
# The udev rule is not terribly accurate and may trigger our service before
# the kernel has finished probing partitions. Sleep for a bit to ensure
# the kernel is done.
# This can be avoided by using a more precise udev rule, e.g. matching
# a specific hardware path and partition.
sleep 5
# Script configuration
# The backup partition is mounted there
# This is the location of the Borg repository
# Archive name schema
DATE=$(date --iso-8601)-$(hostname)
# This is the file that will later contain UUIDs of registered backup drives
# Find whether the connected block device is a backup drive
for uuid in $(lsblk --noheadings --list --output uuid)
if grep --quiet --fixed-strings $uuid $DISKS; then
if [ ! $uuid ]; then
echo "No backup disk found, exiting"
exit 0
echo "Disk $uuid is a backup disk"
# Mount file system if not already done. This assumes that if something is already
# mounted at $MOUNTPOINT, it is the backup drive. It won't find the drive if
# it was mounted somewhere else.
(mount | grep $MOUNTPOINT) || mount $partition_path $MOUNTPOINT
drive=$(lsblk --inverse --noheadings --list --paths --output name $partition_path | head --lines 1)
echo "Drive path: $drive"
# Create backups
# Options for borg create
BORG_OPTS="--stats --one-file-system --compression lz4 --checkpoint-interval 86400"
# Set BORG_PASSPHRASE or BORG_PASSCOMMAND somewhere around here, using export,
# if encryption is used.
export BORG_PASSPHRASE="`cat /etc/backups/passphrase`"
# No one can answer if Borg asks these questions, it is better to just fail quickly
# instead of hanging.
# Log Borg version
borg --version
echo "Starting backup for $DATE"
# This is just an example, change it however you see fit
borg create $BORG_OPTS \
--exclude /media/documents/games/ \
--exclude /media/documents/musique/ \
--exclude /media/documents/photos/ \
$TARGET::$DATE-$$-documents \
# /home is often a separate partition / file system.
# Even if it isn't (add --exclude /home above), it probably makes sense
# to have /home in a separate archive.
borg create $BORG_OPTS \
--exclude 'sh:/home/*/.cache' \
$TARGET::$DATE-$$-home \
echo "Completed backup for $DATE"
# Just to be completely paranoid
if [ -f /etc/backups/autoeject ]; then
hdparm -Y $drive
if [ -f /etc/backups/backup-suspend ]; then
systemctl suspend

View File

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
!*.font: xft:monospace:size=9
! URxvt*font: xft:Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline:size=9
URxvt*font: xft:Hack Nerd Font:pixelsize=12,xft:UbuntuMono Nerd Font:pixelsize=12
URxvt*letterSpace: -1
! URxvt*font: xft:Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline:pixelsize=14,xft:Droid Sans Mono for Powerline:pixelsize=14,xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=14,xft:Droid Sans Fallback:pixelsize=14,xft:FreeSans:pixelsize=14,xft:FreeSans:pixelsize=14
URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,fullscreen,resize-font
! fullscreen with F11
URxvt.keysym.F11: perl:fullscreen:switch
! `font-size` plugin
URxvt.resize-font.smaller: C-Down
URxvt.resize-font.bigger: C-Up
! ! URxvt.foreground: #f6f3e8
! ! URxvt.background: #242424
! ! URxvt.cursorColor: #f6f3e8
! *.foreground: #fcfae1
! *.background: #404040
! *.cursorColor: #f595a7
! *.color0: #404040
! *.color8: #262626
! *.color1: #b9454b
! *.color9: #e75252
! *.color2: #bd8d46
! *.color10: #dea552
! *.color3: #f6e497
! *.color11: #d1c180
! *.color4: #f595a7
! *.color12: #d1a5ad
! *.color5: #d28e2a
! *.color13: #b47a24
! *.color6: #ebcd4f
! *.color14: #b9a659
! *.color7: #fcfae1
! *.color15: #f3f2e7
! ! ! ANSI colours
! ! ! black
! ! URxvt.color0: #073642
! ! URxvt.color8: #002636
! ! ! red
! ! URxvt.color1: #dc322f
! ! URxvt.color9: #cb4b16
! ! ! green
! ! URxvt.color2: #859900
! ! URxvt.color10: #586e75
! ! ! yellow
! ! URxvt.color3: #b58900
! ! URxvt.color11: #657b83
! ! ! blue
! ! URxvt.color4: #268bd2
! ! URxvt.color12: #839496
! ! ! magenta
! ! URxvt.color5: #d33682
! ! URxvt.color13: #6c71c4
! ! ! cyan
! ! URxvt.color6: #2aa198
! ! URxvt.color14: #93a1a1
! ! ! white
! ! URxvt.color7: #eee8d5
! ! URxvt.color15: #fdf6e3
! ! Colored man
! URxvt.colorIT: #87af5f
! URxvt.colorBD: #d7d7d7
! URxvt.colorUL: #87afd7
! hard contrast: *background: #1d2021
*background: #282828
! soft contrast: *background: #32302f
*foreground: #ebdbb2
! Black + DarkGrey
*color0: #282828
*color8: #928374
! DarkRed + Red
*color1: #cc241d
*color9: #fb4934
! DarkGreen + Green
*color2: #98971a
*color10: #b8bb26
! DarkYellow + Yellow
*color3: #d79921
*color11: #fabd2f
! DarkBlue + Blue
*color4: #458588
*color12: #83a598
! DarkMagenta + Magenta
*color5: #b16286
*color13: #d3869b
! DarkCyan + Cyan
*color6: #689d6a
*color14: #8ec07c
! LightGrey + White
*color7: #a89984
*color15: #ebdbb2

View File

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
# Colors (Gruvbox dark)
# Default colors
# hard contrast: background = '#1d2021'
# background: '#282828'
# soft contrast: background = '#32302f'
background: '#32302f'
foreground: '#ebdbb2'
# Normal colors
black: '#282828'
red: '#cc241d'
green: '#98971a'
yellow: '#d79921'
blue: '#458588'
magenta: '#b16286'
cyan: '#689d6a'
white: '#a89984'
# Bright colors
black: '#928374'
red: '#fb4934'
green: '#b8bb26'
yellow: '#fabd2f'
blue: '#83a598'
magenta: '#d3869b'
cyan: '#8ec07c'
white: '#ebdbb2'
family: "UbuntuMono Nerd Font"
style: Regular
family: "UbuntuMono Nerd Font"
style: Bold
family: "UbuntuMono Nerd Font"
style: Italic
family: "UbuntuMono Nerd Font"
style: Bold Italic
# Point size
size: 11.0
x: 0
y: 0
x: 0
y: 0
decorations: none
x: 2
y: 2
columns: 100
lines: 20
# Maximum number of lines in the scrollback buffer.
# Specifying '0' will disable scrolling.
history: 10000
# Number of lines the viewport will move for every line scrolled when
# scrollback is enabled (history > 0).
multiplier: 10
# If `true`, bold text is drawn using the bright color variants.
draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: true
semantic_escape_chars: ',│`|:"'' ()[]{}<>'
save_to_clipboard: true
live_config_reload: true
- { key: V, mods: Control|Shift, action: Paste }
- { key: C, mods: Control|Shift, action: Copy }
- { key: Key0, mods: Control, action: ResetFontSize }
- { key: Equals, mods: Control, action: IncreaseFontSize }
- { key: NumpadAdd, mods: Control, action: IncreaseFontSize }
- { key: NumpadSubtract, mods: Control, action: DecreaseFontSize }
- { key: Minus, mods: Control, action: DecreaseFontSize }
- { key: N, mods: Control, action: SpawnNewInstance }

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
if not functions -q fisher
set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME; or set XDG_CONFIG_HOME ~/.config
curl https://git.io/fisher --create-dirs -sLo $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/functions/fisher.fish
fish -c fisher
set -Ux EDITOR vim
set -Ux FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS '--height 40% --layout=reverse --border'
#fisher add jethrokuan/fzf

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
name = Bertrand Benjamin
email = benjamin.bertrand@opytex.org

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
IMAPAccount opytex
Host imap.mailfence.com
User Takanuva
PassCmd "pass show mail/mailfence/Takanuva | head -n 1"
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPStore opytex-remote
Account opytex
MaildirStore opytex-local
Subfolders Verbatim
Path ~/.mail/opytex/
Inbox ~/.mail/opytex/INBOX
Channel opytex
Master :opytex-remote:
Slave :opytex-local:
Create Both
Expunge Both
Patterns *
SyncState *
IMAPAccount lafrite26
Host imap.gmail.com
User lafrite26
PassCmd "pass show mail/lafrite26@gmail.com | head -n 1"
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPStore lafrite26-remote
Account lafrite26
MaildirStore lafrite26-local
Subfolders Verbatim
Path ~/.mail/lafrite26/
Inbox ~/.mail/lafrite26/INBOX
Channel lafrite26
Master :lafrite26-remote:
Slave :lafrite26-local:
Create Both
Expunge Both
Patterns *
SyncState *
IMAPAccount benjamin.jm.bertrand
Host imap.gmail.com
User benjamin.jm.bertrand
PassCmd "pass show mail/benjamin.jm.bertrand@gmail.com | head -n 1"
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPStore benjamin.jm.bertrand-remote
Account benjamin.jm.bertrand
MaildirStore benjamin.jm.bertrand-local
Subfolders Verbatim
Path ~/.mail/benjamin.jm.bertrand/
Inbox ~/.mail/benjamin.jm.bertrand/INBOX
Channel benjamin.jm.bertrand
Master :benjamin.jm.bertrand-remote:
Slave :benjamin.jm.bertrand-local:
Create Both
Expunge Both
Patterns *
SyncState *

View File

@ -1,654 +0,0 @@
# This is a configuration file for the MOC player. It should be named
# 'config' and placed in the ~/.moc directory. As this file can specify
# commands which invoke other applications, MOC will refuse to start if it
# is not owned by either root or the current user, or if it is writable by
# anyone other than it's owner. All options are given with their default
# values, and therefore commented.
# Comments begin with '#'.
# You can use quotes and escape ('\') in parameters.
# You can have variable values substituted by enclosing the variable name
# as "${...}". (This only applies to the portion of the option following
# the ' ='.) Variables are substituted first from the environment then,
# if not found, from the configuration options. (Note that the value of
# a configuration option substituted is that which it has at the time the
# substitution variable is encountered.) If there is a naming conflict
# between an environment and configuration variable, you may be able to
# resolve it by using lowercase as the environment variable matches are
# case-sensitive whereas the configuration variables are not.
# You can also use the form "${...:-...}" where the value in the second
# position will be substituted if the variable name given in the first
# position is unset or null.
# So, for example:
# MusicDir = /music/${USER:-public}
# Fastdir1 = ${MusicDir}/mp3/rock
# Fastdir2 = ${MusicDir}/mp3/electronic
# Fastdir3 = ${MusicDir}/mp3/rap
# Fastdir4 = ${MusicDir}/mp3/etc
# Variable names are limited to those accepted by the BASH shell; that
# is, those comprising the upper- and lowercase ASCII characters, digits
# and the underscore.
# If you need to use the "${" sequence for any other purpose, write "$${"
# and it will be replaced by "${" and not treated as a substitution.
# Some options take lists of strings as their values. The strings are
# separated by colons. Additional strings can be appended to the list
# using "+ =" in place of a plain "=" to assign the value. For an example,
# see the XTerms option.
# You can override any configuration option when you run MOC using the
# '-O' command line option:
# mocp -O AutoNext =no -O messagelingertime=1 -O XTerms+=xxt:xwt
# This command line option can be repeated as many times as needed and
# the configuration option name is not case sensitive. (Note that MOC
# does not perform variable substitution on the value of such overridden
# configuration options.) Most option values are set before the
# configuration file is processed (which allows the new values to be
# picked up by substitutions), however list-valued options are overridden
# afterwards (which gives the choice of whether the configured values are
# replaced or added to).
# Remember that the client and server are separate processes and the
# server will retain the configuration values formed from the environment
# within which it was originally started.
# Show file titles (title, author, album) instead of file names?
#ReadTags = yes
# In which directory do you store your music files? If you specify it
# you will be able to jump straight to this directory with the '-m'
# parameter or the 'm' command. This can also point to a playlist.
# Example: MusicDir = "/home/joe/music"
MusicDir = "/media/documents/musique/"
# Start in the music directory by default? If set to 'no', start
# in the current directory by default. A single directory on
# the command line takes precedence.
#StartInMusicDir = no
# How to sort? FileName is the option's only value for now.
#Sort = FileName
# Show errors in the streams (for example, broken frames in MP3 files)?
#ShowStreamErrors = no
# Ignore CRC errors in MP3 files? Most players do that, so the default
# value is 'yes'.
#MP3IgnoreCRCErrors = yes
# Set playback toggles.
#Repeat = no
#Shuffle = no
#AutoNext = yes
# Default FormatString:
# %n - Track number
# %a - Artist
# %A - Album
# %t - Title
# %(X:TRUE:FALSE) - Ternary expression: if X exists, do TRUE,
# otherwise FALSE. The escape character must
# be doubled (i.e., '\\'). (See zshmisc
# documentation for more information.)
#FormatString = "%(n:%n :)%(a:%a - :)%(t:%t:)%(A: \(%A\):)"
# Input and ouput buffer sizes (in kilobytes).
#InputBuffer = 512 # Minimum value is 32KB
#OutputBuffer = 512 # Minimum value is 128KB
# How much to fill the input buffer before playing (in kilobytes)?
# This can't be greater than the value of InputBuffer. While this has
# a positive effect for network streams, it also causes the broadcast
# audio to be delayed.
#Prebuffering = 64
# Use this HTTP proxy server for internet streams. If not set, the
# environment variables http_proxy and ALL_PROXY will be used if present.
#HTTPProxy =
# Sound driver - OSS, ALSA, JACK, SNDIO (on OpenBSD) or null (only for
# debugging). You can enter more than one driver as a colon-separated
# list. The first working driver will be used.
#SoundDriver = JACK:ALSA:OSS
# Jack output settings.
#JackClientName = "moc"
#JackStartServer = no
#JackOutLeft = "system:playback_1"
#JackOutRight = "system:playback_2"
# OSS output settings.
#OSSDevice = /dev/dsp
#OSSMixerDevice = /dev/mixer
#OSSMixerChannel1 = pcm # 'pcm', 'master' or 'speaker'
#OSSMixerChannel2 = master # 'pcm', 'master' or 'speaker'
# ALSA output settings.
#ALSADevice = default
#ALSAMixer1 = PCM
#ALSAMixer2 = Master
# Save software mixer state?
# If enabled, a file 'softmixer' will be created in '~/.moc/' storing the
# mixersetting set when the server is shut down.
# Note that there is a "hidden" 'Amplification' setting in that file.
# Amplification (0-200) is used to scale the mixer setting (0-100). This
# results in a higher signal amplitude but may also produce clipping.
#Softmixer_SaveState = yes
# Save equalizer state?
# If enabled, a file 'equalizer' will be created in '~/.moc/' storing the
# equalizer settings when the server is shut down.
# Note that there is a "hidden" 'Mixin' setting in that file.
# Mixin (0.0-1.0) is used to determine how much of the original signal is
# used after equalizing. 0 means to only use the equalized sound, while 1
# effectively disabled the mixer. The default is 0.25.
#Equalizer_SaveState = yes
# Show files with dot at the beginning?
#ShowHiddenFiles = no
# Hide file name extensions?
#HideFileExtension = no
# Show file format in menu?
#ShowFormat = yes
# Show file time in menu? Possible values: 'yes', 'no' and 'IfAvailable'
# (meaning show the time only when it is already known, which often works
# faster).
#ShowTime = IfAvailable
# Show time played as a percentage in the time progress bar.
#ShowTimePercent = no
# Values of the TERM environment variable which are deemed to be xterms.
#XTerms = xterm
#XTerms + = xterm-colour:xterm-color
#XTerms + = xterm-256colour:xterm-256color
#XTerms + = rxvt:rxvt-unicode
#XTerms + = rxvt-unicode-256colour:rxvt-unicode-256color
#XTerms + = eterm
# Theme file to use. This can be absolute path or relative to
# /usr/share/moc/themes/ (depends on installation prefix) or
# ~/.moc/themes/ .
# Example: Theme = laras_theme
Theme = "moca_theme"
# The theme used when running on an xterm.
# Example: XTermTheme = transparent-background
#XTermTheme =
# Should MOC try to autoload the default lyrics file for an audio? (The
# default lyrics file is a text file with the same file name as the audio
# file name with any trailing "extension" removed.)
#AutoLoadLyrics = yes
# MOC directory (where pid file, socket and state files are stored).
# You can use ~ at the beginning.
#MOCDir = ~/.moc
# Use mmap() to read files. mmap() is much slower on NFS.
#UseMMap = no
# Use MIME to identify audio files. This can make for slower loading
# of playlists but is more accurate than using "extensions".
#UseMimeMagic = no
# Assume this encoding for ID3 version 1/1.1 tags (MP3 files). Unlike
# ID3v2, UTF-8 is not used here and MOC can't guess how tags are encoded.
# Another solution is using librcc (see the next option). This option is
# ignored if UseRCC is set to 'yes'.
#ID3v1TagsEncoding = WINDOWS-1250
# Use librcc to fix ID3 version 1/1.1 tags encoding.
#UseRCC = yes
# Use librcc to filenames and directory names encoding.
#UseRCCForFilesystem = yes
# When this option is set the player assumes that if the encoding of
# ID3v2 is set to ISO-8859-1 then the ID3v1TagsEncoding is actually
# that and applies appropriate conversion.
#EnforceTagsEncoding = no
# Enable the conversion of filenames from the local encoding to UTF-8.
#FileNamesIconv = no
# Enable the conversion of the xterm title from UTF-8 to the local encoding.
#NonUTFXterm = no
# Remember the playlist after exit?
#SavePlaylist = yes
# When using more than one client (interface) at a time, do they share
# the playlist?
#SyncPlaylist = yes
# Choose a keymap file (relative to '~/.moc/' or using an absolute path).
# An annotated example keymap file is included ('keymap.example').
# Example: Keymap = my_keymap
Keymap = keymap
# Use ASCII rather than graphic characters for drawing lines. This
# helps on some terminals.
#ASCIILines = no
# FastDirs, these allow you to jump directly to a directory, the key
# bindings are in the keymap file.
# Examples: Fastdir1 = /mp3/rock
# Fastdir2 = /mp3/electronic
# Fastdir3 = /mp3/rap
# Fastdir4 = /mp3/etc
#Fastdir1 =
#Fastdir2 =
#Fastdir3 =
#Fastdir4 =
#Fastdir5 =
#Fastdir6 =
#Fastdir7 =
#Fastdir8 =
#Fastdir9 =
#Fastdir10 =
# How fast to seek (in number of seconds per keystroke). The first
# option is for normal seek and the second for silent seek.
#SeekTime = 1
#SilentSeekTime = 5
# PreferredDecoders allows you to specify which decoder should be used
# for any given audio format. It is a colon-separated list in which
# each entry is of the general form 'code(decoders)', where 'code'
# identifies the audio format and 'decoders' is a comma-separated list
# of decoders in order of preference.
# The audio format identifier may be either a filename extension or a
# MIME media type. If the latter, the format is 'type/subtype' (e.g.,
# 'audio/flac'). Because different systems may give different MIME
# media types, any 'x-' prefix of the subtype is ignored both here and
# in the actual file MIME type (so all combinations of 'audio/flac' and
# 'audio/x-flac' match each other).
# For Internet streams the matching is done on MIME media type and on
# actual content. For files the matches are made on MIME media type
# (if the 'UseMimeMagic' option is set) and on filename extension. The
# MIME media type of a file is not determined until the first entry for
# MIME is encountered in the list.
# The matching is done in the order of appearance in the list with any
# entries added from the command line being matched before those listed
# here. Therefore, if you place all filename extension entries before
# all MIME entries you will speed up MOC's processing of directories
# (which could be significant for remote file systems).
# The decoder list may be empty, in which case no decoders will be used
# for files (and files with that audio format ignored) while Internet
# streams will be assessed on the actual content. Any decoder position
# may contain an asterisk, in which case any decoder not otherwise listed
# which can handle the audio format will be used. It is not an error to
# list the same decoder twice, but neither does it make sense to do so.
# If you have a mix of audio and non-audio files in your directories, you
# may wish to include entries at top of the list which ignore non-audio
# files by extension.
# In summary, the PreferredDecoders option provides fine control over the
# type of matching which is performed (filename extension, MIME media
# type and streamed media content) and which decoder(s) (if any) are used
# based on the option's list entries and their ordering.
# Examples: aac(aac,ffmpeg) first try FAAD2 for AACs then FFmpeg
# mp3() ignore MP3 files
# wav(*,sndfile) use sndfile for WAV as a last resort
# ogg(vorbis,*):flac(flac,*) try Xiph decoders first
# ogg():audio/ogg() ignore OGG files, and
# force Internet selection by content
# gz():html() ignore some non-audio files
# Any unspecified audio formats default to trying all decoders.
# Any unknown (or misspelt) drivers are ignored.
# All names are case insensitive.
# The default setting reflects the historical situation modified by
# the experience of users.
#PreferredDecoders = aac(aac,ffmpeg):m4a(ffmpeg)
#PreferredDecoders += mpc(musepack,*,ffmpeg):mpc8(musepack,*,ffmpeg)
#PreferredDecoders += sid(sidplay2):mus(sidplay2)
#PreferredDecoders += wav(sndfile,*,modplug,ffmpeg)
#PreferredDecoders += wv(wavpack,*,ffmpeg)
#PreferredDecoders += audio/aac(aac):audio/aacp(aac):audio/m4a(ffmpeg)
#PreferredDecoders += audio/wav(sndfile,*,modplug)
# The following PreferredDecoders attempt to handle the ambiguity surrounding
# container types such as OGG for files. The first two entries will force
# a local file to the correct decoder (assuming the .ogg file contains Vorbis
# audio), while the MIME media types will cause Internet audio streams to
# be assessed on content (which may be either Vorbis or Speex).
#PreferredDecoders += ogg(vorbis,ffmpeg):oga(vorbis,ffmpeg):ogv(ffmpeg)
#PreferredDecoders += opus(ffmpeg)
#PreferredDecoders += spx(speex)
#PreferredDecoders += application/ogg(vorbis):audio/ogg(vorbis)
# Which resampling method to use. There are a few methods of resampling
# sound supported by libresamplerate. The default is 'Linear') which is
# also the fastest. A better description can be found at:
# http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsamplerate/api_misc.html#Converters
# but briefly, the following methods are based on bandlimited interpolation
# and are higher quality, but also slower:
# SincBestQuality - really slow (I know you probably have an xx GHz
# processor, but it's still not enough to not see
# this in the top output :) The worst case
# Signal-to-Noise Ratio is 97dB.
# SincMediumQuality - much faster.
# SincFastest - the fastest bandlimited interpolation.
# And these are lower quality, but much faster methods:
# ZeroOrderHold - really poor quality, but it's really fast.
# Linear - a bit better and a bit slower.
#ResampleMethod = Linear
# Always use this sample rate (in Hz) when opening the audio device (and
# resample the sound if necessary). When set to 0 the device is opened
# with the file's rate.
#ForceSampleRate = 0
# By default, even if the sound card reports that it can output 24bit samples
# MOC converts 24bit PCM to 16bit. Setting this option to 'yes' allows MOC
# to use 24bit output. (The MP3 decoder, for example, uses this format.)
# This is disabled by default because there were reports that it prevents
# MP3 files from playing on some soundcards.
#Allow24bitOutput = no
# Use realtime priority for output buffer thread. This will prevent gaps
# while playing even with heavy load. The user who runs MOC must have
# permissions to set such a priority. This could be dangerous, because it
# is possible that a bug in MOC will freeze your computer.
#UseRealtimePriority = no
# The number of audio files for which MOC will cache tags. When this limit
# is reached, file tags are discarded on a least recently used basis (with
# one second resolution). You can disable the cache by giving it a size of
# zero. Note that if you decrease the cache size below the number of items
# currently in the cache, the number will not decrease immediately (if at
# all).
#TagsCacheSize = 256
# Number items in the playlist.
#PlaylistNumbering = yes
# Main window layouts can be configured. You can change the position and
# size of the menus (directory and playlist). You have three layouts and
# can switch between then using the 'l' key (standard mapping). By default,
# only two layouts are configured.
# The format is as follows:
# - Each layout is described as a list of menu entries.
# - Each menu entry is of the form:
# menu(position_x, position_y, width, height)
# where 'menu' is either 'directory' or 'playlist'.
# - The parameters define position and size of the menu. They can
# be absolute numbers (like 10) or a percentage of the screen size
# (like 45%).
# - 'width' and 'height' can have also value of 'FILL' which means
# fill the screen from the menu's position to the border.
# - Menus may overlap.
# You must describe at least one menu (default is to fill the whole window).
# There must be at least one layout (Layout1) defined; others can be empty.
# Example: Layout1 = playlist(50%,50%,50%,50%)
# Layout2 = ""
# Layout3 = ""
# Just one layout, the directory will occupy the whole
# screen, the playlist will have 1/4 of the screen size
# and be positioned at lower right corner. (Note that
# because the playlist will be hidden by the directory
# you will have to use the TAB key to make the playlist
# visible.)
# Example: Layout1 = playlist(0,0,100%,10):directory(0,10,100%,FILL)
# The screen is split into two parts: playlist at the top
# and the directory menu at the bottom. Playlist will
# occupy 10 lines and the directory menu the rest.
#Layout1 = directory(0,0,50%,100%):playlist(50%,0,FILL,100%)
#Layout2 = directory(0,0,100%,100%):playlist(0,0,100%,100%)
#Layout3 = ""
# When the song changes, should the menu be scrolled so that the currently
# played file is visible?
#FollowPlayedFile = yes
# What to do if the interface was started and the server is already playing
# something from the playlist? If CanStartInPlaylist is set to 'yes', the
# interface will switch to the playlist. When set to 'no' it will start
# from the last directory.
#CanStartInPlaylist = yes
# Executing external commands (1 - 10) invoked with key commands (F1 - F10
# by default).
# Some arguments are substituted before executing:
# %f - file path
# %i - title made from tags
# %S - start block mark (in seconds)
# %E - end block mark (in seconds)
# Data from tags can also be substituted:
# %t - title
# %a - album
# %r - artist
# %n - track
# %m - time of the file (in seconds)
# The parameters above apply to the currently selected file. If you change
# them to capital letters, they are taken from the file currently playing.
# Programs are run using execv(), not a shell, so you can't do things like
# redirecting the output to a file. The command string is split using blank
# characters as separators; the first element is the command to be executed
# and the rest are its parameters, so if you use "echo Playing: %I" we run
# program 'echo' (from $PATH) with 2 parameters: the string 'Playing:' and
# the title of the file currently playing. Even if the title contains
# spaces, it's still one parameter and it's safe if it contains `rm -rf /`.
# Examples: ExecCommand1 = "cp %f /mnt/usb_drive"
# ExecCommand2 = "/home/joe/now_playing %I"
#ExecCommand1 =
#ExecCommand2 =
#ExecCommand3 =
#ExecCommand4 =
#ExecCommand5 =
#ExecCommand6 =
#ExecCommand7 =
#ExecCommand8 =
#ExecCommand9 =
#ExecCommand10 =
# Display the cursor in the line with the selected file. Some braille
# readers (the Handy Tech modular series ZMU 737, for example) use the
# cursor to focus and can make use of it to present the file line even
# when other fields are changing.
#UseCursorSelection = no
# Set the terminal title when running under xterm.
#SetXtermTitle = yes
# Set the terminal title when running under screen.
#SetScreenTitle = yes
# Display full paths instead of just file names in the playlist.
#PlaylistFullPaths = yes
# The following setting describes how block markers are displayed in
# the play time progress bar. Its value is a string of exactly three
# characters. The first character is displayed in a position which
# corresponds to the time marked as the start of a block and the last
# character to the time marked as the end of the block. The middle
# character is displayed instead if both the start and the end of the block
# would fall in the same position (within the resolution of the interface).
# You can turn off the displaying of these block marker positions by using
# three space characters.
#BlockDecorators = "`\"'"
# How long (in seconds) to leave a message displayed on the screen.
# Setting this to a high value allows you to scroll through the messages
# using the 'hide_message' key. Setting it to zero means you'll have to
# be quick to see any message at all. Any new messages will be queued up
# and displayed after the current message's linger time expires.
#MessageLingerTime = 3
# Does MOC display a prefix on delayed messages indicating
# the number of queued messages still to be displayed?
#PrefixQueuedMessages = yes
# String to append to the queued message count if any
# error messages are still waiting to be displayed.
#ErrorMessagesQueued = "!"
# Self-describing ModPlug options (with 'yes' or 'no' values).
#ModPlug_Oversampling = yes
#ModPlug_NoiseReduction = yes
#ModPlug_Reverb = no
#ModPlug_MegaBass = no
#ModPlug_Surround = no
# ModPlug resampling mode.
# Valid values are:
# FIR - 8 tap fir filter (extremely high quality)
# SPLINE - Cubic spline interpolation (high quality)
# LINEAR - Linear interpolation (fast, good quality)
# NEAREST - No interpolation (very fast, extremely bad sound quality)
#ModPlug_ResamplingMode = FIR
# Other self-describing ModPlug audio characteristic options.
# (Note that the 32 bit sample size seems to be buggy.)
#ModPlug_Channels = 2 # 1 or 2 channels
#ModPlug_Bits = 16 # 8, 16 or 32 bits
#ModPlug_Frequency = 44100 # 11025, 22050, 44100 or 48000 Hz
#ModPlug_ReverbDepth = 0 # 0 (quiet) to 100 (loud)
#ModPlug_ReverbDelay = 0 # Delay in ms (usually 40-200ms)
#ModPlug_BassAmount = 0 # 0 (quiet) to 100 (loud).
#ModPlug_BassRange = 10 # Cutoff in Hz (10-100).
#ModPlug_SurroundDepth = 0 # Surround level 0(quiet)-100(heavy).
#ModPlug_SurroundDelay = 0 # Surround delay in ms, usually 5-40ms.
#ModPlug_LoopCount = 0 # 0 (never), n (times) or -1 (forever)
# Self-describing TiMidity audio characteristic options.
#TiMidity_Rate = 44100 # Between 8000 and 48000
#TiMidity_Bits = 16 # 8 or 16
#TiMidity_Channels = 2 # 1 or 2
#TiMidity_Volume = 100 # 0 to 800
# You can setup a TiMidity-Config-File here.
# Leave it unset to use library defaults (/etc/timidity.cfg mostly).
# Setting it to 'yes' also uses the library defaults.
# Set it to 'no' if you don't have any configuration file.
# Otherwise set it to the name of a specific file.
#TiMidity_Config =
# Self-describing SidPlay2 audio characteristic options.
#SidPlay2_DefaultSongLength = 180 # If not in database (in seconds)
#SidPlay2_MinimumSongLength = 0 # Play at least n (in seconds)
#SidPlay2_Frequency = 44100 # 4000 to 48000
#SidPlay2_Bits = 16 # 8 or 16
#SidPlay2_Optimisation = 0 # 0 (worst quality) to 2 (best quality)
# Set path to a HVSC-compatible database (if not set, database is disabled).
#SidPlay2_Database =
# SidPlay2 playback Mode:
# "M": Mono (best for many SIDs)
# "S": Stereo
# "L"/"R": Left / Right
#SidPlay2_PlayMode = "M"
# Use start-song information from SID ('yes') or start at first song
# ('no'). Songs before the start-song won't be played. (Note that this
# option previously took the values 1 and 0; these are now deprecated
# in favour of 'yes' and 'no'.)
#SidPlay2_StartAtStart = yes
# Play sub-tunes. (Note that this option previously took the values 1
# and 0; these are now deprecated in favour of 'yes' and 'no'.)
#SidPlay2_PlaySubTunes = yes
# Run the OnSongChange command when a new song starts playing.
# Specify the full path (i.e. no leading '~') of an executable to run.
# Arguments will be passed, and you can use the following escapes:
# %a artist
# %r album
# %f filename
# %t title
# %n track
# %d file duration in XX:YY form
# %D file duration, number of seconds
# No pipes/redirects can be used directly, but writing a shell script
# can do the job.
# Example: OnSongChange = "/home/jack/.moc/myscript %a %r"
#OnSongChange =
# If RepeatSongChange is 'yes' then MOC will execute the command every time
# a song starts playing regardless of whether or not it is just repeating.
# Otherwise the command will only be executed when a different song is
# started.
#RepeatSongChange = no
# Run the OnStop command (full path, no arguments) when MOC changes state
# to stopped (i.e., when user stopped playing or changes a song).
#OnStop = "/home/jack/.moc/myscript_on_stop"
# This option determines which song to play after finishing all the songs
# in the queue. Setting this to 'yes' causes MOC to play the song which
# follows the song being played before queue playing started. If set to
# 'no', MOC will play the song following the last song in the queue if it
# is in the playlist. The default is 'yes' because this is the way other
# players usually behave. (Note that this option previously took the
# values 1 and 0; these are now deprecated in favour of 'yes' and 'no'.)
#QueueNextSongReturn = yes

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Active: 1
Mixin: 0.250000

View File

@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
# This is the example keymap file for MOC. You can define your own key
# bindings for MOC commands by creating your own keymap file and setting
# the 'Keymap' option in ~/.moc/config.
# The format of this file is:
# - Lines beginning with # are comments.
# - Blank lines are ignored.
# - Every other line is expected to be in one of the formats:
# COMMAND = [KEY ...]
# COMMAND += KEY ...
# The KEY can be:
# - Just a char, like i, L, ", *
# - CTRL-KEY sequence: ^k (CTRL-k), ^4
# - ALT-KEY (meta) sequence: M-j (ALT-j), M-/
# - Special keys: DOWN, UP
# F1 - F12
# Note that the use of a digit as a KEY is deprecated.
# Maximum number of KEYs for one COMMAND is 5.
# Omitting the KEY for a COMMAND will unbind all its default keys. They
# will also be automatically unbound when you bind new KEYs to it. Individual
# default KEYs will be automatically unbound when they are explicitly bound
# to some other COMMAND.
# Using the '+=' form will cause the KEYs to be appended to any existing
# (default or explicit) bindings for the COMMAND. Appending an existing
# default binding for the same COMMAND will cause MOC to think of that KEY
# as then being explicitly bound.
# Only one binding for any given COMMAND can appear in the keymap file. One
# exception to this is that if the default keys for a COMMAND are explicitly
# unbound then a subsequent binding may appear for it. A second exception
# is that multiple appending bindings may appear.
# Meta-key detection is sensitive to the ESCDELAY environment variable (see
# the manpage for ncurses(3)). In its absence, MOC resets the default
# delay to 25ms. If you need to emulate meta-key sequences using the ESC
# key, then you may need to set the value of ESCDELAY back to its ncurses
# default of 1000ms (but doing so will make the response to the ESC key
# sluggish).
# If MOC's keypresses are being filtered through some other program (in a
# GUI environment, for example) which also does meta-key detection, then
# MOC is at the mercy of the timings with which that program presents them.
# Default key configuration for MOC (and a list of all available commands):
# MOC control keys:
quit_client = q
quit = Q
# Menu and interface control keys:
go = ENTER l
menu_down = DOWN j
menu_up = UP k
menu_page_down = PAGE_DOWN
menu_page_up = PAGE_UP
menu_first_item = HOME
menu_last_item = END
search_menu = /
toggle_read_tags = f
toggle_show_time = ^t
toggle_show_format = ^f
toggle_menu = TAB
toggle_hidden_files = H
next_search = ^g ^n
show_lyrics = L
theme_menu = T
help = ?
refresh = ^r
reload = r
# Audio playing and positioning keys:
seek_forward = RIGHT
seek_backward = LEFT
seek_forward_fast = ]
seek_backward_fast = [
pause = p SPACE
stop = s
next = n
previous = b
toggle_shuffle = S
toggle_repeat = R
toggle_auto_next = X
toggle_mixer = x
go_url = o
# Volume control keys:
volume_down_1 = <
volume_up_1 = >
volume_down_5 = ,
volume_up_5 = .
volume_10 = M-1
volume_20 = M-2
volume_30 = M-3
volume_40 = M-4
volume_50 = M-5
volume_60 = M-6
volume_70 = M-7
volume_80 = M-8
volume_90 = M-9
# Directory navigation keys: defaults are Shift-number
# (i.e., 'shift 1' -> '!' -> 'Fastdir1').
go_to_a_directory = i
go_to_music_directory = m
go_to_fast_dir1 = !
go_to_fast_dir2 = @
go_to_fast_dir3 = #
go_to_fast_dir4 = $
go_to_fast_dir5 = %
go_to_fast_dir6 = ^
go_to_fast_dir7 = &
go_to_fast_dir8 = *
go_to_fast_dir9 = (
go_to_fast_dir10 = )
go_to_playing_file = G
go_up = h
# Playlist specific keys:
add_file = a
add_directory = A
plist_add_stream = ^u
delete_from_playlist = d
playlist_full_paths = P
save_playlist = V
remove_dead_entries = Y
clear_playlist = C
# Queue manipulation keys:
enqueue_file = z
clear_queue = Z
# User interaction control:
history_up = UP
history_down = DOWN
delete_to_start = ^u
delete_to_end = ^k
cancel = ^x ESCAPE
hide_message = M
# Softmixer specific keys:
toggle_softmixer = w
toggle_make_mono = J
# Equalizer specific keys:
toggle_equalizer = E
equalizer_refresh = e
# External commands:
mark_start = '
mark_end = "
exec_command1 = F1
exec_command2 = F2
exec_command3 = F3
exec_command4 = F4
exec_command5 = F5
exec_command6 = F6
exec_command7 = F7
exec_command8 = F8
exec_command9 = F9
exec_command10 = F10
# The following commands are available but not assigned to any keys by
# default:
# toggle_percent Switch on/off play progress bar time percentage

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Active: 0
Amplification: 100
Value: 100
Mono: 0

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
set realname = "Benjamin Bertrand"
set from = "benjamin.jm.bertrand@gmail.com"
set my_pass = `pass show mail/benjamin.jm.bertrand@gmail.com | head -n 1`
set smtp_url = "smtps://benjamin.jm.bertrand@gmail.com@smtp.gmail.com:465"
set smtp_pass = $my_pass
set ssl_force_tls = yes
set ssl_starttls = yes
set folder = "~/.mail/benjamin.jm.bertrand"
set spoolfile = "$folder/INBOX"
set postponed = "$folder/Drafts"
set record = "$folder/Sent"
set mbox = "$folder/Archive"
set trash = "$folder/Corbeille"
mailboxes =INBOX =Sent =Archive =Trash =Drafts
bind index,pager,attach g noop
bind index,pager,attach gi noop
bind index,pager,attach ga noop
bind index,pager,attach gd noop
bind index,pager,attach gt noop
bind index,pager,attach gs noop
macro index gi "<change-folder>=INBOX<enter>" "Go to inbox"
macro index ga "<change-folder>=Archive<enter>" "Go to all mail"
macro index gd "<change-folder>=Drafts<enter>" "Go to drafts"
macro index gt "<change-folder>=Trash<enter>" "Go to trash"
macro index gs "<change-folder>=Sent\ Items<enter>" "Go to trash"
bind index,pager m noop
bind index,pager mt noop
bind index,pager ma noop
macro index,pager mt "<save-message>=Trash<enter><enter>" "Trash"
macro index,pager ma "<save-message>=Archive<enter><enter>" "Archive"
source ~/.config/mutt/config.muttrc
source ~/.config/mutt/keybinding.muttrc
source ~/.config/mutt/dracula.muttrc
# vim: ft=muttrc

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
set mail_check = 120
set imap_keepalive = 300
set editor = "vim -c Goyo"
set sort = threads
set sort_aux = reverse-last-date-received
set fast_reply = yes
set include = yes # include message in replies
set pager_stop = yes # don't go to next message automatically
set query_command = "khard email --parsable %s"
bind editor <Tab> complete-query
bind editor ^T complete
macro index,pager A \
"<pipe-message>khard add-email<return>" \
"add the sender email address to khard"
set index_format = "%4C %Z %-15.15L %{%d%b%y} %s"
# vim: ft=muttrc

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# Dracula Theme for Mutt: https://draculatheme.com/
# @author Paul Townsend <paul@caprica.org>
# general ------------ foreground ---- background -----------------------------
color error color231 color212
color indicator color231 color241
color markers color210 default
color message default default
color normal default default
color prompt default default
color search color84 default
color status color141 color236
color tilde color231 default
color tree color141 default
# message index ------ foreground ---- background -----------------------------
color index color210 default ~D # deleted messages
color index color84 default ~F # flagged messages
color index color117 default ~N # new messages
color index color212 default ~Q # messages which have been replied to
color index color215 default ~T # tagged messages
color index color141 default ~v # messages part of a collapsed thread
# message headers ---- foreground ---- background -----------------------------
color hdrdefault color117 default
color header color231 default ^Subject:.*
# message body ------- foreground ---- background -----------------------------
color attachment color228 default
color body color231 default [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+ # email addresses
color body color228 default (https?|ftp)://[\-\.,/%~_:?&=\#a-zA-Z0-9]+ # URLs
color body color231 default (^|[[:space:]])\\*[^[:space:]]+\\*([[:space:]]|$) # *bold* text
color body color231 default (^|[[:space:]])_[^[:space:]]+_([[:space:]]|$) # _underlined_ text
color body color231 default (^|[[:space:]])/[^[:space:]]+/([[:space:]]|$) # /italic/ text
color quoted color61 default
color quoted1 color117 default
color quoted2 color84 default
color quoted3 color215 default
color quoted4 color212 default
color signature color212 default
# vim: ft=muttrc

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
bind pager j next-line
bind pager k previous-line
bind pager h next-undeleted
bind pager l previous-undeleted
bind attach,index,pager \CD next-page
bind attach,index,pager \CU previous-page
bind pager gg top
bind pager G bottom
bind attach,index gg first-entry
bind attach,index G last-entry
bind index,pager,attach,compose H "display-toggle-weed"
bind index w mail
macro index S "<shell-escape>mbsync -Va<enter>" "Synchronize mailbox with mbsync"
# vim: ft=muttrc

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
set realname = "Benjamin Bertrand"
set from = "lafrite26@gmail.com"
set my_pass = `pass show mail/lafrite26@gmail.com | head -n 1`
set folder = "imaps://lafrite26@gmail.com@imap.gmail.com:993"
set imap_pass = $my_pass
set smtp_url = "smtps://lafrite26@gmail.com@smtp.gmail.com:465"
set smtp_pass = $my_pass
set ssl_force_tls = yes
set ssl_starttls = yes
set folder = "~/.mail/lafrite26"
set spoolfile = "$folder/INBOX"
set postponed = "$folder/Drafts"
set record = "$folder/Sent"
set mbox = "$folder/Archive"
set trash = "$folder/Trash"
mailboxes =INBOX =Sent =Archive =Trash =Drafts
bind index,pager,attach g noop
bind index,pager,attach gi noop
bind index,pager,attach ga noop
bind index,pager,attach gd noop
bind index,pager,attach gt noop
bind index,pager,attach gs noop
macro index gi "<change-folder>=INBOX<enter>" "Go to inbox"
macro index ga "<change-folder>=Archive<enter>" "Go to all mail"
macro index gd "<change-folder>=Drafts<enter>" "Go to drafts"
macro index gt "<change-folder>=Trash<enter>" "Go to trash"
macro index gs "<change-folder>=Sent\ Items<enter>" "Go to trash"
bind index,pager m noop
bind index,pager mt noop
bind index,pager ma noop
macro index,pager mt "<save-message>=Trash<enter><enter>" "Trash"
macro index,pager ma "<save-message>=Archive<enter><enter>" "Archive"
source ~/.config/mutt/config.muttrc
source ~/.config/mutt/keybinding.muttrc
source ~/.config/mutt/dracula.muttrc
# vim: ft=muttrc

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
source ~/.config/mutt/opytex.muttrc
source ~/.config/mutt/config.muttrc
source ~/.config/mutt/keybinding.muttrc
source ~/.config/mutt/dracula.muttrc
folder-hook opytex/* source ~/.config/mutt/opytex.muttrc
folder-hook lafrite26/* source ~/.config/mutt/lafrite26.muttrc

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
set from = "benjamin.bertrand@opytex.org"
set realname = "Benjamin Bertrand"
set my_pass = `pass show mail/mailfence/Takanuva | head -n 1`
set smtp_url = "smtps://benjamin.bertrand@opytex.org@smtp.mailfence.com:465"
set smtp_pass = $my_pass
set ssl_force_tls = yes
set ssl_starttls = yes
set folder = "~/.mail/opytex"
set spoolfile = "$folder/INBOX"
set postponed = "$folder/Drafts"
set record = "$folder/Sent\ Items"
set mbox = "$folder/Archive"
set trash = "$folder/Trash"
mailboxes =INBOX =Sent\ Items =Archive =Trash =Drafts
bind index,pager,attach g noop
bind index,pager,attach gi noop
bind index,pager,attach ga noop
bind index,pager,attach gd noop
bind index,pager,attach gt noop
bind index,pager,attach gs noop
macro index gi "<change-folder>=INBOX<enter>" "Go to inbox"
macro index ga "<change-folder>=Archive<enter>" "Go to all mail"
macro index gd "<change-folder>=Drafts<enter>" "Go to drafts"
macro index gt "<change-folder>=Trash<enter>" "Go to trash"
macro index gs "<change-folder>=Sent\ Items<enter>" "Go to trash"
bind index,pager m noop
bind index,pager mt noop
bind index,pager ma noop
macro index,pager mt "<save-message>=Trash<enter><enter>" "Trash"
macro index,pager ma "<save-message>=Archive<enter><enter>" "Archive"
# vim: ft=muttrc

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
auto-reload yes
reload-time 30
browser chromium
macro y set browser "tmux new-window mpv %u"; open-in-browser ; set browser chromium
macro Y set browser "mpv %u"; open-in-browser ; set browser chromium
unbind-key h
unbind-key j
unbind-key k
unbind-key l
bind-key h quit
bind-key j down
bind-key k up
bind-key l open
color background default default
color listnormal default default
color listnormal_unread default default
color listfocus black yellow
color listfocus_unread black yellow
color info default black
color article default default
# highlights
highlight article "^(Title):.*$" blue default
highlight article "https?://[^ ]+" red default
highlight article "\\[image\\ [0-9]+\\]" green default

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC2eYFnH61tmytImy1mTYvhA "Tech"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw "Tech"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCeeFfhMcJa1kjtfZAGskOCA "Tech"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCsRIv1fsbnQRIPKmUQbRzZg "Tech"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCUQo7nzH1sXVpzL92VesANw "Tech"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC9C07cryUrKzLuAzwITPA3A "SC2" "SC2HL"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCg7HRuQ93hl9v8dTSt_XDHA "Ferme" "~Banabé"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCsM4_jihNFYe4CtSkXvDR-Q "Ferme" "~permaculture agroécologie etc..."
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC2avy3Pwc3yVtt-tPKJn33A "Ferme" "~Ma ferme autonome"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCleSLCKdAEovKJxX-Kgbccw "Ferme" "~Ma ferme autonome2"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCNqADXg6dTqov4klT703jYg "Ferme" "Les Jérômes"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC9Q8WeyCb3yxySC3P3mGpBw "Ferme" "Le jardin d'Emerveille"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC3-gwlrYQi5Q3t00Tyr2tmQ "Ferme" "Le jardin d'Olivier"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCSKdJoK73RLL-zOs4Sq_tTQ "Ferme" "Loic le jardineur"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCJfcABj0bAqFrK3tjhGsSpw "Ferme" "Theud Bald"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCL_r1ELEvAuN0peKUxI0Umw "Permaculture" "Geoff Lawton"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCzVy7DiPyVvfiOvXF_XMs4Q "Apnée" "~Adam Freediver"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCJNItGjNhUx3Zz6W4OCVfHA "Bois" "~Passion renovation"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCvDpfkniGG6WkX5L7DwyGaA "Bois" "Olivier Verdier"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC7TiJ6Tnxc_dSE42byTPMug "Bois" "Copain des copeaux"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC9fGq2-6FaftcegcIadLf6A "Bois" "Samuel Mamias"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCOuow_HIYmeaIqi42zVs3qg "Bois" "Kirby Meets Audio"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC7FkqjV8SU5I8FCHXQSQe9Q "Bois" "Ishitani furniture"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCjaudhGC0gBfEtMyQYzT3pA "Bois" "Atelier Floky"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCRix1GJvSBNDpEFY561eSzw "DIY" "Laura Kampf"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC6mIxFTvXkWQVEHPsEdflzQ "Electronique" "GreatScott!"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCP6qAy9q_Lkhzu2reZfun9g "Ski" "~WINTERACTIVITY"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCjHh3N6jUJKdrtTqNorpRhg "Ski" "Bon appetit"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCdtrhMQTlTWNLGcmx1Qy80Q "Ski" "Fabien Maierhofer"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UChkpEJqHjX-tGmYoGf8jdGA "Escalade" "EpicTV Relais Vertical"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCgkhWgBGRp0sdFy2MHDWfSg "Math" "El Ji"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw "Math" "3Blue1Brown"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC8ENHE5xdFSwx71u3fDH5Xw "Vim" "ThePrimeagen"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCXPHFM88IlFn68OmLwtPmZA "Vim" "Greg Hurrel"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCs_AZuYXi6NA9tkdbhjItHQ "AdminSys" "Xavki"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCvjgXvBlbQiydffZU7m1_aw "Programmation" "~Coding Train"
https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCj_iGliGCkLcHSZ8eqVNPDQ "Programmation" "~Grafikart.fr"

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
"coc.preferences.formatOnSaveFiletypes": [
"python.jediEnabled": false,
"python.formatting.provider": "black"

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
" Use completion-nvim in every buffer
autocmd BufEnter * lua require'completion'.on_attach()
let g:completion_enable_snippet = 'UltiSnips'
let g:completion_matching_strategy_list = ['exact', 'substring', 'fuzzy']
" Use <Tab> and <S-Tab> to navigate through popup menu
" inoremap <expr> <Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<Tab>"
" inoremap <expr> <S-Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : "\<S-Tab>"
"map <c-p> to manually trigger completion
"imap <silent> <c-p> <Plug>(completion_trigger)
" Set completeopt to have a better completion experience
set completeopt=menuone,noinsert,noselect
" Avoid showing message extra message when using completion
set shortmess+=c

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
" Better window navigation
" nnoremap <C-h> <C-w>h
" nnoremap <C-j> <C-w>j
" nnoremap <C-k> <C-w>k
" nnoremap <C-l> <C-w>l
" Align blocks of text and keep them selected
vmap < <gv
vmap > >gv
" Automatically spell check last error in insert mode
inoremap <c-f> <c-g>u<Esc>[s1z=`]a<c-g>u
" Find files using Telescope command-line sugar.
nnoremap <leader>e <cmd>Telescope find_files<cr>
nnoremap <leader>g <cmd>Telescope live_grep<cr>
nnoremap <leader>b <cmd>Telescope buffers<cr>
nnoremap <leader>h <cmd>Telescope help_tags<cr>

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
" set leader key
let g:mapleader = "\<Space>"
syntax enable " Enables syntax highlighing
set hidden " Required to keep multiple buffers open multiple buffers
set wrap " Display long lines as just one line
set pumheight=10 " Makes popup menu smaller
set encoding=utf-8 " The encoding displayed
set fileencoding=utf-8 " The encoding written to file
set ruler " Show the cursor position all the time
set cmdheight=1 " More space for displaying messages
set iskeyword+=- " treat dash separated words as a word text object"
set mouse=a " Enable your mouse
set t_Co=256 " Support 256 colors
set conceallevel=0 " So that I can see `` in markdown files
set tabstop=4 " Insert 2 spaces for a tab
set shiftwidth=4 " Change the number of space characters inserted for indentation
set smarttab " Makes tabbing smarter will realize you have 2 vs 4
set expandtab " Converts tabs to spaces
set smartindent " Makes indenting smart
set autoindent " Good auto indent
set foldmethod=indent
set laststatus=2 " Always display the status line
set number " Line number
set relativenumber " Relative line number
set cursorline " Enable highlighting of the current line
set showtabline=1 " show tabs only when there are some
set background=dark " tell vim what the background color looks like
set nobackup " This is recommended by coc
set nowritebackup " This is recommended by coc
set noswapfile
set updatetime=300 " Faster completion
set timeoutlen=500 " By default timeoutlen is 1000 ms
set clipboard=unnamedplus " Copy paste between vim and everything else
set showmode " Display edition mode
"set noshowmode " We don't need to see things like -- INSERT -- anymore
set incsearch " hightlight while searching
set ignorecase " Ignore case while searching
set smartcase " Override ignorecase if search patern contains upper case
set wildmenu " Enable wildmenu
set spell " Enable spell checking
set spelllang=fr,en
set nrformats+=alpha " letter concidered as number for Ctrl-A or Ctrl-X
"set autochdir " Your working directory will always be the same as your working directory
execute "set colorcolumn=" . join(range(81,335), ',')
colorscheme zenburn
" Set completeopt to have a better completion experience
set completeopt=menuone,noinsert,noselect
" Avoid showing message extra message when using completion
set shortmess+=c

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
source $HOME/.config/nvim/vim-plug/plugins.vim
source $HOME/.config/nvim/general/settings.vim
source $HOME/.config/nvim/general/mappings.vim
source $HOME/.config/nvim/general/completion.vim
" source $HOME/.config/nvim/plug-config/fzf.vim
" source $HOME/.config/nvim/plug-config/coc.vim
" source $HOME/.config/nvim/plug-config/coc-snippets.vim
" source $HOME/.config/nvim/plug-config/vimtex.vim
source $HOME/.config/nvim/plug-config/lightline.vim
lua <<EOF
" bug fix with telescope and insert mode https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim/issues/82
autocmd FileType TelescopePrompt
\ call deoplete#custom#buffer_option('auto_complete', v:false)

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
local nvim_lsp = require('lspconfig')
-- Use an on_attach function to only map the following keys
-- after the language server attaches to the current buffer
local on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
local function buf_set_keymap(...) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, ...) end
local function buf_set_option(...) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, ...) end
--Enable completion triggered by <c-x><c-o>
buf_set_option('omnifunc', 'v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc')
-- Mappings.
local opts = { noremap=true, silent=true }
-- See `:help vim.lsp.*` for documentation on any of the below functions
-- See references
buf_set_keymap('n', 'gr', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.references()<CR>', opts)
-- show documentation
buf_set_keymap('n', 'K', '<Cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()<CR>', opts)
-- Rename
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>rn', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<CR>', opts)
-- je sais pas ce c'est que ces workspaces
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>wa', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>wr', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.remove_workspace_folder()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>wl', '<cmd>lua print(vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders()))<CR>', opts)
-- ??
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>ca', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<CR>', opts)
-- Details on diagnostics
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>d', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.show_line_diagnostics()<CR>', opts)
-- Cycle over diagnostics
buf_set_keymap('n', '[d', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_prev()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', ']d', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()<CR>', opts)
-- Get diagnostic on local list
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>q', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_loclist()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap("n", "<space>f", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting()<CR>", opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', 'gD', '<Cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', 'gd', '<Cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', 'gi', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.implementation()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<C-k>', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>D', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()<CR>', opts)
-- Use a loop to conveniently call 'setup' on multiple servers and
-- map buffer local keybindings when the language server attaches
local servers = { "pyright" }
for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do
nvim_lsp[lsp].setup {
on_attach = on_attach,
flags = {
debounce_text_changes = 150,

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
inoremap <silent><expr> <TAB>
\ pumvisible() ? coc#_select_confirm() :
\ coc#expandableOrJumpable() ? "\<C-r>=coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['snippets-expand-jump',''])\<CR>" :
\ <SID>check_back_space() ? "\<TAB>" :
\ coc#refresh()
function! s:check_back_space() abort
let col = col('.') - 1
return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# '\s'
let g:coc_snippet_next = '<tab>'
" <Tab> and <S-Tab> to navigate between choices
inoremap <expr> <Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<Tab>"
inoremap <expr> <S-Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : "\<S-Tab>"
" <cr> to validate selected autocompletion
inoremap <expr> <cr> pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "\<C-g>u\<CR>"
" Use <C-j> for jump to next placeholder, it's default of coc.nvim
let g:coc_snippet_next = '<c-j>'
" Use <C-k> for jump to previous placeholder, it's default of coc.nvim
let g:coc_snippet_prev = '<c-k>'

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
" This is the default extra key bindings
let g:fzf_action = {
\ 'ctrl-t': 'tab split',
\ 'ctrl-x': 'split',
\ 'ctrl-v': 'vsplit' }
" Enable per-command history.
" CTRL-N and CTRL-P will be automatically bound to next-history and
" previous-history instead of down and up. If you don't like the change,
" explicitly bind the keys to down and up in your $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS.
let g:fzf_history_dir = '~/.local/share/fzf-history'
map <leader>b :Buffers<CR>
nnoremap <leader>e :Files<CR>
nnoremap <leader>g :Rg<CR>
nnoremap <leader>t :Tags<CR>
nnoremap <leader>m :Marks<CR>
let g:fzf_tags_command = 'ctags -R'
" Border color
let g:fzf_layout = {'up':'~90%', 'window': { 'width': 0.8, 'height': 0.8,'yoffset':0.5,'xoffset': 0.5, 'highlight': 'Todo', 'border': 'sharp' } }
let $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS = '--layout=reverse --info=inline'
let $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND="rg --files --hidden"
" Customize fzf colors to match your color scheme
let g:fzf_colors =
\ { 'fg': ['fg', 'Normal'],
\ 'bg': ['bg', 'Normal'],
\ 'hl': ['fg', 'Comment'],
\ 'fg+': ['fg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn', 'Normal'],
\ 'bg+': ['bg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn'],
\ 'hl+': ['fg', 'Statement'],
\ 'info': ['fg', 'PreProc'],
\ 'border': ['fg', 'Ignore'],
\ 'prompt': ['fg', 'Conditional'],
\ 'pointer': ['fg', 'Exception'],
\ 'marker': ['fg', 'Keyword'],
\ 'spinner': ['fg', 'Label'],
\ 'header': ['fg', 'Comment'] }
"Get Files
command! -bang -nargs=? -complete=dir Files
\ call fzf#vim#files(<q-args>, fzf#vim#with_preview({'options': ['--layout=reverse', '--info=inline']}), <bang>0)
" Get text in files with Rg
command! -bang -nargs=* Rg
\ call fzf#vim#grep(
\ 'rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case '.shellescape(<q-args>), 1,
\ fzf#vim#with_preview(), <bang>0)
" Ripgrep advanced
function! RipgrepFzf(query, fullscreen)
let command_fmt = 'rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case %s || true'
let initial_command = printf(command_fmt, shellescape(a:query))
let reload_command = printf(command_fmt, '{q}')
let spec = {'options': ['--phony', '--query', a:query, '--bind', 'change:reload:'.reload_command]}
call fzf#vim#grep(initial_command, 1, fzf#vim#with_preview(spec), a:fullscreen)
command! -nargs=* -bang RG call RipgrepFzf(<q-args>, <bang>0)
" Git grep
command! -bang -nargs=* GGrep
\ call fzf#vim#grep(
\ 'git grep --line-number '.shellescape(<q-args>), 0,
\ fzf#vim#with_preview({'dir': systemlist('git rev-parse --show-toplevel')[0]}), <bang>0)

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'wombat',
\ 'active': {
\ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ],
\ [ 'gitbranch', 'readonly', 'relativepath', 'modified'] ]
\ },
\ 'component_function': {
\ 'gitbranch': 'FugitiveHead'
\ },
\ }

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
lua require'colorizer'.setup()

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
let g:completion_enable_snippet = 'UltiSnips'

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
let maplocalleader = "\<Space>"
let g:tex_conceal = ""
set conceallevel=0
let g:vimtex_compiler_latexmk = {
\ 'backend' : 'nvim',
\ 'background' : 1,
\ 'build_dir' : '',
\ 'callback' : 0,
\ 'continuous' : 1,
\ 'options' : [
\ '-pdf',
\ '-verbose',
\ '-file-line-error',
\ '-synctex=1',
\ '-interaction=nonstopmode',
\ '-silent',
\ '-shell-escape',
\ ],
let g:vimtex_view_method = 'zathura'
" Les fichiers sty et cls sont vus comme des fichiers tex
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.{sty,cls} setlocal syntax=tex

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
" auto-install vim-plug
if empty(glob('~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim'))
silent !curl -fLo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
\ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim
"autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall
"autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall | source $MYVIMRC
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/autoload/plugged')
Plug 'jnurmine/Zenburn'
Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim'
"Plug 'tpope/vim-sensible'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat'
Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim'
Plug 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator'
Plug 'Yggdroot/indentLine'
Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
" Plug 'hrsh7th/nvim-compe'
Plug 'nvim-lua/completion-nvim'
Plug 'nvim-lua/popup.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
"Plug 'lervag/vimtex'
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
Plug 'mhinz/vim-signify'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'}
call plug#end()

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
Host Manioc
HostName ns331481.ip-37-187-121.eu
User waha
ForwardAgent yes
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes *
identityfile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_Manioc
Host Embrevade
User waha
Port 22
ForwardAgent yes
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes *
identityfile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_Embrevade
IdentitiesOnly yes
Host Panais
User waha
Port 22
ForwardAgent yes
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes *
identityfile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_Panais
IdentitiesOnly yes
Host BV_boutique
HostName vps789921.ovh.net
User waha
Port 22
ForwardAgent yes
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes *
identityfile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_BV_boutique
IdentitiesOnly yes

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
PreferredAuthentications keyboard-interactive,password,publickey,hostbased,gssapi-with-mic
Host Manioc
HostName ns331481.ip-37-187-121.eu
User sshcontent
ForwardAgent yes
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes *
identityfile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_Manioc
Host Embrevade
User sshcontent
Port 22
ForwardAgent yes
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes *
identityfile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_Embrevade
IdentitiesOnly yes
Host Panais
User sshcontent
Port 22
ForwardAgent yes
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes *
identityfile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_Panais
IdentitiesOnly yes
Host BV_boutique
HostName vps789921.ovh.net
User sshcontent
Port 22
ForwardAgent yes
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes *
identityfile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_BV_boutique
IdentitiesOnly yes
Host git_opytex
HostName git.opytex.org
User git
Port 2222
identityfile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_gitopytex
IdentitiesOnly yes
Host github
HostName github.com
User git
ForwardAgent yes
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes *
identityfile ~/.ssh/id_dsa_noPass
Host Choux
HostName Choux
User lafrite
ForwardAgent yes
identityfile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_home
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes *
Host Combava
HostName Combava
User lafrite
ForwardAgent yes
identityfile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_home
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes *

View File

@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
## Vim user config
#Prefix is Ctrl-a
unbind C-b
set -g prefix C-space
bind C-space send-prefix
# C-space C-space will swap to last used window
bind-key C-space last-window
set -sg escape-time 1
#set -g base-index 1
#setw -g pane-base-index 1
#Mouse works as expected
set -g mouse on
#setw -g mode-mouse on
#set -g mouse-select-pane on
#set -g mouse-resize-pane on
#set -g mouse-select-window on
set -g monitor-activity on
set -g visual-activity on
setw -g mode-keys vi
set -g history-limit 10000
# y and p as in vim
bind Escape copy-mode
unbind p
bind p paste-buffer
#bind -t vi-copy 'v' begin-selection
#bind -t vi-copy 'y' copy-selection
#bind -t vi-copy 'Space' halfpage-down
#bind -t vi-copy 'Bspace' halfpage-up
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'v' send -X begin-selection
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'y' send -X copy-selection
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'Space' send -X halfpage-down
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'Bspace' send -X halfpage-up
# Remap previous window
bind b previous-window
# extra commands for interacting with the ICCCM clipboard
bind C-c run "tmux save-buffer - | xclip -i -sel clipboard"
bind C-v run "tmux set-buffer \"$(xclip -o -sel clipboard)\"; tmux paste-buffer"
# easy-to-remember split pane commands
bind | split-window -h
bind - split-window -v
unbind '"'
unbind %
# # moving between panes with vim movement keys
# bind h select-pane -L
# bind j select-pane -D
# bind k select-pane -U
# bind l select-pane -R
# Smart pane switching with awareness of Vim splits.
# See: https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator
is_vim="ps -o state= -o comm= -t '#{pane_tty}' \
| grep -iqE '^[^TXZ ]+ +(\\S+\\/)?g?(view|n?vim?x?)(diff)?$'"
bind-key -n C-h if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-h" "select-pane -L"
bind-key -n C-j if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-j" "select-pane -D"
bind-key -n C-k if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-k" "select-pane -U"
bind-key -n C-l if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-l" "select-pane -R"
bind-key -n C-\ if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-\\" "select-pane -l"
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-h select-pane -L
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-j select-pane -D
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-k select-pane -U
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-l select-pane -R
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-\ select-pane -l
# moving between windows with vim movement keys
bind -r C-h select-window -t :-
bind -r C-l select-window -t :+
# resize panes with vim movement keys
bind -r H resize-pane -L 5
bind -r J resize-pane -D 5
bind -r K resize-pane -U 5
bind -r L resize-pane -R 5
# panes
set -g pane-border-fg black
set -g pane-active-border-fg brightred
## Status bar design
# status line
# set -g status-utf8 on
set -g status-justify left
set -g status-bg default
set -g status-fg colour12
set -g status-interval 2
# messaging
set -g message-fg black
set -g message-bg yellow
set -g message-command-fg blue
set -g message-command-bg black
#window mode
setw -g mode-bg colour6
setw -g mode-fg colour0
# window status
setw -g window-status-format " #F#I:#W#F "
setw -g window-status-current-format " #F#I:#W#F "
setw -g window-status-format "#[fg=magenta]#[bg=black] #I #[bg=cyan]#[fg=colour8] #W "
setw -g window-status-current-format "#[bg=brightmagenta]#[fg=colour8] #I #[fg=colour8]#[bg=colour14] #W "
setw -g window-status-current-bg colour0
setw -g window-status-current-fg colour11
setw -g window-status-current-attr dim
setw -g window-status-bg green
setw -g window-status-fg black
setw -g window-status-attr reverse
# Info on left (I don't have a session display for now)
set -g status-left ''
# loud or quiet?
set-option -g visual-activity off
set-option -g visual-bell off
set-option -g visual-silence off
set-window-option -g monitor-activity off
set-option -g bell-action none
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
# The modes {
setw -g clock-mode-colour colour135
setw -g mode-attr bold
setw -g mode-fg colour196
setw -g mode-bg colour238
# }
# The panes {
set -g pane-border-bg colour235
set -g pane-border-fg colour238
set -g pane-active-border-bg colour236
set -g pane-active-border-fg colour51
# }
# The statusbar {
set -g status-position bottom
set -g status-bg colour234
set -g status-fg colour137
set -g status-attr dim
set -g status-left '#[fg=colour81,bg=colour241,bold] #S '
set -g status-right '#[fg=colour233,bg=colour241,bold] %d/%m #[fg=colour233,bg=colour245,bold] %H:%M:%S '
set -g status-right-length 50
set -g status-left-length 20
setw -g window-status-current-fg colour81
setw -g window-status-current-bg colour238
setw -g window-status-current-attr bold
setw -g window-status-current-format ' #I#[fg=colour250]:#[fg=colour255]#W#[fg=colour50]#F '
setw -g window-status-fg colour138
setw -g window-status-bg colour235
setw -g window-status-attr none
setw -g window-status-format ' #I#[fg=colour237]:#[fg=colour250]#W#[fg=colour244]#F '
setw -g window-status-bell-attr bold
setw -g window-status-bell-fg colour255
setw -g window-status-bell-bg colour1
# }
# The messages {
set -g message-attr bold
set -g message-fg colour232
set -g message-bg colour166
# }
## Plugins
# Supports `github_username/repo` or full git repo URLs
set -g @tpm_plugins 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
set -g @tpm_plugins 'tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible'
# tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect \
# tmux-plugins/tmux-continuum \
## tmux-continuum: automatic restore
#set -g @continuum-restore 'on'
# Keep this line at the very bottom of tmux.conf.
run-shell '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
# ~/.tmuxinator/pymath.yml
name: bopytex
root: ~/scripts/Bopytex
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
pre_window: workon bopytex
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
# Specifies (by name or index) which window will be selected on project startup. If not set, the first window is used.
# startup_window: logs
# Controls whether the tmux session should be attached to automatically. Defaults to true.
# attach: false
# Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
# post: tmux -CC attach -t pymath
- editor:
- vim
- giting:
layout: main-vertical
- git fetch && git status
- tig
- testing:
layout: main-vertical
- #empty
- #empty

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# ~/.tmuxinator/marbenj_sigal.yml
name: enseignement
root: /home/lafrite/Cours/Prof/Enseignements/2018-2019/
#root: /media/documents/Cours/Prof/Enseignements
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
# pre: workon marbenj_sigal
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
pre_window: . ./config.sh
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
# Specifies (by name or index) which window will be selected on project startup. If not set, the first window is used.
# startup_window: logs
# Controls whether the tmux session should be attached to automatically. Defaults to true.
# attach: false
# Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
# post: tmux -CC attach -t marbenj_sigal
- editor: vim -c NERDTree
- server:
layout: main-vertical

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
# ~/.tmuxinator/pymath.yml
name: mapytex
root: ~/scripts/Mapytex/
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
pre_window: source .venv/bin/activate
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
# Specifies (by name or index) which window will be selected on project startup. If not set, the first window is used.
# startup_window: logs
# Controls whether the tmux session should be attached to automatically. Defaults to true.
# attach: false
# Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
# post: tmux -CC attach -t pymath
- editor:
- vim -c NERDTree
- giting:
layout: main-vertical
- git fetch && git status
- tig
- testing:
layout: main-vertical
- #empty
- #empty

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# ~/.tmuxinator/marbenj_sigal.yml
name: marbenj_sigal
root: /media/documents/marbenj/
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
#pre: workon marbenj_sigal
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
pre_window: workon marbenj_sigal
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
# Specifies (by name or index) which window will be selected on project startup. If not set, the first window is used.
# startup_window: logs
# Controls whether the tmux session should be attached to automatically. Defaults to true.
# attach: false
# Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
# post: tmux -CC attach -t marbenj_sigal
- editor: vim
- server:
layout: main-vertical

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# ~/.tmuxinator/marbenj_sigal.yml
name: marbenj_sigal
root: ~/scripts/marbenj_signal
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
#pre: workon marbenj_sigal
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
pre_window: workon marbenj_sigal
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
# Specifies (by name or index) which window will be selected on project startup. If not set, the first window is used.
# startup_window: logs
# Controls whether the tmux session should be attached to automatically. Defaults to true.
# attach: false
# Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
# post: tmux -CC attach -t marbenj_sigal
- editor: vim
- server:
layout: main-vertical

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# ~/.tmuxinator/marbenj_sigal.yml
name: markseditor
root: ~/scripts/marksEditor
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
#pre: workon marbenj_sigal
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
pre_window: workon marksEditor
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
# Specifies (by name or index) which window will be selected on project startup. If not set, the first window is used.
# startup_window: logs
# Controls whether the tmux session should be attached to automatically. Defaults to true.
# attach: false
# Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
# post: tmux -CC attach -t marbenj_sigal
- editor: vim
- server:
layout: main-vertical

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
# ~/.tmuxinator/pymath.yml
name: notes_analysis
root: ~/scripts/notes_analysis/
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
pre_window: workon notes_analysis
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
# Specifies (by name or index) which window will be selected on project startup. If not set, the first window is used.
# startup_window: logs
# Controls whether the tmux session should be attached to automatically. Defaults to true.
# attach: false
# Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
# post: tmux -CC attach -t pymath
- editor:
- vim
- giting:
layout: main-vertical
- git fetch && git status
- tig
- testing:
layout: main-vertical
- #empty
- #empty

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
# ~/.tmuxinator/pymath.yml
name: opytex
root: ~/scripts/Opytex
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
pre_window: workon opytex
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
# Specifies (by name or index) which window will be selected on project startup. If not set, the first window is used.
# startup_window: logs
# Controls whether the tmux session should be attached to automatically. Defaults to true.
# attach: false
# Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
# post: tmux -CC attach -t pymath
- editor:
- vim
- giting:
layout: main-vertical
- git fetch && git status
- tig
- testing:
layout: main-vertical
- #empty
- #empty

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
# ~/.tmuxinator/pymath.yml
name: pymath
root: ~/scripts/pyMath/
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
pre_window: workon pymath
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
# Specifies (by name or index) which window will be selected on project startup. If not set, the first window is used.
# startup_window: logs
# Controls whether the tmux session should be attached to automatically. Defaults to true.
# attach: false
# Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
# post: tmux -CC attach -t pymath
- editor:
- vim
- giting:
layout: main-vertical
- git fetch && git status
- tig
- testing:
layout: main-vertical
- #empty
- #empty

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
# ~/.tmuxinator/pymath.yml
name: Pytex
root: ~/scripts/Pytex
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
pre_window: workon pytex
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
# Specifies (by name or index) which window will be selected on project startup. If not set, the first window is used.
# startup_window: logs
# Controls whether the tmux session should be attached to automatically. Defaults to true.
# attach: false
# Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
# post: tmux -CC attach -t pymath
- editor:
- vim
- giting:
layout: main-vertical
- git fetch && git status
- tig
- testing:
layout: main-vertical
- #empty
- #empty

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
# ~/.tmuxinator/pymath.yml
name: repytex
root: ~/scripts/Repytex/
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
pre_window: workon repytex
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
# Specifies (by name or index) which window will be selected on project startup. If not set, the first window is used.
# startup_window: logs
# Controls whether the tmux session should be attached to automatically. Defaults to true.
# attach: false
# Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
# post: tmux -CC attach -t pymath
- editor:
- vim
- giting:
layout: main-vertical
- git fetch && git status
- tig
- testing:
layout: main-vertical
- #empty
- #empty

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# ~/.tmuxinator/site_opytex.yml
name: site_opytex
root: ~/scripts/site_opytex/
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
pre_window: workon site_opytex
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
# Specifies (by name or index) which window will be selected on project startup. If not set, the first window is used.
# startup_window: logs
# Controls whether the tmux session should be attached to automatically. Defaults to true.
# attach: false
# Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
# post: tmux -CC attach -t site_opytex
- editor: vim
- server:
layout: main-vertical
- cd output && python -m http.server
- git: tig

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
session_name: bopytex
start_directory: ~/scripts/Bopytex/
- window_name: Editor
focus: true
- nvim
- window_name: Server
layout: main-vertical
- git fetch && git status
- tig
- window_name: Testing
layout: main-vertical
- source ~/.venv/bopytex/bin/activate.fish
- source ~/.venv/bopytex/bin/activate.fish

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
session_name: enseignement
start_directory: ~/Cours/2020-2021/Contenus/
shell_command_before: source config.fish
- window_name: Editor
focus: true
- nvim
- window_name: Commands
layout: tiled
- git status
- blank
- vifm . .
- window_name: Notes
focus: true
- cd ../Notes

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
session_name: mail
- window_name: Opytex
focus: true
- neomutt
- window_name: Bjb
- neomutt -F ~/.config/mutt/benjamin.jm.bertrand@gmail.com.muttrc
- window_name: lafrite26
- neomutt -F ~/.config/mutt/lafrite26@gmail.com.muttrc
- window_name: tools
- blank

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
session_name: mapytex
start_directory: ~/scripts/Mapytex/
- window_name: Editor
focus: true
- nvim
- window_name: Server
layout: main-vertical
- git fetch && git status
- tig
- window_name: Testing
layout: main-vertical
- source ~/.venv/mapytex/bin/activate.fish
- source ~/.venv/mapytex/bin/activate.fish

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
session_name: viescopytex
start_directory: ~/scripts/viescopytex/
shell_command_before: source venv/bin/activate.fish
- window_name: Editor
focus: true
- vim -c NERDTree
- window_name: Server
layout: main-vertical
- git fetch && git status
- tig
- window_name: Testing
layout: main-vertical
- blank
- blank

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
# A valid snippet should starts with:
# snippet trigger_word [ "description" [ options ] ]
# and end with:
# endsnippet
# Snippet options:
# b - Beginning of line.
# i - In-word expansion.
# w - Word boundary.
# r - Regular expression
# e - Custom context snippet
# A - Snippet will be triggered automatically, when condition matches.
# Basic example:
# snippet emitter "emitter properties" b
# private readonly ${1} = new Emitter<$2>()
# public readonly ${1/^_(.*)/$1/}: Event<$2> = this.$1.event
# endsnippet
# Online reference: https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips/blob/master/doc/UltiSnips.txt

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
# A valid snippet should starts with:
# snippet trigger_word [ "description" [ options ] ]
# and end with:
# endsnippet
# Snippet options:
# b - Beginning of line.
# i - In-word expansion.
# w - Word boundary.
# r - Regular expression
# e - Custom context snippet
# A - Snippet will be triggered automatically, when condition matches.
# Basic example:
# snippet emitter "emitter properties" b
# private readonly ${1} = new Emitter<$2>()
# public readonly ${1/^_(.*)/$1/}: Event<$2> = this.$1.event
# endsnippet
# Online reference: https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips/blob/master/doc/UltiSnips.txt
snippet index "Structure for an index file" b
:date: ${2:`date +%Y-%m-%d`}
:modified: ${2}
:authors: Bertrand Benjamin
:category: ${3}
:summary: ${1}
snippet link "link" i
\`${1:link title} <${2:link target}>\`_
snippet img "Image" b
.. image:: ${1:filename}
:height: 200px
:alt: ${2:Description}

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# A valid snippet should starts with:
# snippet trigger_word [ "description" [ options ] ]
# and end with:
# endsnippet
# Snippet options:
# b - Beginning of line.
# i - In-word expansion.
# w - Word boundary.
# r - Regular expression
# e - Custom context snippet
# A - Snippet will be triggered automatically, when condition matches.
# Basic example:
# snippet emitter "emitter properties" b
# private readonly ${1} = new Emitter<$2>()
# public readonly ${1/^_(.*)/$1/}: Event<$2> = this.$1.event
# endsnippet
# Online reference: https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips/blob/master/doc/UltiSnips.txt
snippet signe "tableau de signes avec tikz"
\tkzTabInit[lgt=2,espcl=2]{$ ${1:variable} $/1,$ ${2:function} $/2}{${3:start}, ${4:zeros}, ${5:end} }
\tkzTabLine{, ${6:signe and zeros} , }
snippet varia "tableau de variations avec tikz"
\tkzTabInit[lgt=3,espcl=3]{$ ${1:variable} $/1, $ ${2:fonction} $/2}{${3: valeurs notables} }
\tkzTabVar{ ${4:signe/element ou signe*2 /element G/ element D}}
snippet graph "Graphique avec tikz" b
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(a.north), xscale=1, yscale=1]
\tkzFct[domain=-5:5,color=red,very thick]%
{ ${1:fonction} };

View File

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
# An example configuration for vdirsyncer.
# Move it to ~/.vdirsyncer/config or ~/.config/vdirsyncer/config and edit it.
# Run `vdirsyncer --help` for CLI usage.
# Optional parameters are commented out.
# This file doesn't document all available parameters, see
# http://vdirsyncer.pimutils.org/ for the rest of them.
# A folder where vdirsyncer can store some metadata about each pair.
status_path = "~/.config/vdirsyncer/status/"
[pair Cours_cal]
a = "cours_cal_local"
b = "cours_cal_remote"
collections = ["from a", "from b"]
# Calendars also have a color property
metadata = ["displayname", "color"]
[storage cours_cal_local]
type = "filesystem"
path = "~/.calendars/Cours1/"
fileext = ".ics"
[storage cours_cal_remote]
type = "caldav"
url = "https://cloud.poneyworld.net/remote.php/dav/calendars/lafrite/cours1/"
username = "lafrite"
password.fetch = ["command", "pass", "OVH/Embrevade/docker/nextcloud/lafrite"]
[pair perso_cal]
a = "perso_cal_local"
b = "perso_cal_remote"
collections = ["from a", "from b"]
# Calendars also have a color property
metadata = ["displayname", "color"]
[storage perso_cal_local]
type = "filesystem"
path = "~/.calendars/Perso/"
fileext = ".ics"
[storage perso_cal_remote]
type = "caldav"
url = "https://cloud.poneyworld.net/remote.php/dav/calendars/lafrite/personal/"
username = "lafrite"
password.fetch = ["command", "pass", "OVH/Embrevade/docker/nextcloud/lafrite"]
[pair vacancesA]
a = "vacancesA_public"
b = "vacancesA_private"
collections = null
[storage vacancesA_public]
type = "http"
# The URL to your iCalendar file.
url = "https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/r/b580138b-ae5c-4b4d-8cbf-110ffd373192"
[storage vacancesA_private]
type = "filesystem"
path = "~/.calendars/Vacances/"
fileext = ".ics"
[pair nextcloud_contacts]
# A `[pair <name>]` block defines two storages `a` and `b` that should be
# synchronized. The definition of these storages follows in `[storage <name>]`
# blocks. This is similar to accounts in OfflineIMAP.
a = "nextcloud_contacts_local"
b = "nextcloud_contacts_remote"
# Synchronize all collections that can be found.
# You need to run `vdirsyncer discover` if new calendars/addressbooks are added
# on the server.
collections = ["from a", "from b"]
# Synchronize the "display name" property into a local file (~/.contacts/displayname).
metadata = ["displayname"]
# To resolve a conflict the following values are possible:
# `null` - abort when collisions occur (default)
# `"a wins"` - assume a's items to be more up-to-date
# `"b wins"` - assume b's items to be more up-to-date
#conflict_resolution = null
[storage nextcloud_contacts_local]
# A storage references actual data on a remote server or on the local disk.
# Similar to repositories in OfflineIMAP.
type = "filesystem"
path = "~/.contacts/"
fileext = ".vcf"
[storage nextcloud_contacts_remote]
type = "carddav"
url = "https://cloud.poneyworld.net/remote.php/dav/addressbooks/users/lafrite/contacts/"
username = "lafrite"
password.fetch = ["command", "pass", "OVH/Embrevade/docker/nextcloud/lafrite"]
# The password can also be fetched from the system password storage, netrc or a
# custom command. See http://vdirsyncer.pimutils.org/en/stable/keyring.html

View File

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
" You can edit this file by hand.
" The " character at the beginning of a line comments out the line.
" Blank lines are ignored.
" The Default color scheme is used for any directory that does not have
" a specified scheme and for parts of user interface like menus. A
" color scheme set for a base directory will also
" be used for the sub directories.
" The standard ncurses colors are:
" Default = -1 = None, can be used for transparency or default color
" Black = 0
" Red = 1
" Green = 2
" Yellow = 3
" Blue = 4
" Magenta = 5
" Cyan = 6
" White = 7
" Light versions of colors are also available (set bold attribute):
" LightBlack
" LightRed
" LightGreen
" LightYellow
" LightBlue
" LightMagenta
" LightCyan
" LightWhite
" Available attributes (some of them can be combined):
" bold
" underline
" reverse or inverse
" standout
" italic (on unsupported systems becomes reverse)
" none
" Vifm supports 256 colors you can use color numbers 0-255
" (requires properly set up terminal: set your TERM environment variable
" (directly or using resources) to some color terminal name (e.g.
" xterm-256color) from /usr/lib/terminfo/; you can check current number
" of colors in your terminal with tput colors command)
" highlight group cterm=attrs ctermfg=foreground_color ctermbg=background_color
highlight clear
highlight Win cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight Directory cterm=bold ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=default
highlight Link cterm=bold ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=default
highlight BrokenLink cterm=bold ctermfg=red ctermbg=default
highlight Socket cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=default
highlight Device cterm=bold ctermfg=red ctermbg=default
highlight Fifo cterm=bold ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=default
highlight Executable cterm=bold ctermfg=green ctermbg=default
highlight Selected cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=default
highlight CurrLine cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight TopLine cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
highlight TopLineSel cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=default
highlight StatusLine cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
highlight WildMenu cterm=underline,reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight CmdLine cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight ErrorMsg cterm=none ctermfg=red ctermbg=black
highlight Border cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
highlight JobLine cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
highlight SuggestBox cterm=bold ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight CmpMismatch cterm=bold ctermfg=white ctermbg=red
highlight AuxWin cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight TabLine cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=black
highlight TabLineSel cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User1 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User2 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User3 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User4 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User5 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User6 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User7 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User8 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default
highlight User9 cterm=bold,underline,reverse,standout,italic ctermfg=default ctermbg=default

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
" zenburn like color scheme for vifm
" http://kippura.org/zenburnpage/
" Reset all styles first
highlight clear
highlight Border cterm=none ctermfg=235 ctermbg=237
highlight TopLine cterm=none ctermfg=108 ctermbg=235
highlight TopLineSel cterm=bold ctermfg=186 ctermbg=235
highlight Win cterm=none ctermfg=188 ctermbg=237
highlight Directory cterm=none ctermfg=108 ctermbg=237
highlight CurrLine cterm=none ctermfg=223 ctermbg=235
highlight OtherLine cterm=none ctermfg=247 ctermbg=237
highlight Selected cterm=none ctermfg=116 ctermbg=238
highlight JobLine cterm=bold ctermfg=116 ctermbg=238
highlight StatusLine cterm=bold ctermfg=144 ctermbg=236
highlight ErrorMsg cterm=bold ctermfg=115 ctermbg=237
highlight WildMenu cterm=bold ctermfg=235 ctermbg=144
highlight CmdLine cterm=none ctermfg=188 ctermbg=237
highlight Executable cterm=none ctermfg=172 ctermbg=237
highlight Link cterm=none ctermfg=142 ctermbg=237
highlight BrokenLink cterm=none ctermfg=174 ctermbg=237
highlight Device cterm=none ctermfg=228 ctermbg=237
highlight Fifo cterm=none ctermfg=109 ctermbg=237
highlight Socket cterm=none ctermfg=110 ctermbg=237

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
This directory is dedicated for user-supplied scripts/executables.
vifm modifies its PATH environment variable to let user run those
scripts without specifying full path. All subdirectories are added
as well. File in a subdirectory overrules file with the same name
in parent directories. Restart might be needed to recognize files
in newly created or renamed subdirectories.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
" vim: filetype=vifm :
" Sample configuration file for vifm (last updated: 20 July, 2018)
" You can edit this file by hand.
" The " character at the beginning of a line comments out the line.
" Blank lines are ignored.
" The basic format for each item is shown with an example.
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" This is the actual command used to start vi. The default is vim.
" If you would like to use another vi clone such as Elvis or Vile
" you will need to change this setting.
set vicmd=nvim
" set vicmd=elvis\ -G\ termcap
" set vicmd=vile
" This makes vifm perform file operations on its own instead of relying on
" standard utilities like `cp`. While using `cp` and alike is a more universal
" solution, it's also much slower when processing large amounts of files and
" doesn't support progress measuring.
set syscalls
" Trash Directory
" The default is to move files that are deleted with dd or :d to
" the trash directory. If you change this you will not be able to move
" files by deleting them and then using p to put the file in the new location.
" I recommend not changing this until you are familiar with vifm.
" This probably shouldn't be an option.
set trash
" This is how many directories to store in the directory history.
set history=100
" Automatically resolve symbolic links on l or Enter.
set nofollowlinks
" With this option turned on you can run partially entered commands with
" unambiguous beginning using :! (e.g. :!Te instead of :!Terminal or :!Te<tab>).
" set fastrun
" Natural sort of (version) numbers within text.
set sortnumbers
" Maximum number of changes that can be undone.
set undolevels=100
" If you installed the vim.txt help file set vimhelp.
" If would rather use a plain text help file set novimhelp.
set novimhelp
" If you would like to run an executable file when you
" press return on the file name set this.
set norunexec
" Selected color scheme
colorscheme zenburn_1
" Format for displaying time in file list. For example:
" See man date or man strftime for details.
set timefmt=%m/%d\ %H:%M
" Show list of matches on tab completion in command-line mode
set wildmenu
" Display completions in a form of popup with descriptions of the matches
set wildstyle=popup
" Display suggestions in normal, visual and view modes for keys, marks and
" registers (at most 5 files). In other view, when available.
set suggestoptions=normal,visual,view,otherpane,keys,marks,registers
" Ignore case in search patterns unless it contains at least one uppercase
" letter
set ignorecase
set smartcase
" Don't highlight search results automatically
set nohlsearch
" Use increment searching (search while typing)
set incsearch
" Try to leave some space from cursor to upper/lower border in lists
set scrolloff=4
" Don't do too many requests to slow file systems
if !has('win')
set slowfs=curlftpfs
" Set custom status line look
set statusline=" Hint: %z%= %A %10u:%-7g %15s %20d "
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" :mark mark /full/directory/path [filename]
mark b ~/bin/
mark h ~/
mark e /media/documents/Cours/Prof/Enseignements/
mark m ~/Musique/
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" :com[mand][!] command_name action
" The following macros can be used in a command
" %a is replaced with the user arguments.
" %c the current file under the cursor.
" %C the current file under the cursor in the other directory.
" %f the current selected file, or files.
" %F the current selected file, or files in the other directory.
" %b same as %f %F.
" %d the current directory name.
" %D the other window directory name.
" %m run the command in a menu window
command! df df -h %m 2> /dev/null
command! diff vim -d %f %F
command! zip zip -r %f.zip %f
command! run !! ./%f
command! make !!make %a
command! mkcd :mkdir %a | cd %a
command! vgrep vim "+grep %a"
command! reload :write | restart
command ln ln -s %f:p %D
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" The file type is for the default programs to be used with
" a file extension.
" :filetype pattern1,pattern2 defaultprogram,program2
" :fileviewer pattern1,pattern2 consoleviewer
" The other programs for the file type can be accessed with the :file command
" The command macros %f, %F, %d, %F may be used in the commands.
" The %a macro is ignored. To use a % you must put %%.
" For automated FUSE mounts, you must register an extension with :file[x]type
" in one of following formats:
" :filetype extensions FUSE_MOUNT|some_mount_command using %SOURCE_FILE and %DESTINATION_DIR variables
" %SOURCE_FILE and %DESTINATION_DIR are filled in by vifm at runtime.
" A sample line might look like this:
" :filetype *.zip,*.jar,*.war,*.ear FUSE_MOUNT|fuse-zip %SOURCE_FILE %DESTINATION_DIR
" :filetype extensions FUSE_MOUNT2|some_mount_command using %PARAM and %DESTINATION_DIR variables
" %PARAM and %DESTINATION_DIR are filled in by vifm at runtime.
" A sample line might look like this:
" :filetype *.ssh FUSE_MOUNT2|sshfs %PARAM %DESTINATION_DIR
" %PARAM value is filled from the first line of file (whole line).
" Example first line for SshMount filetype: root@
" You can also add %CLEAR if you want to clear screen before running FUSE
" program.
" Pdf
filextype *.pdf zathura %c %i &, apvlv %c, xpdf %c
fileviewer *.pdf pdftotext -nopgbrk %c -
" PostScript
filextype *.ps,*.eps,*.ps.gz
\ {View in zathura}
\ zathura %f,
\ {View in gv}
\ gv %c %i &,
" Djvu
filextype *.djvu
\ {View in zathura}
\ zathura %f,
\ {View in apvlv}
\ apvlv %f,
" Audio
filetype *.wav,*.mp3,*.flac,*.m4a,*.wma,*.ape,*.ac3,*.og[agx],*.spx,*.opus
\ {Play using ffplay}
\ ffplay -nodisp -autoexit %c,
\ {Play using MPlayer}
\ mplayer %f,
fileviewer *.mp3 mp3info
fileviewer *.flac soxi
" Video
filextype *.avi,*.mp4,*.wmv,*.dat,*.3gp,*.ogv,*.mkv,*.mpg,*.mpeg,*.vob,
\ {View using ffplay}
\ ffplay -fs -autoexit %f,
\ {View using Dragon}
\ dragon %f:p,
\ {View using mplayer}
\ mplayer %f,
fileviewer *.avi,*.mp4,*.wmv,*.dat,*.3gp,*.ogv,*.mkv,*.mpg,*.mpeg,*.vob,
\ ffprobe -pretty %c 2>&1
" Web
filextype *.html,*.htm
\ {Open with dwb}
\ dwb %f %i &,
\ {Open with firefox}
\ firefox %f &,
\ {Open with uzbl}
\ uzbl-browser %f %i &,
filetype *.html,*.htm links, lynx
" Object
filetype *.o nm %f | less
" Man page
filetype *.[1-8] man ./%c
fileviewer *.[1-8] man ./%c | col -b
" Images
filextype *.bmp,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.gif,*.xpm
\ {View in sxiv}
\ sxiv %f,
\ {View in gpicview}
\ gpicview %c,
\ {View in shotwell}
\ shotwell,
fileviewer *.bmp,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.gif,*.xpm
\ convert -identify %f -verbose /dev/null
" OpenRaster
filextype *.ora
\ {Edit in MyPaint}
\ mypaint %f,
" Mindmap
filextype *.vym
\ {Open with VYM}
\ vym %f &,
" MD5
filetype *.md5
\ {Check MD5 hash sum}
\ md5sum -c %f %S,
" SHA1
filetype *.sha1
\ {Check SHA1 hash sum}
\ sha1sum -c %f %S,
" SHA256
filetype *.sha256
\ {Check SHA256 hash sum}
\ sha256sum -c %f %S,
" SHA512
filetype *.sha512
\ {Check SHA512 hash sum}
\ sha512sum -c %f %S,
" GPG signature
filetype *.asc
\ {Check signature}
\ !!gpg --verify %c,
" Torrent
filetype *.torrent ktorrent %f &
fileviewer *.torrent dumptorrent -v %c
" FuseZipMount
filetype *.zip,*.jar,*.war,*.ear,*.oxt,*.apkg
\ {Mount with fuse-zip}
\ {View contents}
\ zip -sf %c | less,
\ {Extract here}
\ tar -xf %c,
fileviewer *.zip,*.jar,*.war,*.ear,*.oxt zip -sf %c
" ArchiveMount
filetype *.tar,*.tar.bz2,*.tbz2,*.tgz,*.tar.gz,*.tar.xz,*.txz
\ {Mount with archivemount}
fileviewer *.tgz,*.tar.gz tar -tzf %c
fileviewer *.tar.bz2,*.tbz2 tar -tjf %c
fileviewer *.tar.txz,*.txz xz --list %c
fileviewer *.tar tar -tf %c
" Rar2FsMount and rar archives
filetype *.rar
\ {Mount with rar2fs}
fileviewer *.rar unrar v %c
" IsoMount
filetype *.iso
\ {Mount with fuseiso}
" SshMount
filetype *.ssh
\ {Mount with sshfs}
" FtpMount
filetype *.ftp
\ {Mount with curlftpfs}
\ FUSE_MOUNT2|curlftpfs -o ftp_port=-,,disable_eprt %PARAM %DESTINATION_DIR %FOREGROUND,
" Fuse7z and 7z archives
filetype *.7z
\ {Mount with fuse-7z}
fileviewer *.7z 7z l %c
" Office files
filextype *.odt,*.doc,*.docx,*.xls,*.xlsx,*.odp,*.pptx libreoffice %f &
fileviewer *.doc catdoc %c
fileviewer *.docx docx2txt.pl %f -
" TuDu files
filetype *.tudu tudu -f %c
" Qt projects
filextype *.pro qtcreator %f &
" Directories
filextype */
\ {View in thunar}
\ Thunar %f &,
" Syntax highlighting in preview
" Explicitly set highlight type for some extensions
" 256-color terminal
" fileviewer *.[ch],*.[ch]pp highlight -O xterm256 -s dante --syntax c %c
" fileviewer Makefile,Makefile.* highlight -O xterm256 -s dante --syntax make %c
" 16-color terminal
" fileviewer *.c,*.h highlight -O ansi -s dante %c
" Or leave it for automatic detection
" fileviewer *[^/] pygmentize -O style=monokai -f console256 -g
" Displaying pictures in terminal
" fileviewer *.jpg,*.png shellpic %c
" Open all other files with default system programs (you can also remove all
" :file[x]type commands above to ensure they don't interfere with system-wide
" settings). By default all unknown files are opened with 'vi[x]cmd'
" uncommenting one of lines below will result in ignoring 'vi[x]cmd' option
" for unknown file types.
" For *nix:
" filetype * xdg-open
" For OS X:
" filetype * open
" For Windows:
" filetype * start, explorer
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" What should be saved automatically between vifm runs
" Like in previous versions of vifm
" set vifminfo=options,filetypes,commands,bookmarks,dhistory,state,cs
" Like in vi
set vifminfo=
" set vifminfo=dhistory,savedirs,chistory,state,tui,shistory,
" \phistory,fhistory,dirstack,registers,bookmarks,bmarks
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Examples of configuring both panels
" Customize view columns a bit (enable ellipsis for truncated file names)
" set viewcolumns=-{name}..,6{}.
" Filter-out build and temporary files
" filter! /^.*\.(lo|o|d|class|py[co])$|.*~$/
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Sample mappings
" Start shell in current directory
" nnoremap s :shell<cr>
" Display sorting dialog
nnoremap s :sort<cr>
nnoremap S :sort<cr>
" Toggle visibility of preview window
nnoremap w :view<cr>
vnoremap w :view<cr>gv
" Open file in existing instance of gvim
nnoremap o :!gvim --remote-tab-silent %f<cr>
" Open file in new instance of gvim
" nnoremap O :!gvim %f<cr>
" Open file in the background using its default program
" nnoremap gb :file &<cr>l
" Yank current directory path into the clipboard
nnoremap yd :!echo %d | xclip %i<cr>
" Yank current file path into the clipboard
nnoremap yf :!echo %c:p | xclip %i<cr>
" Mappings for faster renaming
nnoremap I cw<c-a>
nnoremap cc cw<c-u>
nnoremap A cw
" Open console in current directory
nnoremap ,t :!st &<cr>
" Open editor to edit vifmrc and apply settings after returning to vifm
nnoremap ,c :write | edit $MYVIFMRC | restart<cr>
" Open gvim to edit vifmrc
" nnoremap ,C :!gvim --remote-tab-silent $MYVIFMRC &<cr>
" Toggle wrap setting on ,w key
nnoremap ,w :set wrap!<cr>
" Example of standard two-panel file managers mappings
nnoremap <f3> :!less %f<cr>
nnoremap <f4> :edit<cr>
nnoremap <f5> :copy<cr>
nnoremap <f6> :move<cr>
nnoremap <f7> :mkdir<space>
nnoremap <f8> :delete<cr>
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Various customization examples
" Use ag (the silver searcher) instead of grep
" set grepprg='ag --line-numbers %i %a %s'
" Add additional place to look for executables
" let $PATH = $HOME.'/bin/fuse:'.$PATH
" Block particular shortcut
" nnoremap <left> <nop>
" Export IPC name of current instance as environment variable and use it to
" communicate with the instance later.
" It can be used in some shell script that gets run from inside vifm, for
" example, like this:
" vifm --server-name "$VIFM_SERVER_NAME" --remote +"cd '$PWD'"
" let $VIFM_SERVER_NAME = v:servername

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
let g:netrw_dirhistmax =10
let g:netrw_dirhist_cnt =4
let g:netrw_dirhist_1='/home/lafrite/Cours/Prof/Enseignements/2017-2018/6e'
let g:netrw_dirhist_2='/home/lafrite/Cours/Prof/Enseignements/2017-2018/6e/Nombres_Calculs'
let g:netrw_dirhist_3='/home/lafrite/Cours/Prof/Enseignements/2017-2018/6e/Nombres_Calculs/Numerations_divers'
let g:netrw_dirhist_4='/home/lafrite/scripts/config/vim/bundle/TTCoach/macros/ttcoach/en'

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
snippet todo "A python todo mark" b
# TODO: ${1:desc} |`date`
snippet tvar "testing a variable" b
print("${1:Varname} -> ", $1)
# Unittest
snippet deftest "test function without docstrings" b
def test_${1:function}(`!p
if snip.indent:
snip.rv = 'self' `):

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
snippet index
${1: Title}
:date: ${2: `date +%Y-%m-%d`}
:modified: $2
:authors: Bertrand Benjamin
:category: ${3:Classe/niveau}
:tags: ${4:Themes}
:summary: $1
Étape 1: ${5}

View File

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
" Lines number
set number
" Always show the statusline
set laststatus=2
" Necessary to show Unicode glyphs
set encoding=utf8
" smart tab
set smartindent
" Tab to..?
set shiftround
" Display edition mode
set showmode
" Ignore case in search mode
set ignorecase
" Override the 'ignorecase' option if the search pattern
" contains upper case characters.
set smartcase
" Display uncomplete commands (??)
set showcmd
" Vim file name completion relative to current file
set autochdir
" While typing a search command, show immediately where the
" so far typed pattern matches.
set incsearch
" Use <C-L> to clear the highlighting of :set hlsearch.
set hlsearch
if maparg('<C-L>', 'n') ==# ''
nnoremap <silent> <C-L> :nohlsearch<C-R>=has('diff')?'<Bar>diffupdate':''<CR><CR><C-L>
" Turn on the WiLd menu
set wildmenu
" Ignore compiled files
set wildignore=*.o,*~,*.pyc,*.swp
" Wrap lines
set wrap
" Turn backup off, since most stuff is in SVN, git et.c anyway...
set nobackup
set noswapfile
" Having relative number for lines
set relativenumber
" Display tab and ends of lines
" Shortcut to rapidly toggle `set list`
nmap <leader>L :set list!<CR>
" Behaviour of tab
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
set expandtab
" Folding
set foldmethod=indent
" Use the same symbols as TextMate for tabstops and EOLs
" set listchars=tab:▸\ ,eol:¬
set listchars=nbsp,tab:··,trail,extends:▶,precedes:◀
" allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set history=50 " keep 50 lines of command line history
set ruler " show the cursor position all the time
" In many terminal emulators the mouse works just fine, thus enable it.
if has('mouse')
set mouse=a
" Decorations
" ====================
" Switch syntax highlighting on, when the terminal has colors
" Also switch on highlighting the last used search pattern.
if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running")
syntax on
" When set to "dark", Vim will try to use colors that look
" good on a dark background. When set to "light", Vim will
" try to use colors that look good on a light background.
" Any other value is illegal.
set background=dark
" Color Scheme
colorscheme zenburn
set cursorline
" Align blocks of text and keep them selected
vmap < <gv
vmap > >gv
" Spelling
" set spelllang=fr
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.{md,tex,rst} setlocal spell spelllang=fr
autocmd FileType tex,latex,markdown,md,rst setlocal spell spelllang=fr
" Remove trailing whitespace at the end of lines
autocmd BufWritePre * %s/\s\+$//e
" Different color for far columns
execute "set colorcolumn=" . join(range(81,335), ',')

View File

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
" lightline -> no need showmod
set noshowmode
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'selenized_dark',
\ 'active': {
\ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ],
\ [ 'gitbranch', 'readonly', 'filename', 'modified' ] ]
\ },
\ 'component_function': {
\ 'gitbranch': 'FugitiveHead'
\ },
\ }
" Supertab
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "context"
" Ultisnips
let g:ultisnips_python_style='sphinx'
let g:UltiSnipsEditSplit='vertical'
" Trigger configuration. Do not use <tab> if you use https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe.
" let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="tab"
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<c-k>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<c-k>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="<c-j>"
" Airline
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
let g:tmuxline_powerline_separators = 0
" Nerdtree
let NERDTreeIgnore = ['.pyc$']
"autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree
" Vim-notes
let g:notes_directories = ['~/Documents/Notes']
let g:notes_suffix = '.md'
" Ale
let g:ale_sign_column_always = 1
let g:ale_sign_error = '⚑'
let g:ale_sign_warning = '⚐'
" fzf
" Search and switch buffers
nmap <leader>b :Buffers<cr>
" Find files by name under the current directory
nmap <leader>f :GFiles<cr>
" Find files by name under the home directory
nmap <leader>h :Files ~/<cr>
" Search content in the current file
" nmap <leader>l :BLines<cr>
" Search content in the current file and in files under the current directory
" nmap <leader>g :Ag<cr>
" IndentLine
let g:indentLine_fileTypeExclude = ['tex']
" let g:indentLine_concealcursor = ''
" let g:indentLine_conceallevel = 1
" Vim-polyglot
" let g:LatexBox_no_mappings = 1
let g:polyglot_disabled = ["latex"]
" Vimtex
let g:vimtex_compiler_latexmk = {
\ 'backend' : 'jobs',
\ 'background' : 1,
\ 'build_dir' : '',
\ 'callback' : 0,
\ 'continuous' : 1,
\ 'options' : [
\ '-pdf',
\ '-verbose',
\ '-file-line-error',
\ '-synctex=1',
\ '-interaction=nonstopmode',
\ '-silent',
\ '-shell-escape',
\ ],
let g:vimtex_view_method = 'zathura'
" Les fichiers sty et cls sont vus comme des fichiers tex
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.{sty,cls} setlocal syntax=tex
autocmd FileType latex unmap <leader>ll
autocmd FileType latex nmap <leader>ll <plug>(vimtex-compile)

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
__all__ = []
# -----------------------------
# Reglages pour 'vim'
# vim:set autoindent expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
# cursor: 16 del

View File

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
noremap <Space> <Nop>
map <Space> <Leader>
let mapleader = "\<Space>"
let localleader = "\<Space>"
" set the runtime path to include plug.com and initialize
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
"" plug.vim management
Plug 'junegunn/vim-plug'
" Airline statusline
" Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
" Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim'
"" Basic config for vim
Plug 'tpope/vim-sensible'
" Git integration
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
" Nerdtree
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plug 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin'
"Plug 'jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs'
" Supertab (tab instead of ctrl-n or p
Plug 'ervandew/supertab'
" Special autocompletion
" Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
" Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
"Plug 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'
"Plug 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
" Change surround
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
"" Plug vimtex
" Plug 'lervag/vimtex'
" Asynchronous Lint Engine
" Plug 'w0rp/ale'
" Completion for python
" Plug 'davidhalter/jedi-vim'
" Code formating for python
" Plug 'python/black'
" Vim note taking plugin
" Plug 'xolox/vim-misc'
" Plug 'xolox/vim-notes'
" vuejs syntax
" Plug 'posva/vim-vue'
" Clever substitute
Plug 'tpope/tpope-vim-abolish'
" Repeat
Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat'
" Git on lines
Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
" Emmet
" Plug 'mattn/emmet-vim'
" Polyglot synthax hightlight autodetect
Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'
" Show indent lines
Plug 'Yggdroot/indentLine'
" fzf
" Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
" Tmux integration
Plug 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator'
" Python folding
" Plug 'kalekundert/vim-coiled-snake'
" Plug 'Konfekt/FastFold'
" Touch typing
" Plug 'vim-scripts/TTCoach'
" Distraction free writing
Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim'
""Plug 'edkolev/tmuxline.vim'
"Plug 'nvie/vim-flake8'
"Plug 'chriskempson/base16-vim'
"Plug 'chase/vim-ansible-yaml'
"Plug 'tmhedberg/SimpylFold'
"Plug 'vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc'
"Plug 'vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-syntax'
"Plug 'Rykka/riv.vim'
"Plug 'aperezdc/vim-template'
"" Color scheme
"Plug 'vim-scripts/Wombat'
"Plug 'fugalh/desert.vim'
Plug 'jnurmine/Zenburn'
"Plug 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
"Plug 'blockloop/vim-codeschool'
"Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'
" All of your Plugs must be added before the following line
call plug#end() " required
" import config from ./config
" runtime! config/**/*.vim
"runtime! config/*.vim
runtime! config/base.vim
runtime! config/plugins.vim
set conceallevel=0

View File

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
autoload -U compinit
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Za-z}' # menu select=2
zmodload zsh/complist
_comp_options+=(globdots) # Include hidden files.
# Prompt theme
# git clone https://github.com/sindresorhus/pure ~/.config/zsh/
autoload -U promptinit; promptinit
prompt pure
# Cursor for vimode
# ZLE hooks for prompt's vi mode status
function zle-line-init zle-keymap-select {
# Change the cursor style depending on keymap mode.
case $KEYMAP {
printf '\e[0 q' # Box.
printf '\e[6 q' # Vertical bar.
zle -N zle-line-init
zle -N zle-keymap-select
# Switch between vimode quickly
# Alias
## Colors
alias ls='ls --color'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
## Prompt when over right
alias cp='cp -iv'
alias mv='mv -iv'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias newsboat='tmux new -As newsboat newsboat'
# Autosuggestions
# git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions ~/.config/zsh/
source ~/.config/zsh/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh
ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=(history completion)
# Syntax Highlight
# git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting ~/.config/zsh/
source ~/.config/zsh/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
# Substring search
# git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search ~/.config/zsh
source ~/.config/zsh/zsh-history-substring-search/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh
# Ignore duplicate commands in history
bindkey '^[[A' history-substring-search-up
bindkey '^[[B' history-substring-search-down
bindkey -M vicmd 'k' history-substring-search-up
bindkey -M vicmd 'j' history-substring-search-down
# Auto-ls
source ~/.config/zsh/auto-ls/auto-ls.zsh
source ~/.config/zsh/completion.zsh
source ~/.config/zsh/key-bindings.zsh
_fzf_complete_pass() {
_fzf_complete '' "$@" < <(
command find ~/.password-store/ -name "*.gpg" | sed -r 's,(.*)\.password-store/(.*)\.gpg,\2,'

View File

@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
# ____ ____
# / __/___ / __/
# / /_/_ / / /_
# / __/ / /_/ __/
# /_/ /___/_/ completion.zsh
# - $FZF_TMUX (default: 0)
# - $FZF_TMUX_OPTS (default: '-d 40%')
# - $FZF_COMPLETION_TRIGGER (default: '**')
# - $FZF_COMPLETION_OPTS (default: empty)
# Both branches of the following `if` do the same thing -- define
# __fzf_completion_options such that `eval $__fzf_completion_options` sets
# all options to the same values they currently have. We'll do just that at
# the bottom of the file after changing options to what we prefer.
# IMPORTANT: Until we get to the `emulate` line, all words that *can* be quoted
# *must* be quoted in order to prevent alias expansion. In addition, code must
# be written in a way works with any set of zsh options. This is very tricky, so
# careful when you change it.
# Start by loading the builtin zsh/parameter module. It provides `options`
# associative array that stores current shell options.
if 'zmodload' 'zsh/parameter' 2>'/dev/null' && (( ${+options} )); then
# This is the fast branch and it gets taken on virtually all Zsh installations.
# ${(kv)options[@]} expands to array of keys (option names) and values ("on"
# or "off"). The subsequent expansion# with (j: :) flag joins all elements
# together separated by spaces. __fzf_completion_options ends up with a value
# like this: "options=(shwordsplit off aliases on ...)".
__fzf_completion_options="options=(${(j: :)${(kv)options[@]}})"
# This branch is much slower because it forks to get the names of all
# zsh options. It's possible to eliminate this fork but it's not worth the
# trouble because this branch gets taken only on very ancient or broken
# zsh installations.
() {
# That `()` above defines an anonymous function. This is essentially a scope
# for local parameters. We use it to avoid polluting global scope.
'local' '__fzf_opt'
# `set -o` prints one line for every zsh option. Each line contains option
# name, some spaces, and then either "on" or "off". We just want option names.
# Expansion with (@f) flag splits a string into lines. The outer expansion
# removes spaces and everything that follow them on every line. __fzf_opt
# ends up iterating over option names: shwordsplit, aliases, etc.
for __fzf_opt in "${(@)${(@f)$(set -o)}%% *}"; do
if [[ -o "$__fzf_opt" ]]; then
# Option $__fzf_opt is currently on, so remember to set it back on.
__fzf_completion_options+=" -o $__fzf_opt"
# Option $__fzf_opt is currently off, so remember to set it back off.
__fzf_completion_options+=" +o $__fzf_opt"
# The value of __fzf_completion_options here looks like this:
# "setopt +o shwordsplit -o aliases ..."
# Enable the default zsh options (those marked with <Z> in `man zshoptions`)
# but without `aliases`. Aliases in functions are expanded when functions are
# defined, so if we disable aliases here, we'll be sure to have no pesky
# aliases in any of our functions. This way we won't need prefix every
# command with `command` or to quote every word to defend against global
# aliases. Note that `aliases` is not the only option that's important to
# control. There are several others that could wreck havoc if they are set
# to values we don't expect. With the following `emulate` command we
# sidestep this issue entirely.
'emulate' 'zsh' '-o' 'no_aliases'
# This brace is the start of try-always block. The `always` part is like
# `finally` in lesser languages. We use it to *always* restore user options.
# Bail out if not interactive shell.
[[ -o interactive ]] || return 0
# To use custom commands instead of find, override _fzf_compgen_{path,dir}
if ! declare -f _fzf_compgen_path > /dev/null; then
_fzf_compgen_path() {
echo "$1"
command find -L "$1" \
-name .git -prune -o -name .hg -prune -o -name .svn -prune -o \( -type d -o -type f -o -type l \) \
-a -not -path "$1" -print 2> /dev/null | sed 's@^\./@@'
if ! declare -f _fzf_compgen_dir > /dev/null; then
_fzf_compgen_dir() {
command find -L "$1" \
-name .git -prune -o -name .hg -prune -o -name .svn -prune -o -type d \
-a -not -path "$1" -print 2> /dev/null | sed 's@^\./@@'
__fzf_comprun() {
if [[ "$(type _fzf_comprun 2>&1)" =~ function ]]; then
_fzf_comprun "$@"
elif [ -n "$TMUX_PANE" ] && { [ "${FZF_TMUX:-0}" != 0 ] || [ -n "$FZF_TMUX_OPTS" ]; }; then
if [ -n "$FZF_TMUX_OPTS" ]; then
fzf-tmux ${(Q)${(Z+n+)FZF_TMUX_OPTS}} -- "$@"
fzf-tmux -d ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} -- "$@"
fzf "$@"
# Extract the name of the command. e.g. foo=1 bar baz**<tab>
__fzf_extract_command() {
local token tokens
for token in $tokens; do
if [[ "$token" =~ [[:alnum:]] && ! "$token" =~ "=" ]]; then
echo "$token"
echo "${tokens[1]}"
__fzf_generic_path_completion() {
local base lbuf cmd compgen fzf_opts suffix tail dir leftover matches
cmd=$(__fzf_extract_command "$lbuf")
setopt localoptions nonomatch
eval "base=$base"
[[ $base = *"/"* ]] && dir="$base"
while [ 1 ]; do
if [[ -z "$dir" || -d ${dir} ]]; then
[ -z "$dir" ] && dir='.'
[ "$dir" != "/" ] && dir="${dir/%\//}"
matches=$(eval "$compgen $(printf %q "$dir")" | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--height ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} --reverse --bind=ctrl-z:ignore $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS $FZF_COMPLETION_OPTS" __fzf_comprun "$cmd" ${(Q)${(Z+n+)fzf_opts}} -q "$leftover" | while read item; do
echo -n "${(q)item}$suffix "
matches=${matches% }
if [ -n "$matches" ]; then
zle reset-prompt
dir=$(dirname "$dir")
_fzf_path_completion() {
__fzf_generic_path_completion "$1" "$2" _fzf_compgen_path \
"-m" "" " "
_fzf_dir_completion() {
__fzf_generic_path_completion "$1" "$2" _fzf_compgen_dir \
"" "/" ""
_fzf_feed_fifo() (
command rm -f "$1"
mkfifo "$1"
cat <&0 > "$1" &
_fzf_complete() {
setopt localoptions ksh_arrays
# Split arguments around --
local args rest str_arg i sep
for i in {0..${#args[@]}}; do
if [[ "${args[$i]}" = -- ]]; then
if [[ -n "$sep" ]]; then
rest=("${args[@]:$((sep + 1)):${#args[@]}}")
local fifo lbuf cmd matches post
cmd=$(__fzf_extract_command "$lbuf")
type $post > /dev/null 2>&1 || post=cat
_fzf_feed_fifo "$fifo"
matches=$(FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--height ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} --reverse --bind=ctrl-z:ignore $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS $FZF_COMPLETION_OPTS $str_arg" __fzf_comprun "$cmd" "${args[@]}" -q "${(Q)prefix}" < "$fifo" | $post | tr '\n' ' ')
if [ -n "$matches" ]; then
command rm -f "$fifo"
_fzf_complete_telnet() {
_fzf_complete +m -- "$@" < <(
command grep -v '^\s*\(#\|$\)' /etc/hosts | command grep -Fv '' |
awk '{if (length($2) > 0) {print $2}}' | sort -u
_fzf_complete_ssh() {
_fzf_complete +m -- "$@" < <(
setopt localoptions nonomatch
command cat <(command tail -n +1 ~/.ssh/config ~/.ssh/config.d/* /etc/ssh/ssh_config 2> /dev/null | command grep -i '^\s*host\(name\)\? ' | awk '{for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) print $1 " " $i}' | command grep -v '[*?]') \
<(command grep -oE '^[[a-z0-9.,:-]+' ~/.ssh/known_hosts | tr ',' '\n' | tr -d '[' | awk '{ print $1 " " $1 }') \
<(command grep -v '^\s*\(#\|$\)' /etc/hosts | command grep -Fv '') |
awk '{if (length($2) > 0) {print $2}}' | sort -u
_fzf_complete_export() {
_fzf_complete -m -- "$@" < <(
declare -xp | sed 's/=.*//' | sed 's/.* //'
_fzf_complete_unset() {
_fzf_complete -m -- "$@" < <(
declare -xp | sed 's/=.*//' | sed 's/.* //'
_fzf_complete_unalias() {
_fzf_complete +m -- "$@" < <(
alias | sed 's/=.*//'
_fzf_complete_kill() {
_fzf_complete -m --preview 'echo {}' --preview-window down:3:wrap --min-height 15 -- "$@" < <(
command ps -ef | sed 1d
_fzf_complete_kill_post() {
awk '{print $2}'
fzf-completion() {
local tokens cmd prefix trigger tail matches lbuf d_cmds
setopt localoptions noshwordsplit noksh_arrays noposixbuiltins
# http://zsh.sourceforge.net/FAQ/zshfaq03.html
# http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Expansion.html#Parameter-Expansion-Flags
if [ ${#tokens} -lt 1 ]; then
zle ${fzf_default_completion:-expand-or-complete}
cmd=$(__fzf_extract_command "$LBUFFER")
# Explicitly allow for empty trigger.
[ -z "$trigger" -a ${LBUFFER[-1]} = ' ' ] && tokens+=("")
# When the trigger starts with ';', it becomes a separate token
if [[ ${LBUFFER} = *"${tokens[-2]}${tokens[-1]}" ]]; then
tail=${LBUFFER:$(( ${#LBUFFER} - ${#trigger} ))}
# Kill completion (do not require trigger sequence)
if [ "$cmd" = kill -a ${LBUFFER[-1]} = ' ' ]; then
# Trigger sequence given
if [ ${#tokens} -gt 1 -a "$tail" = "$trigger" ]; then
d_cmds=(${=FZF_COMPLETION_DIR_COMMANDS:-cd pushd rmdir})
[ -z "$trigger" ] && prefix=${tokens[-1]} || prefix=${tokens[-1]:0:-${#trigger}}
[ -n "${tokens[-1]}" ] && lbuf=${lbuf:0:-${#tokens[-1]}}
if eval "type _fzf_complete_${cmd} > /dev/null"; then
prefix="$prefix" eval _fzf_complete_${cmd} ${(q)lbuf}
zle reset-prompt
elif [ ${d_cmds[(i)$cmd]} -le ${#d_cmds} ]; then
_fzf_dir_completion "$prefix" "$lbuf"
_fzf_path_completion "$prefix" "$lbuf"
# Fall back to default completion
zle ${fzf_default_completion:-expand-or-complete}
[ -z "$fzf_default_completion" ] && {
binding=$(bindkey '^I')
[[ $binding =~ 'undefined-key' ]] || fzf_default_completion=$binding[(s: :w)2]
unset binding
zle -N fzf-completion
bindkey '^I' fzf-completion
} always {
# Restore the original options.
eval $__fzf_completion_options
'unset' '__fzf_completion_options'

View File

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
# ____ ____
# / __/___ / __/
# / /_/_ / / /_
# / __/ / /_/ __/
# /_/ /___/_/ key-bindings.zsh
# Key bindings
# ------------
# The code at the top and the bottom of this file is the same as in completion.zsh.
# Refer to that file for explanation.
if 'zmodload' 'zsh/parameter' 2>'/dev/null' && (( ${+options} )); then
__fzf_key_bindings_options="options=(${(j: :)${(kv)options[@]}})"
() {
'local' '__fzf_opt'
for __fzf_opt in "${(@)${(@f)$(set -o)}%% *}"; do
if [[ -o "$__fzf_opt" ]]; then
__fzf_key_bindings_options+=" -o $__fzf_opt"
__fzf_key_bindings_options+=" +o $__fzf_opt"
'emulate' 'zsh' '-o' 'no_aliases'
[[ -o interactive ]] || return 0
# CTRL-T - Paste the selected file path(s) into the command line
__fsel() {
local cmd="${FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND:-"command find -L . -mindepth 1 \\( -path '*/\\.*' -o -fstype 'sysfs' -o -fstype 'devfs' -o -fstype 'devtmpfs' -o -fstype 'proc' \\) -prune \
-o -type f -print \
-o -type d -print \
-o -type l -print 2> /dev/null | cut -b3-"}"
setopt localoptions pipefail no_aliases 2> /dev/null
local item
eval "$cmd" | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--height ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} --reverse --bind=ctrl-z:ignore $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS $FZF_CTRL_T_OPTS" $(__fzfcmd) -m "$@" | while read item; do
echo -n "${(q)item} "
local ret=$?
return $ret
__fzfcmd() {
[ -n "$TMUX_PANE" ] && { [ "${FZF_TMUX:-0}" != 0 ] || [ -n "$FZF_TMUX_OPTS" ]; } &&
echo "fzf-tmux ${FZF_TMUX_OPTS:--d${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%}} -- " || echo "fzf"
fzf-file-widget() {
local ret=$?
zle reset-prompt
return $ret
zle -N fzf-file-widget
bindkey '^T' fzf-file-widget
# ALT-C - cd into the selected directory
fzf-cd-widget() {
local cmd="${FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND:-"command find -L . -mindepth 1 \\( -path '*/\\.*' -o -fstype 'sysfs' -o -fstype 'devfs' -o -fstype 'devtmpfs' -o -fstype 'proc' \\) -prune \
-o -type d -print 2> /dev/null | cut -b3-"}"
setopt localoptions pipefail no_aliases 2> /dev/null
local dir="$(eval "$cmd" | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--height ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} --reverse --bind=ctrl-z:ignore $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS $FZF_ALT_C_OPTS" $(__fzfcmd) +m)"
if [[ -z "$dir" ]]; then
zle redisplay
return 0
zle push-line # Clear buffer. Auto-restored on next prompt.
BUFFER="cd ${(q)dir}"
zle accept-line
local ret=$?
unset dir # ensure this doesn't end up appearing in prompt expansion
zle reset-prompt
return $ret
zle -N fzf-cd-widget
bindkey '\ec' fzf-cd-widget
# CTRL-R - Paste the selected command from history into the command line
fzf-history-widget() {
local selected num
setopt localoptions noglobsubst noposixbuiltins pipefail no_aliases 2> /dev/null
selected=( $(fc -rl 1 | perl -ne 'print if !$seen{(/^\s*[0-9]+\**\s+(.*)/, $1)}++' |
FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--height ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS -n2..,.. --tiebreak=index --bind=ctrl-r:toggle-sort,ctrl-z:ignore $FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS --query=${(qqq)LBUFFER} +m" $(__fzfcmd)) )
local ret=$?
if [ -n "$selected" ]; then
if [ -n "$num" ]; then
zle vi-fetch-history -n $num
zle reset-prompt
return $ret
zle -N fzf-history-widget
bindkey '^R' fzf-history-widget
} always {
eval $__fzf_key_bindings_options
'unset' '__fzf_key_bindings_options'

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
export TERM='rxvt-256color'
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$HOME/.config
# editor
export EDITOR="nvim"
export VISUAL="nvim"
# zsh
export HISTFILE="$ZDOTDIR/.zhistory" # History filepath
export HISTSIZE=10000 # Maximum events for internal history
export SAVEHIST=10000 # Maximum events in history file

View File

@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
# An example configuration file for MPD.
# Read the user manual for documentation: http://www.musicpd.org/doc/user/
# Files and directories #######################################################
# This setting controls the top directory which MPD will search to discover the
# available audio files and add them to the daemon's online database. This
# setting defaults to the XDG directory, otherwise the music directory will be
# be disabled and audio files will only be accepted over ipc socket (using
# file:// protocol) or streaming files over an accepted protocol.
music_directory "{{ music_dir }}"
# This setting sets the MPD internal playlist directory. The purpose of this
# directory is storage for playlists created by MPD. The server will use
# playlist files not created by the server but only if they are in the MPD
# format. This setting defaults to playlist saving being disabled.
playlist_directory "~/.mpd/playlists"
# This setting sets the location of the MPD database. This file is used to
# load the database at server start up and store the database while the
# server is not up. This setting defaults to disabled which will allow
# MPD to accept files over ipc socket (using file:// protocol) or streaming
# files over an accepted protocol.
db_file "~/.mpd/database"
# These settings are the locations for the daemon log files for the daemon.
# These logs are great for troubleshooting, depending on your log_level
# settings.
# The special value "syslog" makes MPD use the local syslog daemon. This
# setting defaults to logging to syslog.
log_file "syslog"
# This setting sets the location of the file which stores the process ID
# for use of mpd --kill and some init scripts. This setting is disabled by
# default and the pid file will not be stored.
pid_file "~/.mpd/pid"
# This setting sets the location of the file which contains information about
# most variables to get MPD back into the same general shape it was in before
# it was brought down. This setting is disabled by default and the server
# state will be reset on server start up.
state_file "~/.mpd/state"
# The location of the sticker database. This is a database which
# manages dynamic information attached to songs.
sticker_file "~/.mpd/sticker.sql"
# General music daemon options ################################################
# This setting specifies the user that MPD will run as. MPD should never run as
# root and you may use this setting to make MPD change its user ID after
# initialization. This setting is disabled by default and MPD is run as the
# current user.
#user "nobody"
# This setting specifies the group that MPD will run as. If not specified
# primary group of user specified with "user" setting will be used (if set).
# This is useful if MPD needs to be a member of group such as "audio" to
# have permission to use sound card.
#group "nogroup"
# This setting sets the address for the daemon to listen on. Careful attention
# should be paid if this is assigned to anything other then the default, any.
# This setting can deny access to control of the daemon. Not effective if
# systemd socket activiation is in use.
# For network
#bind_to_address "any"
# And for Unix Socket
#bind_to_address "~/.mpd/socket"
# This setting is the TCP port that is desired for the daemon to get assigned
# to.
#port "6600"
# This setting controls the type of information which is logged. Available
# setting arguments are "default", "secure" or "verbose". The "verbose" setting
# argument is recommended for troubleshooting, though can quickly stretch
# available resources on limited hardware storage.
#log_level "default"
# Setting "restore_paused" to "yes" puts MPD into pause mode instead
# of starting playback after startup.
#restore_paused "no"
# This setting enables MPD to create playlists in a format usable by other
# music players.
#save_absolute_paths_in_playlists "no"
# This setting defines a list of tag types that will be extracted during the
# audio file discovery process. The complete list of possible values can be
# found in the user manual.
#metadata_to_use "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc"
# This example just enables the "comment" tag without disabling all
# the other supported tags:
#metadata_to_use "+comment"
# This setting enables automatic update of MPD's database when files in
# music_directory are changed.
auto_update "yes"
# Limit the depth of the directories being watched, 0 means only watch
# the music directory itself. There is no limit by default.
#auto_update_depth "3"
# Symbolic link behavior ######################################################
# If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following
# symbolic links outside of the configured music_directory.
#follow_outside_symlinks "yes"
# If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following
# symbolic links inside of the configured music_directory.
#follow_inside_symlinks "yes"
# Zeroconf / Avahi Service Discovery ##########################################
# If this setting is set to "yes", service information will be published with
# Zeroconf / Avahi.
#zeroconf_enabled "yes"
# The argument to this setting will be the Zeroconf / Avahi unique name for
# this MPD server on the network. %h will be replaced with the hostname.
#zeroconf_name "Music Player @ %h"
# Permissions #################################################################
# If this setting is set, MPD will require password authorization. The password
# setting can be specified multiple times for different password profiles.
#password "password@read,add,control,admin"
# This setting specifies the permissions a user has who has not yet logged in.
#default_permissions "read,add,control,admin"
# Database #######################################################################
#database {
# plugin "proxy"
# host "other.mpd.host"
# port "6600"
# Input #######################################################################
input {
plugin "curl"
# proxy "proxy.isp.com:8080"
# proxy_user "user"
# proxy_password "password"
# Audio Output ################################################################
# MPD supports various audio output types, as well as playing through multiple
# audio outputs at the same time, through multiple audio_output settings
# blocks. Setting this block is optional, though the server will only attempt
# autodetection for one sound card.
audio_output {
type "pulse"
name "pulse audio"
# Normalization automatic volume adjustments ##################################
# This setting specifies the type of ReplayGain to use. This setting can have
# the argument "off", "album", "track" or "auto". "auto" is a special mode that
# chooses between "track" and "album" depending on the current state of
# random playback. If random playback is enabled then "track" mode is used.
# See <http://www.replaygain.org> for more details about ReplayGain.
# This setting is off by default.
#replaygain "album"
# This setting sets the pre-amp used for files that have ReplayGain tags. By
# default this setting is disabled.
#replaygain_preamp "0"
# This setting sets the pre-amp used for files that do NOT have ReplayGain tags.
# By default this setting is disabled.
#replaygain_missing_preamp "0"
# This setting enables or disables ReplayGain limiting.
# MPD calculates actual amplification based on the ReplayGain tags
# and replaygain_preamp / replaygain_missing_preamp setting.
# If replaygain_limit is enabled MPD will never amplify audio signal
# above its original level. If replaygain_limit is disabled such amplification
# might occur. By default this setting is enabled.
#replaygain_limit "yes"
# This setting enables on-the-fly normalization volume adjustment. This will
# result in the volume of all playing audio to be adjusted so the output has
# equal "loudness". This setting is disabled by default.
#volume_normalization "no"
# Character Encoding ##########################################################
# If file or directory names do not display correctly for your locale then you
# may need to modify this setting.
#filesystem_charset "UTF-8"

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
worker_processes 1;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
# Use a custom log format that will show response times and cache status
log_format archmirror '$remote_addr - $upstream_cache_status [$time_local] $request_method $host$request_uri $server_protocol $status $body_bytes_sent $request_time $upstream_response_time';
# Configure the cache directory, size and keys
proxy_cache_path /srv/http/pacman-cache
levels=1:2 keys_zone=archmirror:60m
inactive=365d use_temp_path=off max_size=3g;
server {
listen 8080;
server_name cache.local;
access_log /var/log/nginx/archmirror.access.log archmirror;
error_log /var/log/nginx/archmirror.error.log;
# Force proxy to use TLS for upstream server requests
proxy_ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
# Use previously negotiated connection parameters
proxy_ssl_session_reuse on;
# Enables revalidation of expired cache items using conditional requests with the "If-Modified-Since" and "If-None-Match" header fields.
proxy_cache_revalidate on;
# Only one request at a time will be allowed to populate a new cache element
proxy_cache_lock on;
# Cache any responses for 1 minute by default, can be overridden by more specific response codes
proxy_cache_valid any 1m;
# Keep connections to upstream server open
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "";
proxy_read_timeout 300;
proxy_connect_timeout 300;
location / {
proxy_pass http://mirror.archlinux.ikoula.com;
proxy_cache archmirror; # This directive should match the keys_zone option
proxy_cache_valid 200 5m;
proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout invalid_header updating http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;
# Add some cache status headers for debugging purposes, you can remove these lines if you want
add_header X-Upstream-Status $upstream_status;
add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status;

View File

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
# $OpenBSD: sshd_config,v 1.102 2018/02/16 02:32:40 djm Exp $
# This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file. See
# sshd_config(5) for more information.
# This sshd was compiled with PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin
# The strategy used for options in the default sshd_config shipped with
# OpenSSH is to specify options with their default value where
# possible, but leave them commented. Uncommented options override the
# default value.
#Port 22
#AddressFamily any
#ListenAddress ::
#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
# Ciphers and keying
#RekeyLimit default none
# Logging
#SyslogFacility AUTH
#LogLevel INFO
# Authentication:
#LoginGraceTime 2m
#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
#StrictModes yes
#MaxAuthTries 6
#MaxSessions 10
#PubkeyAuthentication yes
# The default is to check both .ssh/authorized_keys and .ssh/authorized_keys2
# but this is overridden so installations will only check .ssh/authorized_keys
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
#AuthorizedPrincipalsFile none
#AuthorizedKeysCommand none
#AuthorizedKeysCommandUser nobody
# For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
#HostbasedAuthentication no
# Change to yes if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for
# HostbasedAuthentication
#IgnoreUserKnownHosts no
# Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files
#IgnoreRhosts yes
# To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here!
#PasswordAuthentication yes
#PermitEmptyPasswords no
# Change to no to disable s/key passwords
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
# Kerberos options
#KerberosAuthentication no
#KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes
#KerberosTicketCleanup yes
#KerberosGetAFSToken no
# GSSAPI options
#GSSAPIAuthentication no
#GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes
# Set this to 'yes' to enable PAM authentication, account processing,
# and session processing. If this is enabled, PAM authentication will
# be allowed through the ChallengeResponseAuthentication and
# PasswordAuthentication. Depending on your PAM configuration,
# PAM authentication via ChallengeResponseAuthentication may bypass
# the setting of "PermitRootLogin without-password".
# If you just want the PAM account and session checks to run without
# PAM authentication, then enable this but set PasswordAuthentication
# and ChallengeResponseAuthentication to 'no'.
UsePAM yes
#AllowAgentForwarding yes
#AllowTcpForwarding yes
#GatewayPorts no
#X11Forwarding no
#X11DisplayOffset 10
#X11UseLocalhost yes
#PermitTTY yes
PrintMotd no # pam does that
#PrintLastLog yes
#TCPKeepAlive yes
#UseLogin no
#PermitUserEnvironment no
#Compression delayed
#ClientAliveInterval 0
#ClientAliveCountMax 3
#UseDNS no
#PidFile /run/sshd.pid
#MaxStartups 10:30:100
#PermitTunnel no
#ChrootDirectory none
#VersionAddendum none
# no default banner path
#Banner none
# override default of no subsystems
Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server
# Example of overriding settings on a per-user basis
#Match User anoncvs
# X11Forwarding no
# AllowTcpForwarding no
# PermitTTY no
# ForceCommand cvs server

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIO8yazGCU0ibycAR8MpIwQMGt39TzNhMdPH20+t/YjP3 waha@Choux-2020-03-15

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILA5ZkwTDD6UM6e/J2p0QtZz6h+9dVgjldRyUARe5h54 waha@Choux-2020-03-16

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIC+43qSvi4NJXHZRmtf5x31mK46aa0T7hr4q3SGIYMit lafrite@Choux-2020-07-16

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAmb61dPl1s7oAPfsmNr9SEUYS22XGZb/nei3HySGHsM waha@Combava-2021-01-02

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIN70/wXJo0+H4IH05kaeWbhZHD4PWInWZ+/RkS+iDOkK waha@Combava-2020-03-23

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIJDrUg73h/Junk2Bw2yrEW5GZ/feso3q3TmH2bZ4vTl waha@Combava-2020-03-23

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIA7nADr+vFmnLTRdOwOMObDh0IoXhMpFAu64v5PioCNp lafrite@Combava-2020-07-17

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJUqG2jXhu8S4LIeaMCzXhR27TU85OJZzQF1Qmi21VL2 lafrite@Poivre

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